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Posts posted by exo152

  1. Thank you Cholette!! It just grieves me that they don't want this to be a "family" thing, they want to be the "stars" of the show. The rest of us are not allowed any input. As I prayed about it this morning I really felt led to pray that the Holy Spirit would "frustrate" their plans, just as He frustrated Pharoah's army as they chased the Israelites. The phrase I kept getting was "one step forward, three steps back"......is it wrong to pray that this become a "stress-lesson" for them? The thing I think that troubles me most is the attitude of the heart that I am seeing and hearing from them (she actually posted a video on fb this morning of a little guy doing a happy dance).......and they do profess to be Christians.....
    LOVE the advice about allowing them to do EVERYTHING!! That absolutely is the best thing. My sister-in-law does not do stress well. So in getting her way, she may have bitten off more than she really wants!

  2. nerd Needing some prayer and advice!! This thing, that seemed to be moving along so smoothly, has spiraled out of control. Never assume silence means agreement!! Just as my siblings and I were moving along with our plans, my sister-in-law who wanted the big celebration and my brother she is married to, have decided to single-handedly do a "hostile take-over". My brother called yesterday, informing me he had told our father everything and Dad agreed with them that he would like a big celebration. If I and the others didn't go along with them, they would do it without us.  I had decided not to fight and therefore handed the whole celebration over to him and his wife. I let them know I was willing to help. To which he informed me he and his wife would be in charge of EVERYTHING. They may need me to help clean-up afterwards.....
    I then let my other siblings know and started getting some unhappy phone calls. No one is happy, but no one wants a fight, either. This morning I get a phone call from our father, and guess what? My brother and his wife pretty much outright lied about what Dad had said.
    I am trying very hard to maintain peace, to not be offended and to pray for them. I could use some advice on how to handle this and also some prayers that I can forgive gracefully. Thank you!!

  3. I dreamed last night that my husband and I had discovered an old house. It was run down and hadn't been lived in for many years, but we were really excited at the discovery. This house was piled high with things left behind and there was a lot of decay. The next scene we were walking back through it and all the junk was gone and the old house was clean (I knew in the dream that we had cleaned it up). My husband brought in old antique furniture that had been found in the house. It too was clean, but still old and shabby like the house. He left it in piles in the floor, in the rooms it should have gone in. I began placing the furniture where it should go and he asked why I was doing it. "It isn't going to matter, no one lives here." He said. I told him I didn't care. I just wanted to see what it looked like with the furniture where it should be, to see what it had looked like when someone HAD lived there. I even set the dining table up and had set it with the old china. I then begged my husband to let us eat there. I just wanted one meal sitting at the old table and getting the feel of living in the old house. All through the dream I had a longing to live there, and I felt some kind of connection to the house, like maybe my ancestors had lived there. We were sitting together at the old table, eating when I woke up.
    This dream just seemed exciting and joyful. IRL my husband and I both love discovering old things.

  4. My husband had a dream the other night that he was watching President Obama and Russian President Putin. They didn't know anyone was watching and they were very friendly with each other and my husband said you could tell they were involved in something together that they thought no one else was aware of. Like what you see in the news is a front and behind the scenes they were working together. In the dream my husband became angry and he took out a gun, shooting at them both, feeling he had to stop them. But the bullet curved away from them before it hit them and my husband was immediately arrested and was being taken to jail. He wasn't going to be given a trial, was just told he would rot there and never get to see his family again. Our daughter was in tears, saying, "but Daddy, you will never get to see me grow up!" as they were taking him away.
    That was the dream. My husband said it was very disturbing and he was glad to awaken from it!
    Any ideas? Thanks!!

  5. When I read your dream, it seemed like God was setting you up as a "fly on the wall". It was like he was giving you a behind the scenes glimpse of something getting ready to "go down"...either at the mall or your workplace? Perhaps there has been a lot of stealing and God is saying it's an inside job (there wasn't anyone where they were supposed to be, so the thieves had an easy go of it). And you knew that it was going to happen, on that night shift, at a certain time, as if it was scheduled. An inside job.
    My thoughts, just toss if they don't fit! :)

  6. You said this dream took place in your former church. May I ask if there were serious reasons for you leaving that church or was the change just relocation for you? I felt, from what you wrote that this may be referring to an actual evil spirit at work in that church. The fact that it took place when the Pastor was gone, may be in relation to someone trying to pull followers after themselves under the radar of the Pastor. If so, this may be a call to intercede for that Pastor and that congregation to be aware of those who are in that church, passing themselves off as gifted, sincere believers, when in actuality there is a lot of things going on behind the scenes that is a spirit of manipulation. Even the fact that there were those who were heaping their burdens on this woman, sounds to me like immature believers being sucked in by confiding to this woman, who in turn is controlling and using them. A spirit of Jezebel.
    My thoughts, please toss if they don't fit. :)

  7. I agree with Cholette, mostly because of what you said..."to be honest I felt so much peace when I thought it was over...." I think that is a very clear clue that this isn't the man for you. If he was the right one, the "God" one, you would have no peace at ending the relationship. But the Father loves you and wants to give you your heart's desire. Just because this man isn't the one, doesn't mean the right man for you isn't out there. I think as you seek the Father, and focus on Him, he will be able to bring the right one into your life, at the right time, without any help from you. Even is He has to move him to where you are.
    And don't let anyone tell you what "gifts" you do or do not have. If God has given you a gift, you will know it!

  8. Thank you both so much!! Nothing like a little perspective to give you peace! I have heard back from other family members who LOVED my idea and are on board. Still haven't heard back from the sister-in-law, but praying she sees the beauty and simplicity of what I am wanting to do and gets on board too. Thanks again!!

  9. I am in need of some advice!! As some of you know my dad has come through, miraculously and by the hand of God, some major health issues and my mother has been battling severe mental illness for more than 20 years. The last few years have been hard. This winter, however, is my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. I feel the need to celebrate in some way, and as the eldest child whatever we do will be mostly mine to get going. I do not feel emotionally able to put together a big blow-out celebration, nor do I feel that it would be in the best taste considering my mother's mental illness (part of which has included years of verbal abuse, delusions and hallucinations toward my father). I would prefer to have a small, family only gathering such as a nice dinner, followed with low-key program and sharing of photos. But my brother's wife suggests doing the big thing. After all, as she puts it, Dad has stayed with Mom, though sickness and health and needs to be honored for that. I agree, but after the last several years, putting on a big show feels like being dishonest to me. And since I will be in charge of the lion's share of whatever is done, I just do not feel like I can do that.
    She thinks I just need to forgive Mom, for what she really cannot help. I don't feel like I am holding unforgiveness. I just want to enjoy the time, honor our parents and feel good about what we are doing.
    Any advice??

  10. Please pray for a family we used to pastor. They just received news last night that their five year old grandson fell out a three story window and died. Such a heartbreaking situation. Their daughter and her family do attend church in their city and are really good people. My heart just breaks for them! crying 

  11. An attack against them that you see coming? Or an opening in their lives that allows an attack to manifest? The fact that you saw it but knew you were cut off would seem to say it won't effect you in any way except to understand where it came from and how it happened and you saw it as it began. Will you realize it is coming before they do? Did you sense that it was actually about your sister and niece or did they represent someone else? Just my thoughts! God bless!!

  12. I can't get away from when you said that his explanation in the dream was vague. Could that mean that the reason doesn't matter? If I hear something directly said or say it to myself in a dream I know it is important. But when it is vague, it is like it really isn't important. Maybe you are sad and upset irl trying to figure out WHY it didn't work out, when the Holy Spirit is saying the reasons don't matter, that the fault lies with your husband (he said he was sorry he couldn't love you like a husband) but you may never understand his reasons. Again, just my thoughts.

  13. It sounds to me like the Holy Spirit is perhaps confirming to you that your husband has no feelings for you. I am not sure the status of your relationship, but if you are given the option of trying to make it work, these dreams may be a warning of the unhappiness you will feel. If this doesn't fit, please toss. God bless!

  14. The basis of the dream was that there were things going on behind the scenes at this place I was working. The person in charge was blinded to the fact that people were leaving. In fact, at the end of the dream I said to myself, "he doesn't realize what is going on"......I said this after I saw there were only four people left.
    I dreamed this two years ago. Now I find myself back at this place irl and actually working there (I wasn't working there two years ago when I dreamed it). The people this organization was reaching two years ago (about 800-900) has dropped to about 500-600. There has been some trouble and I am not sure if the leader realizes where it is stemming from, but I sense it is coming from his leadership team. Thank you both for your insight. It has given me much to consider. :)

  15. I saw an article the other day that showed a prototype of a drone made to look like a dragonfly (was just a bit larger). Wasn't sure if it was a legit article at the time, but your dream may be a warning that they are real and what they will used for? I sense the church is stepping into a time of immense scrutiny and persecution.

  16. I dreamed that I was walking through the "education" part of a church. The floors were covered in blue shag carpeting. I was heading to "my" classroom to teach 6th graders. I passed an open refrigerator that was crammed with food. But the door was open and it was unplugged. I told someone with me that the food was going to spoil that way. We turned then and walked up a steep staircase to a second floor with a wide hallway and classrooms. I spotted a man walking down the hallway, dropping off his children at various classrooms (I know the man irl. He was a wolf who came into a church we were pastoring and really did some damage). I was thinking, "oh, no! I thought he was living out of state! Has he come back?" Then I said to myself, "it's almost Thanksgiving, maybe he is just in town visiting family." I got to my classroom and saw the children I was to teach, realizing they were too young to be 6th graders.
    I later walked back by the refrigerator and noticed the door was shut and it was plugged and running.
    Any ideas? Thank you!

  17. Thank you! What an awesome testimony! Thank you for sharing and believing. We really felt like this job belongs to our son. There was just so much favor in working with the lady from the hiring agency. We are actually praying that the boss cannot find anyone that suits him and that God will keep bringing our son back to his remembrance. He already interviewed our son and told another guy who works there that our son had "so much potential". The guy told our son that and even he thought our son would be hired.
    Who knows, perhaps someone else tried to block it?
    Thank you again!

  18. Thanks Mark!
    My husband dreams symbolically, for the most part, so I am guessing the snakes are meaning people. Wonder if the color green means anything, or were just to identify to my husband that they were harmless? He does seem to have a lot of snake dreams. And most of the time those have ended up referring to verbal attacks.

  19. My husband had a dream the other night about green snakes. He said everywhere he looked and everywhere he stepped there were masses of green snakes, slithering and entangled, and covering everything. He said he had never seen such an amount of snakes. But he said he knew even though they looked scary they were harmless and had no venom. Any ideas? Thanks!!

  20. Thank you Astra.
    My son was called from the hiring agency and was told the boss didn't think he had enough experience. He is devastated. So now he has no job. Please just pray that God give him favor and connections to get the right job and soon!
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