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Posts posted by exo152

  1. Thanks for the insight, Mark!
    Our son has been a concern to us recently. He still lives at home, and he attends church with us every Sunday. However, we sense him becoming very lukewarm about his walk with God. He works long hours, then spends every evening with his girlfriend, and his weekends are split between her and his buddies. We have known these guys since they were all in elementary school together, now they are all working or in college, yet they still get together and hang out on the weekends, gaming. So we rarely see him, if we ask anything about how things are going in his life, he gets very cranky, and his Bible hasn't been picked up or read in weeks. He has also been very rude and disrespectful to both myself and his dad, which isn't really like him.
    My concern is this could refer to his walk (or lack of) with God and also his relationship with us. My husband was devastated but I wasn't really concerned and recall telling my son in my dream, "well, it's your choice, you have to decide."
    In hindsight, this may be more about a future decision of his to move out on his own, which would devastate his dad. As for me, I think it would be good for him.

  2. My husband and I both had dreams this week about our 22 year old son's relationship with his current girlfriend. My husband dreamed that our son had gone to get his hair cut at a new place in town, and deciding he was attracted to the girl cutting his hair, had broken up with his girlfriend. My husband said he (my husband) felt so devastated in the dream. Two nights later, I dreamed I was talking to my son and was asking him what was wrong? Was he just tired? He said yes, he wasn't physically tired, but he was tired of his current girlfriend and was thinking of breaking up with her. My dream just felt natural, like it had already happened. (we did have a similar conversation about a former girlfriend of his).
    In real life, he is very serious about this girl (they are talking marriage) and we also really like her (but would not be "devastated" if they broke up). My husband told our son about his dream and our son's reply was "never!".
    Any ideas? It seems like both dreams are pretty straightforward, that his current relationship isn't going to last, but it feels like I am missing something and it makes me wonder if these dreams don't even pertain to his actual relationship??

  3. Normally my husband in my dreams is my husband in real life. In real life we recently just received a large monetary return on an investment. We knew this was coming and my husband did borrow $3000. last fall knowing it could be repaid when we got the money. His reasons at the time was to purchase items to start up a home business (his "dream"). But although he did spend some of the money he borrowed on some of the items, he also pretty much wasted the rest on things we didn't need. Last week, when we got the money, it turned out to be much more than we expected. The original plan was for him to pay off his loan, pay off some medical bills and then purchase some much needed things for our home. I am concerned that the dream may mean the money we just got will be wasted also. Much as I love my husband, he really isn't good with finances.
    Thanks Mark!

  4. Yesterday I dreamed that my husband was telling me he had applied for a $12,000. loan. I reminded him in the dream that he still had a $3000. note that needed to be repaid (which he does in real life). He brushed me off and when I asked him what he needed $12,000. for, he was evasive and mumbled something about "dreams". I told him I wouldn't sign any papers for any more loans, especially not until his most recent one was repaid. He told me it didn't matter, that the loan officer was going to do it anyway without my signature.
    Thank you!!

  5. Last night I dreamed two dreams containing people, places and things from my childhood;
    Dream one; I was in my home church, the church I grew up attending, same church my parents and paternal grandparents had attended. In fact this church was pioneered and built by my great-grandparents. The church, in real life, still stands, but no longer has regular services, just community revivals. In the dream I was there and it was after services. There was a family there that we currently do attend church with. The lady of this couple comes across so fake to me, but other than that, I do not know them well. The dream consisted of needing to lock up the church and go home, but this lady and her children had decided to settle in and were spreading their things all over the church, even though it was clear no one else was there and I was waiting on them to leave.
    Dream two; I was in my childhood home, and my grandfather came. He is the same one I attended church with as a child, and we were close. He died almost 30 years ago. In the dream he sat at the dining table (an antique my parents used when he was alive, but it has been in storage about 15 years) and was darning a sock. He wore a jade beaded necklace that looked like one my grandmother may have worn. I asked if he wanted me to darn the sock for him (he was darning it while he wore it) but he told me no, he had gotten pretty good at darning his own socks. He then wanted to get a picture of me and my mother before he left and we posed in front of the old dining table. I started to tell him how close me and me dad (his son) were now, to tell him some stories Dad had shared with me about him, but I stopped myself when my mother stood beside me, afraid I would hurt her feelings, since I talk a lot to my dad but not to her (this is true in real life also). Before my grandfather could take his picture, a lady arrived at my mother's house with a box of curtains she was trying to give away. Since I am interesting in getting new drapes for my family room (in real life!) I was looking through her box.
    Any ideas? Both dreams were cut short by the dogs awakening me, but I felt like they both meant something. Thank you!

  6. I dreamed a very different kind of dream for me last night. It was as if I was part of some kind of program with a large audience watching. I was on a stage and was kneeling next to the feet of a tall man. We were both dressed in identical robes. I was gathering felt characters (what I used in the years I worked in children's ministry to teach Bible stories). As I gathered them, I would hand them to children who were ready to receive them, as if they were gifts. The children would take them then descend off the stage with the felt characters in their hands. Once, a little girl dropped a piece and I gathered it back up, afraid it would be lost. After the felt characters had been given out, I began to take beautiful, jewel-toned glass bowls from a bag and I was setting them in rows on the stage. These too were meant to be given as gifts, I knew. I sensed in the dream they were to be given to the adults that were gathered. The whole time this was going on, a woman sang in the background a very beautiful song, which I have never heard before. Over and over she kept singing, "I can save them all." I knew the "I" in the song referred to God. And I felt the tall man I was kneeling next to WAS God and he was behind all I was doing, directing me. The whole dream felt very holy and when I awoke, the song stayed with me.
    Thanks for any input!!

  7. Thanks for the input Glad and Dreamster!!
    The pastor has actually been trying to put together some small groups and has my husband and I pegged for a leadership spot in that. We really aren't sure we want to tackle it at this time.
    And I did have something (an opportunity) "stolen" from me recently. Not sure how that would fit in with the dream.
    Thank you both and God bless!!

  8. Part of this dream came true last week; my family and I did go shopping at a shopping mall (which isn't our norm) and the very next day we attended church, where during the service, our pastor called me forward (good reason). I realized later that was part of the dream. Still no idea what the stolen box referred to, though.

  9. I had a very short dream in which I went to my oldest son's room to awaken him (he is a young adult). In the dream he was sitting up in bed, strumming a guitar, singing and was wearing my father's army hat (which I have seen maybe once in my life). But I KNEW it belonged to my dad.
    Thanks all!!

  10. Last night I dreamed I was at my church. But inside it looked like a shopping mall, with little stores tucked here and there. I did some shopping before service started, then opted to go to a service being held in the youth sanctuary instead of the adult service. A former pastor of mine was leading the service (irl he lives in another state and works in a different denomination). When he saw me, he asked me to come help him lead the service and brought me up to the platform and set me in a place of prominence. After the service was over I went back to where I had left my things (my purse, Bible and an odd shaped box that held the things I had bought at some of the little shops before the service). But the odd shaped box was missing. I looked all over and although others had similar boxes from shopping also, I knew they weren't mine. I wasn't sure where mine was, but I knew it had been stolen.

  11. I had a strange dream this morning. I wasn't physically in the dream, yet I knew what the man in the dream was thinking, as if I was him (I am a woman, not a man!). In the dream I watched as he quickly gathered up clean clothing, then hid in a storage closet. He was saying to himself, "I have to get changed. They are coming for me and this will be a long journey, so I have to start it in clean clothes, because they will be filthy when I am finished." (I Knew the thought of wearing dirty clothing was distressful to him). Then, as he was dressing he glanced down at his bare feet and realized he had forgotten to get shoes. This distressed him too, as he knew the journey ahead would include walking in rocky areas and would tear at his bare feet. While this was going on, someone came to the locked storage room door, jiggling the handle, then walking away. The man would be so silent while they did it, hoping they wouldn't find him before he was ready. I awoke before he was.
    Any ideas? Thanks!

  12. I hate teaching science and my children hate learning about it. I am more creative and artistic and so are my children. (we hate math, too, but consider it a necessary evil). We always enjoy learning about animals and plant life, but that is where it stops. The laws of our state say they have to be taught science every year, but does not specify what kind of science is taught. Does anyone have any ideas, curriculum or "do your own" that would work for us? I already know chemistry, biology and physics aren't going to make it here. And my children aren't looking to pursue college careers into the science/mathematical fields. They probably aren't going to pursue college at all, but more likely trade schools. All the homeschool families I know are all pushing through learning biology, etc., but I see no reason to invest in something that my kids are going to snooze through. If we are going to take the time to learn, and invest our finances into it, we want it to be something they enjoy and grow academically through. Any ideas are very welcome!!

  13. I have a question. What is the fine line between forgiving someone, and not enabling them to continue hurting you anymore? I have a family member that crushed me with some very hurtful words to basically get their way on something. I have purposed in my heart to forgive them, and forgiveness has never been hard for me. However, I do feel like they need to realize that their bully tactics are wrong. I have prayed much for them, but am not sure if I should participate in the situation they crushed me over. It would be very easy for me to just forgive and move on and act like all is fine around them, participating and helping them, while silently feeling as if I am worthless in their site. But is this wrong? They have a history of doing this to get their way and expecting there to be no consequences, and every one to just act fine because no one in my family likes confrontation. This family member uses the confrontation and bully attitude to get their way and we have all just let them. This has gone on for YEARS. So, as a sign of forgiveness, should I just bury it and forget about it (I can do that), or should I withdraw from the situation and hold them accountable for their actions? Would that be unforgiveness? Just needing some understanding here. Thanks!!
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