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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. thanks everyone for the insight
    1. Yes my Pastor knows me very well has been for 10 yrs and also that I am here
    2. Yes God has been showing me in dreams some of the things
    3. Our church believes in hearing from God through dreams as I have shared some of my dreams with the Pastor and they have came true so they don't reject dreams.
    I do believe that God is wanting more from me as far as listening more to him thanks everyone I will continue to pray

  2. On Sunday 10/31/10 I received a word from my pastor it goes like this "No more depending on dreams to hear from God, its time you come up higher, utterance, revelation, wherever you go whatever you do in or out come up higher." Help
    So I asked the Pastor what did it mean as I am confused and this is what was said "Words of the spirit that are vital to one or many, it's time for you to advance n the spirit in levels and places you've not known" tornado

  3. Moriah(Pastors youngest daughter IRL) had a kid sized fishing pole and she said she was going fishing and she said she was going to cook fish n chips or shrimp n chips. I took the pole and as I walked to the pond I looked down and I could see the fish it was so clear that I called my husband over to see them, he put his pole in the water with no bait and I put mine in with a little bait, we both caught fish, I was so amazed that God would let me see that far down into the water to see the fish, and I also saw dolphins they were huge, then the line on the pole started to get tangled and I was telling the Pastor's daughter she should of bought this other pole, on both sides of the pond there were lots of fish that I could see Scratch Chin
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