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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. Wow you rock I didn't think of it that way, and yes I do agree that it does bubble up from the belly especially intercessory prayer in my case. Oh wow about the earrings, never thought of it that way either. Maybe I do have some gifts that I don't know I have, can you clarify more on how I can find out about these gifts that I might have inside me that need to be out cause in the dream my daughter wanted me to give her something from my belly Scratch Chin

  2. I had a dream where my daughter came up to me and she wanted something can't remember what it was but she said it was in my stomach and I had to go thru my navel to get it, so I pulled my navel out and opened up my stomach and reached in and there were earrings and some other stuff inside my stomach I thought to myself how did those earrings get in there

  3. In the bible it says to "desire"(A wish or longing, a request or petition, or the object of longing) the best spiritual gifts. I have had a desire to have all the spiritual gifts yet I don't think one person could have all those gifts and still be considered human, the only person who had all the spiritual gifts was Jesus. Yet I was wanting some feed back on desiring spiritual gifts and is it possible by the grace of God to obtain these gifts and still be considered human.

  4. "I think that we feel or sense that difference because the more we know Jesus the more seperated we feel from the natural world."
    Thanks Dove-Solutions, Yes I do understand I like the quote that you stated above this makes more sense to me now. Yes I do enjoy my alone time with the Lord and I am very glad that I don't fit in with norm crowd so to say. Thanks for the reply

  5. I know exactly how you feel I at one time felt the same way, and at times if I don't catch myself I do tend to attract users and abusers either verbally or mentally, yet when I have tried to stand up for myself I am always told that I am too mean, I don't think I am a mean person, I am just as fed up as you are about how people can think they can treat others

  6. The first dream I had my husband was starting to teach at a college. The Second dream me and him was at a car dealership ready to buy a van called Look Lost, my husband had two hundred dollars and the guy who looked like Sinbad the comedian said the car cost twenty thousand, my husband gave him the two hundred dollars folded and then the guy said Oh I see what your doing and my husband said yea it works and the guy said to him cause I'm human and I say it's ok let me get you the keys, during the whole time this transaction was going on I kept my head down as not to draw attention to myself, and after my husband received the keys I lifted my head up then the guy said the payments would take 60 months. I told my husband that after some time of him paying the guy that he would send the payments to the finance company and his credit score would go up my husband wanted to know how much I told him that his credit score would go up by 18 points. (IRL: We are waiting to buy our first home, my husband's credit was not good yet he paid off a lot of bills and I have been sending letters to the Credit Burears to have the paid items removed in which they are trying to give me the run around)
    Anybody that can help me to understand this praying

  7. Thanks for the wonderful comments, I do have my husband and three daughters(neices who I adopted) that are there for me when I need to be around people, otherwise I do love the alone time big hug 2 to all who responded and thanks for the compliment on the name

  8. Thanks to all for your wonderful comments towards me and for the prayer I am involved in the church as the Personal Assistant to the Pastors Wife. The reason I know and feel that I don't fit in is like I said I just don't please don't take this as a post that I am wanting others to feel sorry for me, because that is not the case I was just being honest about How I have not ever fit in a particular click, family (church or my own). To me it's ok cause I like being alone to me my alone time is the time I spend reading the bible and with God, I always know that he said he would never leave me nor forsake me, so that is a good promise in which I stand on. I just know that I don't fit in no where. By the way I am a female I just used my initals my real name is Missouri yep your read it right just like the state huggins Thanks to all who have posted replys big hug 2

  9. Hi to All,
    I have been thinking as a child to adulthood I was always made fun of by others, yet I never fit in with any one group of people, I don't fit in with my brothers and sisters, I don't fit in with my cousins, I don't even fit in with the church I attend I stick out like a sore thumb. I have not ever fit in with the world I was always to weird cause I didn't do the things they in the world did such as my cousins and family. And now I don't fit in at church cause I am too weird or someone doesn't like me for no apparent reason. nerd I am glad that I don't fit in with the world, and I would be rather weird than normal as some of them think they are. But not to fit in, in the church is very sad thing to me. I have left this church twice only to return again because God keeps sending me back there, I don't know why but he does, and yet I still don't fit in. Any insight praying

  10. In biblical days, an armorbearer was one who actually carried the shield and armor of his leader as he went into battle, often acting as his personal assistant. For example, King Saul had several armorbearers assigned to him.1 In our modern-day, I see no one walking around fully suited in the classical armor of the early centuries.
    Armors bearers are usually appointed. This is generally not a “whosoever will let him come” ministry. Most armor bearers are selected from men and women who have been observed to be: faithful to the ministry, loyal and dependable. They are men and women of prayer who know how to stand in the gap. If necessary, they will not hesitate to protect.
    Most importantly, they must have a heart to serve and the pastor must feel comfortable with the armor bearers.

  11. thanks for the insight as I am sitting here the two women that keep coming to me are still members of our church, in the dream when I approached him I wasn't afraid, I just wanted him out of my house with the snake as I am terrified of snakes IRL, yet when this man went to the church he was a humble person very nice always had a kind word to say never harsh, yet this man's wife on the other hand was mean, nasty, rude, agressive and just a plain old busy body and bossy, I so believe in my heart that this is representing his exwife who is still a member of the church, she used to be a armourbearer for the Pastors wife and I was in training with her back about 2006, well I left the church and returned last year, and just about a month ago the Pastors wife asked me to be her full time armourbearer and the ex wife is no longer her armourbearer due to some infidelity on the ex wife's part, the husband the man with the snake left the church and her. I agree Piano I know she has a hidden agenda and so does her mother as they are both trying to get ex wife back in her position of armourbearing.

  12. Thanks Piano, the end of the dream as communicating with exhusband is not a option with me as I refuse to communicate with him, I have been divorced from him for four years and I thank God for the man that he put into my life, the marriage with my ex was very abusive physical& mental and I had a lot of fear for him, the communication between my youngest son and his father is something I believe they need to work on as my youngest son is a adult.
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