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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. How Excellent is the song that I was dancing and praising God too in my dream this is the second time the Lord has gave me this song "How Excellent". The Pastor's wife asked us (ladies) to pull our pants legs up, then she lays her hand on this black woman with scars on her arm and the lady is healed, I said they are gone then I began to think was it real or magic instantly the holy spirit said don't put head knowledge on this! Then I was climbing these big rocks and a guy game his hand to help me up on the 1st rock and then I would slid down to the next rock, I got off the rocks because I was afraid I would fall. Then the Pastor's wife said they were moving to a new place and she began to anoint each of the ladies that were there, me being 1st she said "Missouri who God gives dreams so vivid when I can't have a dream then she began to go on but I woke up by this time.

  2. Thanks Mia for sharing this it shows me that we can hold in resentment towards people and without realizing that we are far apart from God just because we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, I truly feel for you as I was a child that was raised in a dysfunctional home and there were times I didn't like my mother I can say not like her cause I not ever had hate in me for her I really felt sorry that she couldn't be the mother I needed in my life, and now that it's been ten years since she's passed, I don't miss her it's not that I have any dislike or hate for her it's just as I have drawn closer and closer to God I have no need for my earthly mother. Can you please tell me what flowing in the spirit means thinking

  3. jackieb wrote:
    If I may share with you, it may or may not help.

    "this is what she told me, that it is good that I am walking as I have lost weight"

    The doctor appears to represent the Lord in your dream. How nice it is to hear the words, "it is good". Your walk has been good...you are gaining growth and benefit...by loosing weight or old nature luggage...putting on the new man...likeness of Chirst.

    "she said I had pneumonia "

    Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs that lowers the oxygen levels in the blood through pus in air sacks and inflamation. This will slow down your walking ability.

    "she told me that its not my neck its a inner ear problem"

    The lord did not say you could not hear....just that you have an inner ear problem. By looking at the functions of the inner ear can help you find out what he is saying here.
    Ok I will look more into hearing from God

    Inner ear function: Hearing and balance

    He did not specify which one is affected...he knew that you would know.
    Ok I will pray on this

    I love this next part:
    "and that I needed to rest, I told her that I have been resting and that I didn't want too, I went to sleep in her office "

    The Lord praised you for your walk, then he identified a problem and now he is giving the solution for the problem.

    "REST....Sleep (rest) in HIS OFFICE"

    He could be telling you to rest in who you are in Christ. That can give you balance and open hearing.

    He could be telling you to rest in communion with him...Brings balance and hearing.
    Ok I understand

    He could be telling you to rest in his calling on your life....could bring balance and hearing.
    Ok I understand this

    ONly you will know BECAUSE you said, "I DON'T WANT TO".

    "then my husband came in and was upset that I was taking too long and I explained to him that the doctor is the only one there "

    This is the important part. Someone is upset with you. It is not God. Your explaination is God is the only one there. Yes indeed he is!!

    Could there be pressure on you that you may feel you have to defend God OR yourself?
    Or critism that you are dealing with?
    This I don't quite know about yet have to pray on it

    What ever it is, the Lord gives you a piece of truth to hold on to:

    " the doctor said if she had three more doctors to help her it would be " NOTE: PNEUMONIA SLOWS YOU DOWN...NOW THE ANSWER HE SAYS...WILL MAKE IT QUICKER (speaking of your walk and growth and newness) BY THE DEFINING OF THE #3 .

    The #3 from two sources:

    Three : 3 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with approval, viewing things within its entirety, and things that have become solid and complete.

    Added Christian Viewpoint: The number three is also used when describing the Trinity or the Godhead (divine perfection). The number three has also been associated with the concepts of spirit and life.
    All things that are especially complete and entire are stamped with the number three.

    Gods attributes are three - omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.
    The three divisions of time - past, present and future.
    The three persons in grammar - me, myself and I.
    The sum of all human ability is threefold - thought, word and deed.
    The three kingdoms of matter - animal, vegetable or mineral.

    There are three steps listed in Acts 2:38 to lead to salvation. Repentance, Baptism and God will fill you with the Holy Spirit. Notice also that God will complete the third step.

    In the number three we have the first geometric figure. Two straight lines cannot enclose any space or form a planar figure. Three lines are necessary to form a planar figure and three dimensions are required to form a solid. A triangle is the simplest planar figure and a cube is the simplest three-dimensional solid. So as two could represent a square, three could represent a cube or solid contents. Three therefore represents that which is solid, real, substantial, complete and entire

    May the Lord continue to speak so wonderfully to you...you are blessed.
    thank you for your clarification this has helped me so much

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