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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. Yes we do have to pray for our leaders yet who is doing the leading I will not follow after man, only God, I feel in my heart that the men and women who call themselves men and women of God should not want to step inside a pulpit and call themselves a man or women of God knowing that they are not right in there hearts sigh Yet it does say in the last days many will fall away from the faith, not wanting to listen to sound doctrine having itchy ears, and chasing after all wordly things. Yet these same people are dragging a bunch of people who listen to them to hell with them sigh

  2. There is only a few true men of God that truly preach
    the word of God all others trade the truth for a lie
    There are so many false prophets that always have a "thus saith the Lord"
    knowing good well that God didn't say nothing to them
    How come we as believers can't just pay our tithes and our offerings
    without having Pastors milking the congregation for more money so the Pastor can
    drive around in a fancy car. I don't understand how a person can stand in the pulpit
    and know that they are not living the right way and that they keep feeding the people
    wrong messages. I believe that cause their is no real conviction in the house of the Lord
    thats why these so called Preachers have no fear of the true living God.

  3. Thank you Carrie for the kind words, I have just come to conclusion that I am ok with not fitting in with the so called in crowd, as far as "church family" I just don't believe that the church I attend are consider my church family, the reason I say this is because like you stated not everyone who is in church is a true believer there are some wolves in sheep clothing too, I look around and I see the cliques that are formed in church and to me why isn't this supposed to be the place where all the believers fellowship with one another not just a few here and there. Any-who thanks again for sharing I know that God has set me apart from the beginning and now I am starting to be ok with that huggins Bless You

  4. Dreamed that my husband was in his office and there was a bed and every time I tried to lay down besides him there was this white cat who kept showing me his teeth as if he was going to attack me, but I kept hitting the cat upside the head, then I looked and it was all curled up with my husband so I kept hitting it and trying to get rid of it then the dream turned to my exhusband he had killed a teacher and tried to blame it on a little kid, I called the police and then I called my mother to tell her about the cat(IRL my mother is passed away) tornado

  5. Thank you Cholette that's exactly what I was saying, it just amazes me how it says that God has given us all authority over things and we don't use that authority that we have. There is some things that rightfully belong to us and we need to go and take them back from the devil happy dance

  6. Thanks Cholette, for your response that is very true, yet in the bible when people were healed they didn't wait to see the manifestation they just believed and those that were lame got up the instant that Jesus or the disciples spoke the word that they are healed, just as when the centurion told Jesus that he didn't have to come to his house to heal his daughter to just speak the word, and he believed from the moment Jesus said your daughter is healed, if we could only believe that when God says something in his word for us that we don't have to wait for the manifestation we should just take God at his word and believe for he is our Father and he would never lie to us

  7. I was thinking yesterday when there is a healing line and people go up to get prayed for to receive healing well how come the next time there is a healing line the same people are back in that healing line??? God already gave me the answer and it was because people don't have the faith nor do they believe that they are healed. No where in the bible does it show that once someone was healed they returned back to Jesus nor to the disciples to get re-healed again, once they were healed they took the healing and believed and went merrily on their way why is it so hard for us believers to believe the word of God when it states that "By Jesus Stripes we are healed" scratching chin

  8. thumbs :clap2: After reading this I am glad that you posted it cause it will speak volumes to many people especially me for I do understand the power of words yet there are times when we can really beat ourselves up when God doesn't see us the way we see or even think or talk about ourselves Blessings to you for posting this
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