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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. thank you little one I do understand although I do still know that I don't fit in I just recently quit a job that I only worked for a month due to the ladies in the office stating that I wasn't "bubbly" enough, yes this hurt my feelings but I am happy that I don't have to return to that job again.

  2. Yes I agree that this is so sad that he didn't allow God to help him, in his time of need, and I also agree that bullies are the worse they take a person's self esteem away and make them feel so low that often times the person feels like there is no use of living, yet I will also keep his family in prayer, this young man couldn't face his family knowing that he was video taped by some bullies, such a shame sigh

  3. GoldenEagle, first of all I am not here to debate and judge anyone I just wrote something that was on my heart and that I was talking to God about, I still say I didn't judge you so from my understanding, this subject is closed I will not respond to your post anymore and in the future I will still feel the same way

  4. what I am not here to judge anyone so I am sorry that you feel that way yet I think I just said "I will continue to pray for you I didnt say I would pray for your healing I just said I would pray and with that being said I will pray in the spirit cause I don't know you so how could I pray for something about you that I don't know 😕 yet still I say again sorry

  5. GoldenEagle, I do understand what it is like to be in pain with a illness yet I don't think my views about healing will change cause from my understanding healing is for all if we just only believe that God will heal us it's ours for the taking. Yet like Cholette stated we are a society that wants instant miracles, yet I will still continue to keep you in prayer Bless You

  6. I wouldn't feel bad but for a minute I thought you were talking about my ex rofl cause he was the same way, always blaming me never him, but moving on God is good he knows what's best for us and I wouldn't give it a thought abut the ex hes' trying to make you feel bad, I say no way enjoy your new man happy dance

  7. Cholette wrote:
    I can be touched by this topic too. Before I left my former ministry, I had SIX different pastors. They were replaced for some indiscretion or another. It affected me each time, but as I began realizing that I needed to get into the word of God for myself, that's when I put my big girl pants on and grew up. I took my life OUT of their hands and put it in God's...where it should have been in the first place.

    Love those scriptures Lurdys!!!!

    I totally agree Cholette that's what I am talking about taking my life and anyone elses life out of the hands of so called Pastors :clap2:
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