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Posts posted by steadygaze

  1. Hi precious ones it has been a long time since I have been on here. It seemed like the dreaming stopped. However the Lord gave me one this morning.

    Dream Crystal Sea Tsunami 3-21-2019

    I was living by the ocean. My friend Pam and Mike were living on the ocean in a small trailer and Mike had a pretty dark blue pickup parked next to their trailer. A huge beautiful crystal clear blue wave came and I surfed that huge wave. It was awesome! I began to take pictures while I was walking around and I kept seeing glimpses of my surfing pictures that I had taken or someone had taken as I was walking. It was like snapshots of me riding the beautiful wave kept appearing in front of my eyes. I looked down to Pam and Mike’s trailer and Mike’s truck parked next to it. I knew Mike and Pam were at church and it was a Sunday. So as I looked at their trailer the waves kept getting bigger and coming closer to their trailer and truck. Other people lived down by the ocean too where Mike and Pam were. I turned around for a second and then turned back towards the trailer to look again and the Ocean completely swallowed up Mike and Pam’s trailer along with other peoples places. I could not believe how beautiful the ocean was so crystal clear and blue I was mesmerized by it. I immediately knew I had to contact Pam and Mike and tell them their trailer was gone. Then my phone range in the natural and I woke up.

  2. Hello and Blessings it has been a long time since I have been on here. My dream life seemed to stop for several years. Here I am in Christ with a dream.

    I am with a friend but do not know here in real life. We went out to a restaurant bar for dinner. We order a drink and then we are chatting. The next thing I know my friend says," we should order a restaurant bar drink. I had no idea what that was. It seemed like their signature drink or something. Before I knew it the bartender came over and my friend ordered us the restaurant bar drink. The bartender comes back with two small blenders with drinks in them. My friends blender had mixed drinks and I had red wine in mine. I thought to myself," How did he know I liked red wine because I did not tell him what drink I wanted? The next thing was how am I going to drink all this red wine. lol

  3. Hello and blessings dear ones.

    Dream about People leaving and being pulled away by someone else in the church.. 1-17-2017

    I went to visit my friends Sam and Nick's church in Ca. I took a train or a bus or something. I was amazed at the cowed he had in his church. I was glad to see them. I was sitting there while we were in worship Sunday morning asking the Lord if there is anything He wanted to speak. I was hearing some things for the church. So when worship stopped I went up and told Nick that I had a word. So he had me follow him into this room where these shutters were and he handed me a mic. Then he could not get the shutters open so people could see me while I delivered the word and I am wondering why are we behind this wall with shutters. It was like that was the platform. So I try to speak into the mic to explain to people who I am and how I know my friends but then my tongue gets tied and my brain freezes trying to remember my friends last name. I think there is a confusing Spirit here. Then after a few minutes I find out the mic is not even turned on while I am talking to them while Nick is fiddling with the shutters. Finally my friend Nick gets the shutters open and the whole audience is gone. I am standing there going I cannot believe this! Nick said, oh this other guy who is here must have called them away. It seemed like there was someone that was pulling the people in the opposite direction in the church and I think it was another pastor or someone who was going against Nick and what that person was doing was subtle that it almost seemed like Nick was use to it or, immune to it, or felt helpless against it .I was like wow this is very strange. I asked the Lord why in the heck did the crowed leave!? Why did they get so pulled by this person? What Spirit is operating here?

    Thanks for any help you can give.

  4. I dreamed that I was living in a trailer and all of the sudden the earth began to shake. I thought to myself oh no, I need to go out side the trailer is a hazard if things fell on it! So I ran outside but the ground was shaking so hard and it roared that I went back into the trailer and waited till it was over. I was amazed about just how violently it shook but it did not cause any damage and everything was still in place. Suddenly I woke up.

  5. Hi Precious ones it has been a very long time since I have been on this site.

    Here is the dream

    I had this dream that this man I know which I do not know in real life built an add on to his home and it was made out of those big white PC pipes. I was like wow that is so cool!  wow  He looks right at me and says, He can build anything. Then I wake up from that dream but then I go back into the dream again and this time this man Built this HUGE house out of this huge PC pipe. I was like wow that is way cool! what  He looks at me and says," I can take anything and make something out of it." Then he smiled at me again." It was built in away water could run through the walls of the house.I was taken back it was amazing!! wow

    I felt the Lord presence when I woke up.

    Thanks and blessings

  6. Hi all it has been a long time since I have posted a dream on here.


    I was observing in this dream about a friend of mine. He had found out about these high tech new dental chairs.They were interesting because they had straps to tie people in. I thought they were very strange, I did not like the looks of them. It reminded me of like the gas chamber and people were strapped to chairs and gassed or something. To my friend he thought they were like new toys or something. So he would take initiative and build them in places he had no permission.He was really ticking people off. Then he went to Walmart and he built these high tech dentist chairs in the bathrooms there. The boss came and had seen he built these chairs without permission. The boss was so mad and grabbed my friend and took him out of the bathroom and was going to arrest him for building things he had no permission to build. He made everyone mad and now he was going to pay the consequences, he was going to go to jail..

    I have a sense of what this dream means but not sure why or what the dental chairs mean. To me it was a toy to him and without permission he did things that ticked people off.To me Walmart represents two things, family and a business.

  7. Hello all and blessings it has been awhile since being on this site. I am wondering if any of you live in the DC area. The Lord is sending me there to deliver a word and I know nothing about DC. I am trusting and fallowing the leading of the Holy Spirit. I would love to connect with you if you live in that area. Please let me know.

    Many Blessings to you Beloved ones.

  8. I was with a very small remnant of people. We had all went into a vision of another blood bath that was about to take place if we did not find the operation room here in America. The operation room was like a control room where everything is ran from that place to take lives and had weapons and stuff.. We had to make sure we would find the right one because there were several that looked the same. We prayed and we found the one we felt or sensed was the right one and we began to climb the stairs to it. It was like a small lifeguard tower you would see on the beach only the building was a little bigger and was built on sand by the ocean. It reminded me of the San Diego beaches where I grew up. We had to get there in times or lives would be killed. The peoples lives depended on us.

  9. Hello precious ones. I had a strange dream.


    I was doing missions in the U.S or abroad not sure but I was in a new place living in a foreign place. All of a sudden I cough up a whole globe of this white like thick whip cream stuff and inside it are two silver metal frames like pins and rods that are in my neck. I am taken  back and feel like I need to go to the hospital. I get in and I see this lady doctor. I tell er about the white stuff and there were all these people on a gurney's in one room every where. She had all these interns learning to become doctors. She was real nice and even kept calling me her daughter because there was a connection in the spirit we became friends. When She walked away I told her intern I forgot to tell her I had two silver metal frames come out too. So I had to run home and get the white stuff I saved and the frames that where in the white stuff that came out. I went back and told another doctor who was familiar with me that I had the stuff and she said I know what it is. Then I woke up.

    Any ideas?

  10. Hello and Blessings

    I am wondering if anyone here lives in New Orleans? I will be in town and would love to connect. The Lord is sending me there to seek out the land so to speak and I am raising up a new ministry.

    Please contact me and let me know.


  11. I had a dream that someone gave me a new truck! I was so excited!! The truck was unusual. It was very different from the rest. Inside the cab it was like a king cab only the seating was different. Inside the cab the seating was positioned in a circle around the cab. It was so cool looking and like I said very unique. I could carry more passengers in it. I thought wow my friend Marie would like this cause it carries several people. I looked down at the dash and it had only a few miles on it. I could not believe how the Lord blessed me with something very different that I needed. I had never had a new vehicle before..

  12. I had this dream

    I was with a friend who was a different nationality not sure which one but I do not know her in real life..We saw this star who was very popular she was in the public doing something. The star had allot of issues in her life and had been through soooo much. After the star had left my heart really went out to her so did my friends. My friend said let go to her mansion. I felt kind of funny about it because I sure was not one to fallow the stars and I am not a stalker. I went with my friend anyway because I thought maybe the Lord can use this to reach her heart. So we went but as soon as the stars car pulled up in the driveway I darted for the back door. I really felt like this poor star is going to think we are here to hurt her or want something from her and she does not need that.My heart was pure in really wanting to speak into her life. However I felt weird. So I told my friend I am going. So I am on the back porch and the sliding glass doors like the rest of the house windows had dark tinted windows for privacy. As I walking there I see the guards are in the back looking around and I ma thinking they are going to see me and arrest me. The funny part was they could not see me even though I was standing right in front of them when they were looking through glass outside. They finally leave and so I go out in the backyard to escape. There were all these boulder rocks because this mansion was on a big hill. I was like oh no my shoes were somewhere in the house so I had to climb back up a little bit to the house. All of a sudden the lady who is a star is standing there waiting for me to come back up and grab my shoes. She say's to me as I am trying to sneak by her that she loves my friend with a big smile on her face as she was amused at my sneakiness. lol I said oh good. She invited me in to join them for lunch. As we are all around the table and her husband who also is a star is cooking something in me rises up. We have a glass in our hand with something in it. I raise mine up and I declare these words. THANK YOU LORD FOR HEALTHY FRIENDS, FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OUR HEARTS IN THERE BEST INTEREST FROM THIS DAY FORWARD.CAUSE THOSE WHO HAVE DECEPTION IN THEIR HEART AND WANT WHAT WE HAVE WITH EVIL THOUGHTS PLOTTED IN THEIR HEARTS FOIL AND TURN AGAINST THEM. AMEN! The star looked at me funny and said, " OH K. Like that was weird she had yet to understand I was declaring the word of the Lord over her from that day forward. The husband cooked potatoes and some meat and I complimented his food. I knew a new friendship began and the Lord was going to use my friend and I for His glory in her life.
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  13. Dream moving in a new antique house and a night guard mouth piece.

    My friends Marie and Jeff and me along with our friends Bruce and Sharon moved into a new place. This new house was different it was older antique like, but more spacious. The interesting part was that it was furnished and only had two rooms. Our first day there we were exploring the place. Bruce was putting his shoes on while Sharon stood watching him. I asked where they were off to. Bruce said, " I have to move on and go somewhere else. Then they left. I thought it was a bit odd we had just moved in. Then Marie and Jeff went into their master bedroom while I explored my new bed room. There was a lonely feeling about this new spacious house. I went into the room it had two single beds side by side and a big antique dresser. In fact it seemed like everything was antique in this house. On the dresser there was this old mouth piece night guard to keep you teeth from grinding when you sleep at night. It too was antique. I looked at it closely trying to figure out how it worked. It was two small round pieces and some how they fit together to stop someone from grinding their teeth.I was fascinated by it because it was very antique. I thought it was odd to have something like that in the house we just moved into and in my room of all places. Then we all decided to go to bed and get some sleep so, I put my night guard in my mouth and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and the antique night guard was in my mouth and I am wondering how did that get there!! I spit it out thinking there might be germs on it. Then I got up and was hoping Marie and Jeff would get up and join me for coffee in our new home. I knew this place had a history because everything in it was antique.... I felt like it was a time piece out of the Bible. Like I was felt out of place and yet fascinated, lonely but curious of our new place. It was different and I had to get use it it.

  14. Dream

    I was doing something in America and these terrorist tried to kill me and a friend,they were chasing us. Some how we got away and came back to school. Then I was attending this school I think it was like a supernatural school of ministry. People I knew were like family who ran it. In my dorm room one of the terrorist began to speak to me through my wall it was as if the middle east terrorist were living right next door in my country. Like in Israel where the wall separates them. They tore a hole in my wall to watch what I was doing and making threats. Well then I taped the hole to try and keep them from talking to me and threatening me in my own country. The next thing I know, my leaders at school have the main terrorist who tried to kill me and my friend stay there so we can meet him and be friends with him. Also he was going to be a guest speaker. I am like what are they crazy!! I know we are to love our enemy but they are playing with the devil. I was going into the bathroom to change and as I go in, my friend is in there hiding from the middle eastern terrorist who tried to kill us. I asked her what she is doing and she is like, I am not going out there this is crazy!! I said, “Well I need to get dressed”. So she is hiding away from the partial window in the bathroom and I am trying to hide from the window so no one sees me getting dressed it was a pretty small bathroom. As I am getting dressed, I can hear my leaders and the class talking around a long table to the terrorist. He seemed like he was nice and making excuses why they do what they do. I knew this guy was feeding them a bunch of crap...So my friend in the bathroom disguises herself in a wig and stuff so he does not know it is her he was trying to kill,by this time they head to the lounge chair and couches. I decide to come out and join them and I hoped this terrorist sees me because he did not know I was going to this school... I come out and the look on his face was priceless. I sit down and he is going on about his excuses about his religion and acting all nice. I could not take his crap anymore and I stood up and walked over to him and got in his face and said, “ You can lead someone to food but you cannot make them eat it.” He looked at me funny as if he did not understand.. Then I said, “You can lead someone to water but you cannot make them drink it right.?” He said yes, like what is the point. I got closer to his face and said,” Your country can change all it takes is a choice and you can help them make that choice if you wanted to,there is no excuses for what you and your country do....Then I left the building and went outside to water the beautiful garden we had. The next thing I know one of my friends from class came down to help me water. I said what are you doing out of class? She showed me her paperwork to excuse her from class and she said,” We loved the way you confronted the terrorist and most of the class is coming down to join us except the one girl who is the leaders pet. Then most of the class came down to join me and they all where encouraging me and telling way to stand up to the terrorist in class and hugging on me.

    Interesting dream.

  15. Interesting dream.

    I needed something from a church but I had to go through two very old churches to get to the church where I needed to get something. It was like I had to not be seen, like I was under cover or something. So I had to go through these two very old churches because it was a place of hiding so no one could see me. The three churches where in one row. When I come to the second old church that was like a barn it had this thing, I do not know how to describe it. It was this symbol thing with silver and gold trinkets on it and from inside the old barn church you would pull the lever and it would raise like a flag then go down like a flag. I had always wanted to raise it so, I pulled the lever and where it was located there was a ditch on the ground on my right side. The ditch went along all three churches on the right side of the churches. So I pulled the lever and the flag thingy went down and I could not get it to come back up. So I left it. Then I waited until everyone was gone from the church where I needed to go and get something from so people would not see me. The third church was very modernized and it had a splash of white paint that was thrown on it to look like it was up to date.

    I woke up not remember what I needed from this church

  16. Something Happened to Cyrus

    Post by steadygaze on Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:28 am
    Interesting dream I only remember the part I woke up to.

    I was working in the fields and someone came running up to me as fast as they could. This gal yelled out my name as she was running to me.I turned around because I sensed something was very wrong. She said, "Something horrible happened to Cyrus!! I said, "Which Cyrus, the young one or old one? She said, " The Older one."Then I came out of the dream knowing he had died.

    Now I do not know any Cyrus. I find this to be interesting. Please ask the Spirit what he is conveying. As I seek Him also.

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  17. Interesting dream I only remember the part I woke up to.

    I was working in the fields and someone came running up to me as fast as they could. This gal yelled out my name as she was running to me.I turned around because I sensed something was very wrong. She said, "Something horrible happened to Cyrus!! I said, "Which Cyrus, the young one or old one? She said, " The Older one."Then I came out of the dream knowing he had died.

    Now I do not know any Cyrus. I find this to be interesting. Please ask the Spirit what he is conveying. As I seek Him also.

  18. Dream about Twain and Las Vegas. July 2, 2014

    I was with someone or heard someone say a T word which I associated it with Twain. Then I went back home to my aunts house and some gal I knew from before who I do not know in real life moved in next door to my aunts house. I greeted this women I do not know in real life and she was living with these two huge guys. I had met the guy and began to tell them I was going to go to this T country. In Twain. Then the next thing I know I am at this huge gigantic church. The one lady and the two huge guys came with me to church. The church was segregated into three parts. On the left side of the church was on one level and the then in the middle of the church was on a lower level, and then on the right side of the church it was on the same level as the left side of the church. So all three parts of the church was filled with people. I was on the right side of the church. On my side there were these long tables and in the middle of these long tables was a swimming pool. So the long tables where set to make a square all around the pool. I sat facing the this long white chalk board and screen. My friend with one of the huge guys that came to church with me where also on my side, they were sitting at the end of the table to my right. The other guy was with the group in the center of the church. There were two men teaching us. They had this huge white screen come down and as they were teaching they had these tears come down their faces. I could see they were fake tears. I said to myself, “ They have Todd Bentley's fake tear crying anointing. (Not sure why I would say that have nothing against told Bentley) Then the huge man who came with me to church who was sitting in the center of the church came in and handed me a white envelope. I opened the envelope and it had a letter and 20 dollars dropped out of it. The letter read something like, “ We know your heart in the mission field and I want to support you and help you. He said all of these encouraging words. It was like this guy saw everything I had done even though he did not know me. Then he came walking in again to my table dropped another 20 dollar bill and he did this a several more times and said, “ I just want to bless your trip. Then the other guy who is on the right side of the table on my side of the church walks over and drops an envelope as well in front of me and smiles and returns to his seat. I open the letter and another 20 dollars falls out. I read the letter and it says, “ It says, “ I see you as a women of character and integrity and honor, I want to bless your next trip.” I thought to myself these guys do not even know me and they are sowing into me and talking as if they do know me more then the people that know me. I was floored.

    The next thing I know I am packed up and moving to Las Vegas and my friend Donna is with me in another car fallowing me to help me move. Then she drops off and vanishes and is no longer with me to help me. I am driving now in between two eighteen wheeler trucks on this narrow highway on my way to Las Vegas.

  19. Dream about Twain and Las Vegas. July 2, 2014

    I was with someone or heard someone say a T word which I associated it with Twain. Then I went back home to my aunts house and some gal I knew from before who I do not know in real life moved in next door to my aunts house. I greeted this women I do not know in real life and she was living with these two huge guys. I had met the guy and began to tell them I was going to go to this T country. In Twain. Then the next thing I know I am at this huge gigantic church. The one lady and the two huge guys came with me to church. The church was segregated into three parts. On the left side of the church was on one level and the then in the middle of the church was on a lower level, and then on the right side of the church it was on the same level as the left side of the church. So all three parts of the church was filled with people. I was on the right side of the church. On my side there were these long tables and in the middle of these long tables was a swimming pool. So the long tables where set to make a square all around the pool. I sat facing the this long white chalk board and screen. My friend with one of the huge guys that came to church with me where also on my side, they were sitting at the end of the table to my right. The other guy was with the group in the center of the church. There were two men teaching us. They had this huge white screen come down and as they were teaching they had these tears come down their faces. I could see they were fake tears. I said to myself, “ They have Todd Bentley's fake tear crying anointing. (Not sure why I would say that have nothing against told Bentley) Then the huge man who came with me to church who was sitting in the center of the church came in and handed me a white envelope. I opened the envelope and it had a letter and 20 dollars dropped out of it. The letter read something like, “ We know your heart in the mission field and I want to support you and help you. He said all of these encouraging words. It was like this guy saw everything I had done even though he did not know me. Then he came walking in again to my table dropped another 20 dollar bill and he did this a several more times and said, “ I just want to bless your trip. Then the other guy who is on the right side of the table on my side of the church walks over and drops an envelope as well in front of me and smiles and returns to his seat. I open the letter and another 20 dollars falls out. I read the letter and it says, “ It says, “ I see you as a women of character and integrity and honor, I want to bless your next trip.” I thought to myself these guys do not even know me and they are sowing into me and talking as if they do know me more then the people that know me. I was floored.

    The next thing I know I am packed up and moving to Las Vegas and my friend Donna is with me in another car fallowing me to help me move. Then she drops off and vanishes and is no longer with me to help me. I am driving now in between two eighteen wheeler trucks on this narrow highway on my way to Las Vegas.

  20. Dream about Twain and Las Vegas. July 2, 2014

    I was with someone or heard someone say a T word which I associated it with Twain. Then I went back home to my aunts house and some gal I knew from before who I do not know in real life moved in next door to my aunts house. I greeted this women I do not know in real life and she was living with these two huge guys. I had met the guy and began to tell them I was going to go to this T country. In Twain. Then the next thing I know I am at this huge gigantic church. The one lady and the two huge guys came with me to church. The church was segregated into three parts. On the left side of the church was on one level and the then in the middle of the church was on a lower level, and then on the right side of the church it was on the same level as the left side of the church. So all three parts of the church was filled with people. I was on the right side of the church. On my side there were these long tables and in the middle of these long tables was a swimming pool. So the long tables where set to make a square all around the pool. I sat facing the this long white chalk board and screen. My friend with one of the huge guys that came to church with me where also on my side, they were sitting at the end of the table to my right. The other guy was with the group in the center of the church. There were two men teaching us. They had this huge white screen come down and as they were teaching they had these tears come down their faces. I could see they were fake tears. I said to myself, “ They have Todd Bentley's fake tear crying anointing. (Not sure why I would say that have nothing against told Bentley) Then the huge man who came with me to church who was sitting in the center of the church came in and handed me a white envelope. I opened the envelope and it had a letter and 20 dollars dropped out of it. The letter read something like, “ We know your heart in the mission field and I want to support you and help you. He said all of these encouraging words. It was like this guy saw everything I had done even though he did not know me. Then he came walking in again to my table dropped another 20 dollar bill and he did this a several more times and said, “ I just want to bless your trip. Then the other guy who is on the right side of the table on my side of the church walks over and drops an envelope as well in front of me and smiles and returns to his seat. I open the letter and another 20 dollars falls out. I read the letter and it says, “ It says, “ I see you as a women of character and integrity and honor, I want to bless your next trip.” I thought to myself these guys do not even know me and they are sowing into me and talking as if they do know me more then the people that know me. I was floored.

    The next thing I know I am packed up and moving to Las Vegas and my friend Donna is with me in another car fallowing me to help me move. Then she drops off and vanishes and is no longer with me to help me. I am driving now in between two eighteen wheeler trucks on this narrow highway on my way to Las Vegas.
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