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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. Didn't take the test. The lung is to help you breath.
    Ok I understand this but what does that have to do with pneumonia??

    God wants intimacy with you. Your inner ear problem is that you are not hearing God or not obeying God.
    Ok I understand this is correct I kinda figured this dealing with hearing and obeying God.

    When he said that if he had three more doctors it would be easy, He meant agreement. Where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, He is in the midst.
    Yes this is true, it's just hard for me to get my husband to come in agreement with me on certain things and have faith and believe that God will do what he said

    Good that you are walking meaning, walking with Him, the weight you loss is baggage or bondage.
    Yes Yes thank you Lord cause I have lost a lot of baggage and thank you Lord I am no longer in bondage, this could mean and stem from my ex-husband not my current husband

    Your husband was in the car meaning he is concern with his personal life (If I'm wrong, don't receive it) outside you probably work, friends, etc.
    You hit the nail right on the head he is concerned more with his jobs and his fishing friends than with the things of God.

    Your husband may be a distraction to your relationship with God (meaning we all need a prayer closet married or not). You were resting in God when you fell asleep to your situation (Peace) before your husband came upset. Get with God, rest in his presence, hear and obey his word, and God will deal with your husband. praying praiseGod praying

  2. I went to the doctor and it was a lady doctor the office was crowded and my husband was waiting in the car for me, and I was the last patient cause after she saw a patient she had to rebook their appointment herself cause their was no receptionist, this is what she told me, that it is good that I am walking as I have lost weight, and then she said I had pneumonia and I started to tell her that I have a pinched nerve in my neck(IRL I do have one) but she told me that its not my neck its a inner ear problem, and that I needed to rest, I told her that I have been resting and that I didn't want too, I went to sleep in her office and then my husband came in and was upset that I was taking too long and I explained to him that the doctor is the only one there and then the doctor said if she had three more doctors to help her it would be quicker. scratching chin

  3. Thanks Jehovahzapple, and Mia I kinda had a feeling that the meat represented the word of God and I do agree that there is alot of word that is going stale cause it's like I already know, Mia I totally agree instantly the spriit told me it's my husband who is the one called into the Ministry but because he is still a baby in Christ and doesn't know what I know about the Bible it's taking a while for whatever God has for us to go forward, I am praying that he catches up in the spirit. My Pastor told me about 4 months ago that by the end of the year that my husband would be totally changed and he would catch up to me in the spirit.Well I am waiting praying whistle

  4. Hi to all I think my Pastor doesn't like me, the reason I feel this way is because I am the personal assistant to the Pastor and this is a job that I didn't want, but I knew God was calling me to this postion, well the girl that was the pastor's personal assistant told the pastor that she couldn't serve her anymore due to some misunderstandings, and the Pastor asked me to be her personal assistant(armourbearer) well I feel like the Pastor doesn't like me because now that this girl has come back to the church and the Pastor is the god mother of this girls baby its like I am being pushed aside, I not ever wanted a friendship with my Pastor I want to know her in the spirit then in the flesh. Yet I feel like because I won't do certain things that the Pastor wants she is starting to not like me. crying Maybe and I pray praying that I am just wrong and that its not the case scratching chin

  5. I agree with all of you I am not one to interpert others dreams but this one speaks to me that God always looks on what's in the heart not on the outside like man does, and the cutting away of the outer layer is to me like God taking off the old man and the new man is inside is made new, this is just what the Lord is giving me as I have read from previous post throw out what doesn't sound right to you Be Blessed

  6. Question dem have you ever confronted your sister about the abuse in real life and also I believe when we have these kind of dreams it's because in real life we want others to see the person for who they really are instead of the person they are pretending to be when around family etc. I believe that you wanting your mother to see that it was your sister and not the skinny girl she was pretending to be so that your mother would believe you that she did abuse you and now she is trying to harm you. Often times a person can suppress hidden emotions stemmed from abuse that's why counseling is good or maybe if you can't confront your sister in real life about the abuse out of fear that she will try to harm you maybe you should write her a letter telling her how you feel and how it made you feel when she abused you. huggins Be Blessed

  7. From my standpoint I believe that God gives us inspired dreams for others and sometimes for ourselves, I am not understanding because no where in the bible does it say that the devil can give us visions I thought only God gives us visions as he did to the men and women in the bible, I agree with Gissy2 how can this be when the devil can't read our minds although he can give us wrong thinking but reading our minds I don't believe so. I also believe that all of the dreams that God speaks to me in or shows me different things about others or myself are not bad, I come here to post a dream or dreams if I can't get the interpretation, hoping that someone else can give me some insight or clarification and usually when someone does give me some clarification I can say yes that lines up with what God put in my spirit. I also beleive that if most dream interpretation or visions are not lining up with the word of God then I just dismiss them Bless You
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