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Posts posted by exo152

  1. You are so wise to seek confirmation. But in asking for confirmation, I am guessing this did not confirm what you already had in your heart. Any prophecy given to you should CONFIRM what you already know by the Spirit. Anything prophesied over you that does not confirm something the Lord has already spoken to your heart needs to be prayed about or placed on a shelf. Just because a man or woman says words over you does not make those words "thus saith the Lord".........just be careful accepting words spoken over you. The Bible says to "know those who labor among you" and also "let no man lay hands on you suddenly"......there are true prophets and there are false prophets. I have seen those who have been basically "prophesied" out of God's true will for their life by some of those last kind. A very good friend of mine, a widow, was prophesied over several years ago that she was supposed to marry again, to another man in the church. They trusted the prophet and married. But it was disastrous and tore apart her relationship with her still grieving teen-aged children. Even today, years later, her sons will have nothing to do with God or the church. And her marriage is very hard, the man she married a very difficult person to live with.
    Praying God give you the confirmation if the prophesy was from him and clarity if it was not.
    God bless!!

  2. Do they by any chance live on or near an Indian reservation? There are certain evil spirits that attach themselves to certain areas. 
    And attending a church that does believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and deliverance would be a must.
    You say they have been through some deliverance. Did they continue to fill themselves with more of God and his word or were they, perhaps, like the house that is "clean and swept and garnished" (emptied out) that Jesus spoke of, so that more "unclean spirits" came back after a season and took up residence there again? Praying for you!! wink

  3. I delayed answering this in hopes someone with more insight and wisdom would have an answer for you. But all I can tell you is my thoughts. The chair, "seated" and the jewels "blessings"...underneath, "hidden"....seated over hidden blessings?? My thoughts....

  4. Lara,
    I don't know your story, but I know this; Jesus died to set you free, He sacrificed everything he was for everything you need. When we get our eyes off Jesus and onto our hurts, other people and situations around us, it is easy to become bitter and disillusioned. We become like Peter, who made a big step in stepping out of the boat, onto the water, but in noticing the wind and the waves, he forgot about Jesus, standing there with arms open wide.  Everyone misses it from time to time. Everyone finds themselves in a place they didn't expect to be. But turning to Jesus CAN turn it around. Sometimes we just have to get alone with Jesus, worship him without asking for anything, focus on him and his love and let him heal the hurts and let him begin to rebuild our lives. When we get our eyes on Jesus, we lose focus on those things that irritate us so badly.When we stand before Jesus on that day, it isn't going to matter what you had in this life, where you went or what you wore. The only things that will matter is, did you love him? did you share him? could others see him in you?  Praying for you!!

  5. I do not know how this ties in, but in thinking about the hunt for the coins in the dream, it makes me think of my work in genealogical research. I have been doing it for close to thirty years, have been said to have an "eye" for the hard to discover family lines, and have been encouraged many times, especially recently, that I should make what has been my hobby and volunteer work, into a business. Not sure how it is tied into this dream. Just feel it is tied in some way.

  6. This morning I dreamed that I was in some sort of competition. I was given this opportunity because I had mastered other challenges. We were in some sort of huge hotel conference room, in a very casual setting and there were young men in yellow t-shirts handing out these "challenges". If you completed yours, you got to precede to the next one. I was given the challenge of finding antique coins that had been hidden through out the building. I had a zip-lock baggie to put them in and a flashlight; I and my "team" went out, knowing we only had a set time to complete the challenge. We swept the building and it seemed I had an "eye" for finding the hidden coins. Very quickly we found them all and went back before the men handing out the challenges. Someone ahead of me had a baggie of jellybeans and they had messed up because they had mixed the jellybeans. When I got there and they were going over my finds I overheard someone talking to someone else; they were saying that "T&C" was getting ready to hire. (irl T&C is a company in our town that doesn't hire often, but has good jobs when they do); They were saying that someone who knows the boss was telling them that. The other person said, "we will have to tell so&so, because they are needing a job" and I thought to myself, "I will tell my son, he is really needing a job".

    Then I awoke. Any ideas??

  7. I dreamed this morning that my family had all gathered at a large home in my home-town. I believe it was the house one of my brothers recently moved into, however I haven't been there yet. We were carrying in food, visiting and laughing, etc. All the kids were running and playing. Then my nephew, who is nine, fell down and hit his head on a step. I could hear it "thunk" in the dream. We rushed over to check on him and he was just lying there dazed, with a red scratch and a bluish goose-egg rising up on his head. We were searching for my brother and sister-in-law to tell them, but couldn't locate them. Later in the dream he was running and playing again, with huge, bruised goose-egg on his forehead, so I knew he was okay.
    Then the dream advanced to a hospital room. We were visiting a family member in the hospital. They must have been seated in a chair because the bed was empty,(I knew this wasn't a major issue hospital thing and the dream wasn't even about the person in the hospital). While there, my brother, the same one whose son had hit his head, came in carrying a baby boy, about nine months old. (Irl this brother and his wife have six children. The youngest one is three and a girl). I knew in the dream that the baby was my brother's child. He looked just like my nephew who had hit his head. My brother sat on the bed and was talking to whomever we were visiting. He sat his son on the bed and the baby crawled around for a while, then fell over the edge. Again I heard the "thunk" of his head hitting the floor. I ran out of the room, in fear that the fall had killed the child. But later we were all together, my brother was holding the baby and he had a huge bluish-black goose-egg on his head. Otherwise he was fine.
    In the dream I knew both children belonged to my brother. I felt that several years ago the Holy Spirit told me this brother would father seven children. But his wife has health issues, diabetes and high blood pressure and her last two pregnancies were really hard on her. They decided that although they love their large family, they can't have any more considering her health. They are strong, Christian people and very serious about following God and training their children to follow him.

  8. Does anyone know what the number 20 is symbolic for? And also the number 27? I have heard some brief teaching years ago on the symbolism in numbers, but really paid it no attention. Here recently both those numbers have been on my mind (in my spirit?) and I feel like I will understand some situations better if I learn what those numbers are symbolic for. Thanks!!

  9. Just an update.....my husband and I have been tithing consistently since I had this dream and just a few weeks ago he was given a portion of his overtime hours back. Then the first of this week he was told he was being given MORE of his overtime hours back!! Then he was asked to preach at a couple of different churches and the love offerings they gave us was more than we have EVER received!! The windows of heaven are open!! Praise God!!

  10. You know, not every person is what we think they are; they aren't the person they portray. Look at every person who commits a horrible act.....all the people who knew them said, "I would never have believed they would do that, they were so nice and quiet...."
    If God felt you were taking these warnings seriously He wouldn't keep giving you these dreams.
    Praying for you!!

  11. Perhaps you could just ask her help in understanding what the dreams mean? And keep in mind, your mother may already know things about DT if she is friends with his mother, things she has never told you, things that may even give you more insight into these dreams. Even if she "freaks", it would be better than something truly terrible happening to you and her finding out about these dreams after the fact.

  12. I posted a prayer on here a while back about the church we were attending that seemed so cold and unfriendly. Thank you all for praying. But I think it was as I suspected all along.....we were not supposed to "hook in" because that church was just a rest stop on the highway of life. In recent weeks we have felt a release from that church and my husband has been getting opportunities to minister all over the place. We know it is time to find our true place. We desire your prayers for clear direction....not just "feels right" or "convenient" but true, Godly leadership to the right path. We live in a rural area and most churches that flow in the Spirit are quite a drive. But I would rather sell our home and move than have to compromise where we worship. My husband thinks this is impossible, with the real estate market tanked. And with refinancing a few years ago to do some remodeling he doesn't think we have enough equity to sell. Please just pray......Holy Spirit led direction. That is all we desire is to just be where God wants us to be, doing what he has called us to do, reaching those he has called us to reach. Thank you!

  13. He actually came to me a few days ago and we had a very good talk. Cholette was right and he does feel lousy about himself. He even apologized for many things. Right now he is pursuing a possible tech school angle and ramping up the job search. I think just stepping back and letting God deal with it was what we needed in the end.

  14. Thank you Deborah!! I think the call that came from our former pastor made him realize where he really wants to be and where he is really supposed to be.
    And yes, I think you are right about his workplace calling. I do feel God placed him there to be a strength to his boss, who is the only other Christian there. Thank you SO MUCH for the prayers!!

  15. Thank you all for the words of insight and help! I think the Holy Spirit has revealed the meaning to me and it has little to do with our son!
    Basically my husband is a minister, who has been in a season of rest. But he is feeling restless, wanting to get "back to ministry". He has been asked to minister at two very different churches, within one week of each other;
    1) the first, the church OUR SON attends, is a Baptist church, with warm, wonderful people, who are looking for a pastor and really take care of their pastors financially (if he was asked to pastor this church he could quit his day job and would be expected to)
    2)the second is a Full Gospel church (and we are full gospel people) pastored by our former pastor, a man who really mentored my husband in the early days of his ministry. He has said he would like for my husband to come in as his associate pastor, with the future of passing his mantel (church) onto my husband. This would be a position he would have to do while working his day job.
    I believe our son's shoe is the Baptist Church and the work shoe is the Full Gospel church. My husband has really been leaning toward our son's "shoe" because in his heart he just wants to pastor full-time. But to do that would be to compromise his deepest beliefs and would box him in spiritually.
    I think this dream means the Baptist "shoe" would be the wrong fit (I know this by the Spirit also!!) and he needs to keep "working" and pleasing his "boss" (God).
    He did tell me last night that the Holy Spirit has warned him not to "compromise" his beliefs. So I am hoping his "shoes" are on right now!!
    Thanks all!!

  16. Cholette and Mark,
    I feel the main theme of the dream is the wrong shoe, and it was my son's shoe. However, my husband has never been the kind to place work ahead of our children.
    We are having a difficult time getting our son to be motivated toward getting a job himself. He told us two years ago (when he graduated from homeschool) that he felt called to youth ministry. My husband and I were pastoring at the time and we used him in that church. Then he got involved in a music ministry, that sucked the calling for ministry out of him. He quit pursuing ministry a year ago and has just kind of floated since. He seems to have no motivation whatsoever for finding a job, going to college, or doing anything. He has worked some odd jobs, but that has been it.
    My husband talked to him last night about pursuing a local job that had come open and he kind of blew him off. Do you think the dream is connected to this perhaps?

  17. Mark,
    I did wonder about him wearing our son's shoe. However, my husband has always been a family first kind of dad; he has always taken a personal or vacation day off of work anytime the kids needed him at something special.
    I do think there was a significance to him wearing his shoe, though. And also, the kind of shoe...I said dress shoe, and our son wears them when he dresses up,but they are just really nice Toms (basically a simple,canvas shoe), but a type of shoe my husband would never wear in real life.

  18. I have no insight for you, other than I can sympathize. For years I dealt with the same thing from my inlaws. I literally stopped taking food to their get togethers because they wouldn't eat anything I had prepared. I found out later that they didn't understand my husband's and my decision for me to be a stay at home mom. They thought I should work and help him support us. So I was the "lazy" daughter/sister-in-law. It wasn't until years later, when my inlaws worked in a ministry with us, that they realized I wasn't the way they had judged me to be. (and it probably helped that their "wonderful" son-in-laws who they used to rave about haven't turned out to be the Prince Charmings they thought they were!).
    This one thing I know, and do want to encourage you---keep loving your husband and being the best you can be. Treat them nicely, but don't get dragged down by their drama, and know that God is faithful. He will vindicate you!!
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