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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. Thanks I prayed about it and asked God if he wants me to share it then I will but so far he hasn't told me too. I have shared certain dreams with my Pastors wife in the past and some of them she has gave me the interpretation and one I told her she wouldn't tell me she just said it was conformation and the dream was for her. Thanks I wouldn't want that as I can clearly see that it means something more than I can understand now

  2. Sorry for the long dream : The youth pastor(female) came to my house she put her son and daughter on my bed and they went to my youngest son, she said to my son "Before you play with my kids you need to "Repent", then she sat on my bed and began to look at papers, as I was sitting on the floor looking in my dresser drawer as I was handing her things(don't remember) I wanted to give her a glass plate that was in my drawer but I didn't, the Pastor of my church walked into the dining room and sat down and poured himself a cup of coffee. Then everyone from the church started to leave and as I walking them to porch, I looked up to the sky and saw a huge bird(like a hawk) carrying something in his claws and he was coming fast, everyone said "bird, bird" and we began to run the other way. I went back out on the porch and I said "I have been flooded", as I looked at the whole block the water was full and black with sticks sticking out. I went back inside and went to open the bedroom door and a guy that used to attend church was there and he only opened the door halfway so I pushed it open and he had a RED AND BLACK SNAKE in his hands, the tail on the snake was not the usual snake tail it was like a fan, I told him that he needed to get out of my house with that snake. As I stood at my screen door I saw the sky open up and saw angels and one in front of my screen door, I started screaming, THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING ME VISIONS", yet my Pastor and the minister of music didn't believe me, then I looked to my left and I saw the sky open again and saw a huge brain, but this time I didnt say anything I just kept silent, then I had a new phone that I didnt know how to work cause everytime my exhusband tried to call I couldn't answer yet I was finally able to answer and it showed me his location and it said DAVID'S HOUSE, and these are the words he spoke to me: "Tell Devon (our youngest son who is not walking with the Lord) that he won't be seeing me for 2 yrs because I am going to hurt this kid, we have been living outside".

    I was going to share this dream with my Pastor but kept feeling like I shouldn't but this dream has been weighing on me can someone help me with this

    praying tornado

  3. Thank you Desiree for the insight I different look at the different stages of the babies I am so glad that you bought that to my attention, I for one thing know that there some things that do need to be changed and there is one thing I do need to cleanse myself of, thank you for seeing that yes I know it will take discipline and I will pray thank you for your help and insight Bless You

  4. I know this is a old topic but I am new and my intake on praying in the spirit is I desired it so much that I would sit and pray and pray and it didn't come I had my Pastor pray for me and nope no praying in the spirit, and my Pastor's wife said to me "M, God will not take your tongue and move it for you" I was in the shower and it just came yay it is a awesome gift and sometimes when I am praying I can hear some of the interpretation especially when others pray I hear the words in english

  5. Thank you Lola,
    I agree the third one is regarding my youngest daughter and she is growing and I agree that she is ready to walk on her own with the Lord

    The second one Iam really not understanding that one cause I am not starting any new relationships and a ministry or project or business well I will just wait for the Lord on that one

    The first one I really not ever considered myself to have any talents or knowledge to share but I do accept this thank you so much

  6. I know this is kinda of late but I am new to the board and just going thru reading yet I do understand about hearing from the Lord, as I was sitting one night not doing anything and I heard the Lord say "I called him to be your husband" I was so astonished that all I could do was cry and cry, it wasnt my intentions to be married again I just wanted to be single and draw closer to God yet the plans we have are not always God's.

  7. For the past three nights I have had dreams about a baby in the first one my mother said to me "You know how to feed and care for a baby why didn't you tell the woman how to" I said because I let his mom do it.
    Second one I am holding a small preemie baby and it begans to talk it says "Above" and "spanking".
    The third one is a baby that's mine needed it's diaper changed this baby is a toddler and my mother says to me why didn't I put another diaper on the baby I say because it doesn't need a diaper it is old enough to wear underware.

  8. For the past three nights I have had dreams about a baby in the first one my mother said to me "You know how to feed and care for a baby why didn't you tell the woman how to" I said because I let his mom do it.
    Second one I am holding a small preemie baby and it begans to talk it says "Above" and "spanking".
    The third one is a baby that's mine needed it's diaper changed this baby is a toddler and my mother says to me why didn't I put another diaper on the baby I say because it doesn't need a diaper it is old enough to wear underware. scratching chin
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