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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. wow because when God gives me the urge to pray fervently I get a burning in my stomach too and there are no English words coming out of my mouth only praying in the spirit, In my opinion I think it's good that your Pastor has this discerning spirit to me it means that you both flow together real well in the spirit for God to show her that you were praying.

  2. Newleaf thanks and thanks again I watched the video of rhodonna and its right on time for me, and after talking with hubby about the dream Mia he did confess that he was believing for a truck, I told him that I am not believing with him for this truck and he understood and now sees that we need to stand in agreement together our home

  3. Newleaf thanks and thanks again thumbs huggins I watched the video of rhodonna and its right on time for me, and after talking with hubby about the dream Mia he did confess that he was believing for a truck, I told him that I am not believing with him for this truck and he understood and now sees that we need to stand in agreement together our home huggins

  4. Today(Sunday) the pastor said for us to find five scriptures and stand on those, scriptures this is something I have been doing, yet sometimes I feel my husband doesn't have faith, he says he does for our home, I do understand that my faith level is higher than my husband, my husband is still a baby in the things of God, I was told by our Pastor before we were married that I would teach my husband the things of God because of the call to preach is on his life, yet there are times when it doesn't look like he is ever going to fulfill that call on his life because he tends to get afraid which is a good thing because he surely has the fear of the Lord, he knows his calling and I am very glad that he is not wanting to go into the ministry the wrong way, yet I also know that this ministry should of been out of the baby stages by now, still waiting to hear from the Lord on which direction he has for us, in which I believe I have heard from him regarding some things just waiting to hear the rest.

  5. I have faith I don't know how much my measure of faith is but I do have faith in God that he will do what he says, so I stand on his word believing that he will always provide for us and yes he has always provided for me, he has been mighty faithful to me and some. Since me and my husband have been married for two years this year I have been wanting to move into our own home, where I live now I have been renting for ten years, I am so grateful to God for blessing me with this place it came at the right time because I needed the extra room, after adopting my three neices after my mom suddenly passed away. I was in church on a thursday night and this is a word that I received from the Lord about four yrs ago that I would own my own house. I know and realize that my timeing is not God's timing, yet I found a word 1kings 4:25 that stated in all the lifetime of solomon in isreal and judah every man had his own house and garden, I stand on this scripture as my own that we will have our own house, yet dealing with husbands credit issues has pushed us back, he has paid alot of bills off and I am having the hardest time getting the credit bureau to remove those items. Someone please help me to keep faith that God will bring this word to pass for I am ready to move and have my own praying

  6. Yes he has a full time job at the school then a part time one at the other school in another town and then on Sundays he sets up the church in the cafeteria, well before we were married he wanted me to agree that I wouldn't fuss with him about working his second job yet I do anyway, and the third one I just keep praying that the pastor finds a building so my husband can be in church with us not only in church for 30 min. Yea I agree with the financial bondage and speaking of a truck this is something that he wants but I keep saying no I want our own home first

  7. huggins Money is nothing compared to gold, which does not whither or rust. Perhaps losing this earthly treasure is what is needed for your husband to reach for "the gold" of Gods heavenly treasures.
    I agree for my husband does need to learn to depend on God to provide for him and me instead of relying on working three jobs.
    Thank you for your insight huggins

  8. Well the cars that we have are paid for so we don't owe for those. As far as the girls wasting there is a possibility to that. Well they never did call and I tried to call but kept dialing the wrong number how ironic that I could dial 911 wrong instead I kept dialing a 8 duh

  9. Had a dream last night (10/20/10) that my husband was leaving for work like he always does and as he went out the door I was still sleeping yet I could hear him talking to a female and he said "wait a minute", I got up went outside and there he was tied up by the wrist and by the ankles with rope in the back of a nice new truck in our driveway, he asked me to help untie him, I did and he went in the house and lay on the bed, I asked him did he see the faces of who robbed him, he didn't say, I asked him did they take his atm card he said no just money, I then told our girls to call 911, only later to find out they didn't, he finally told me that it was a woman and two guys that robbed him. I believe that this is telling me that he is bound up in some sort of way and that the devil is robbing him of the many blessings that God has in store for him I just need clarification thinking praying
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