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Posts posted by exo152

  1. Please pray for my son to have favor! He has been working a very dead end job for the last year. He has been faithful, put in long hours for minimum pay and the management has been horrible. But this last week he got news that a job was opening up in another town close to ours and he knows people who work there. They really like the boss and the working conditions, plus the pay is much better. He talked to the boss and submitted a resume to the hiring agency. The only problem is when the agency contacted his current employer. When he went in to work again, even though he had told his supervisor he was looking for a better job, the main boss met him at the door and basically chewed him out and told him if he wanted to keep his job there, he would have to forget pursuing the better job. He gave my son an ultimatum. If he pursued the other job, even if he didn't get it, he could forget working there. My son made the choice to pursue the other job, so now, as of today, he has no job.
    Please pray that God would give our son favor with this man in charge of hiring for the good job. He is a Christian man, and we are asking God to influence him on our son's behalf, not just because the job is so much better, but this boss would even be a better Godly influence on our son. Thank you all so much!!

  2. It could mean that you will have to take the steps yourself to get the situation taken care of instead of waiting for someone considered more capable to intervene(didn't want to wait for the doctor). Since it was coming out of your mouth, perhaps it means it will come down to what you say, will feel like a long process (talking it out), but will make you feel so much better when it is done. If this doesn't fit, just toss! :)

  3. Anyone know what the number four means? I dreamed almost two years ago about being somewhere working and when I turned around to see how many people had arrived, there were only four, scattered across a huge room. I can tell by other things in the dream that I am stepping into the season I was dreaming about and feel the "four" people have a deeper meaner than I thought when I first had the dream. Thanks!

  4. Okay, this may sound way off, so please toss it it doesn't fit. But I have read through your dream more than once and I just keep getting the same thing;
    Did something happen in your life about the same time as the conflict within the band, Journey? A conflict in your own life? Is God saying, just as he was mending the relationship of the band in the dream that he is going to mend something in your own life? Is there someone from your past that God is trying to reconnect you with? Maybe someone you shared a love for the band Journey with? Again, if this is way off, please toss! :)

  5. Hey all,
    I have a question to ask. We are attending a really great church, just started about three months ago. Everything is wonderful, the preaching, the worship, the classes for our children, etc. But at midweek service last night I was walking down a hall to pick up my children from their class when I passed the praise and worship leader. She averted her eyes, like she didn't want to make eye contact. This isn't the first time she has done this to me and I am thinking she does it with a lot of folks. I am not criticizing her, but I know she has been in church long enough (she has mentioned her father is a pastor) to know how to smile and say a quick "hello". I don't really know her, and I am not seeking to. But I would be friendly. Just wondering if this is maybe a sign she needs prayer, or what? Thanks!!

  6. I had the opportunity to talk with two young men today; one is being blinded by the spirit of homosexuality and the other is a professing atheist. They were both very harsh and critical and resorted to much name calling while accusing me of it. I never argue in these situations, never respond to their criticisms. I try to be a fountain of Jesus's love to them, while maintaining the truth of the gospel. I have witnessed to many people through the years, however I have never encountered such a strong spirit of antagonism. It was if they were trained (and perhaps they have been) in how to respond to people who witnessed to them and when I didn't react the way they expected, they kept hitting me with the same lines that made no sense in light of what I was actually saying to them.
    My prayer request is this; please agree with me for these young men. I told them each I would be praying for them. The atheist mocked this, of course. But I would love for Jesus to show himself in a real way to them. I am asking only that Jesus would send many more Christ-like believers across their path, day after day, until they begin to think the whole world is Christian! I want the love of Jesus from these believers to be like water hitting a rock, wearing away the hardness that is their hearts. Let it be a preparing of the soil of their hearts for the seeds of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to be planted. Thank you!!

  7. I had a dream the other night. At least I think it was a dream. Here goes;
    I was walking toward a tall building with a group of people. They were family, I knew this in the dream, but no face stood out, possibly because they were not the focus of the dream. We were to meet at this building and some important information was to be given to us there. We were next entering a hospital room and I at once took charge, directing the kids and teens to back away near the wall to be out of the way, to which they all obeyed. There was a large, double-sized hospital bed in the room and two of my elderly relatives (husband and wife) lay on this bed. I knew in the dream that the husband was not ill, but lying beside his wife as a source of help and comfort. Several times he would reach out to pat her or comfort her and she would scream, "don't touch me!", as if she couldn't bear to be touched. She then appealed to me that she was "so cold". I wrapped her in a quilt, tucking her in and completely covering her head to toe. While doing this the doctor walked in and I knew he was the one we were waiting on and it was his diagnosis of our relative that was the information we had come to hear. As I was still tucking in the quilt I heard him say the words, "decayed from the inside out" and "rotting" and I knew he meant my relative was beyond medical help. As I heard the words "decayed" and "rotting" I had a flash of vision within the dream of bones eaten up and dying.
    That was the dream. When I dream I most often have glimpses of things that will soon come to pass. I find myself in the middle of it and realize it is my dream by the emotions I am feeling that mirror those from my dream. I have already had a vision, about a year ago of this same relative in a casket, and also of standing beside her grave. So my question is this, is this a dream or actually a vision? I knew from the time I awoke the meaning, but any insight anyone has to add to it would be most appreciated! Thank you!!

  8. Ok, this may be weird, but my brother, who is in law enforcement, told me several years ago that when you see a man with some long fingernails, it means they are a heavy drug user. They grow some of the nails out to use to snort the drugs up their nose. Not sure if this helps or not! :)

  9. Not sure about the context of your dream, but when I read this I instantly thought "manliness" or trying to be the man (I.E wearing the pants?) in a relationship? Toss if it doesn't fit! :)

  10. The cousin from my dream and I share a common hobby--we are both genealogists. The meeting in the cemetery was about that in the dream. And we work together in real life getting a family history program together for the annual family reunion which is always held in June.
    As for how I felt in the dream? It felt very real. Very normal. But I was surprised at how frail my cousin appeared. He is in his late 70s, yet very strong and vibrant in real life. In the dream it was clear he had been through a traumatic illness and everyone was surprised he had made it to the meeting. He spent the time we were there, sitting in a folding chair and telling old family stories. But as we were leaving, he stumbled and died right there.
    Now I am wondering if this dream refers to him passing the baton of heading up the family history meetings? Thank you Mark!

  11. My husband and I both dreamed last night that someone died. My husband dreamed my 45 year old cousin had died unexpectedly and my husband was asked to preach the funeral. But they asked him just as we arrived at the funeral and he was scrambling to put the sermon together. While he was he said people were having a hard time trying to locate my cousin's parents.
    In my dream several of my family members had gathered at the cemetery. We were having a good time and an elderly cousin was sitting in a folding chair, entertaining us with stories. But he was very frail, not like in real life, almost like he had been very ill. As we all started leaving he stumbled and died right there.
    Any ideas? We dreamed these the same night and both had dreams of the death of one of my cousins? Thanks!!

  12. A little background first;
    My husband and his sister own some property jointly. It is a small acreage originally belonging to their great-grandfather, who left it to their grandmother. The house their great-grandfather built and lived in was also the house their grandmother lived in and also the house their mother grew up in. The property was left to my husband and his sister upon the death of his grandmother, about fifteen ago. This house is very old and beyond any repair. The last time we checked on the property the house was falling in, as was a small out-building. The only decent building still usable was the barn.
    Now for the dream;
    My husband dreamed he and his sister were at the property checking on things. But he said they were surprised when they got there that the house was immaculate and looked much like it had when his grandparents lived there. His grandfather was a gardener and had always planted a huge garden that always did well. In the dream they were surprised to also see a huge garden planted and it was heavy with produce. While his sister checked the house, he went to the outbuilding and he said he was again surprised. Instead of the building falling in, it looked solid and new. He went in and new tools lined the walls. Seeing another door, he went through it and it looked like he was in some kind of break room, with coffee and donuts sitting on a table. He said a man walked in with a clipboard and asked him if he could help him. My husband replied, "maybe I need to ask you that. I own this property. Who are you?" The man said he was there to meet a man. He gave the name and it was my husband's grandfather. My husband informed him that his grandfather had been dead more than 15 years. The man insisted that he was scheduled to meet my husband's grandfather. About that time a lady from the nearby town walked in carrying a tiny baby and my husband thought to himself, "she has another one?"(she has ten children).
    Then he left, heading back to the small town near the property. But he was seated in the back, driving the car from there. He told himself he really needed to get in the driver's seat, and knew he would have to soon, but he was really enjoying riding in the back and wanted to stay where he was a while longer.
    Any ideas? My husband always dreams symbolically. Thanks!

  13. Just an update! Thank you for the prayers and the counseling. The Holy Spirit opened the door and we were able to discuss the situation. I discovered that not only was I having problems but my husband was struggling as well. After we brought it before our family, we found they were also struggling. We are now attending a more balanced, family friendly church. Praise God!!

  14. I dreamed last night that my son's former friend and his girlfriend were at our house and stayed the night. They slept in the living room on separate couches and the next morning as I was fixing breakfast I could hear them arguing. When the guy came toward the kitchen I asked if everything was okay and he said, "Oh, I am fine, but she is having a heart attack. Not to worry, she had one last week, too." His voice was very emotionless and uncaring. I then went to the bathroom and saw her getting around. I noticed she had very short shorts on and I was shocked at her legs. They were very hairy, almost completely covered in dark, coarse hair and she walked stiff-legged.

    The house in the dream was not my house, nor any house I have ever been in. And irl, my son and this friend haven't spoken in a year or more, due to a choice my son made that his friend didn't agree with. And my son was not in the dream. Any ideas? Thanks!

  15. I run a research business and a couple of weeks ago I received an e-mail from a lady I hadn't heard from in years. She never contacts me unless she wants me to do some major work for her for free, (and she did!) and she always begins with over the top flattery. I normally don't stress about those kind of requests, just send the person whatever they are needing. But from past associations with this person, I know she takes the information I give her and passes off my work as her own. I put off answering, debated about just ignoring it and finally prayed about it. "What do I do, Lord? What do I say? Or do I just delete it?"
    A week later during my prayer time, the Holy Spirit began to tell me what to write in the e-mail. It sounded so simple. But I sent the e-mail just as I felt directed. The lady has never responded, in spite of needing my research "in a rush". I am still just AMAZED that God gave me the exact words that would take care of the issue.
    Then this last week we were scheduled to go to an event that I wasn't comfortable about. I prayed about it all week, asking God to intervene. My husband knew I wasn't comfortable about it, but felt we had committed had to make an appearance. Within AN HOUR of the starting time of the event, while we were dressing for it, a phone call came for my husband. One of the ladies working at the event wanted to let us know of a change of the program. It gave us the out we needed and didn't have to attend the event after all. GOD IS SO GOOD!!

  16. I dreamed this last year, but the reason it came back to me was that I am just now living out the first part of this dream, which I had already understood. I will definitely pray. My husband and I are going to have to make a decision that will leave some people disappointed. Just praying that their disappointment doesn't turn into trying to damage our ministry. Thanks again!

  17. Thank you both for your insight! The early part of the dream WAS about ministry, so it seems likely that the car crash segment is also. Could it be damage to our ministry?

  18. I had a dream about a year ago that ended with a car crash. I understand what the first part of the dream meant. But at the end I dreamed of riding down the road at night in a white car and someone slammed into the car. No one was hurt, but the car was damaged. I dreamed this one night when it seemed I dreamed all night long and I am not even sure the car crash dream went with the other dream or if it came later.
    So, just wondering what white cars and car crashes may mean? Thanks all!!

  19. The wind didn't seem destructive. In fact there was wall-to-wall sunshine and the wind was warm and very spring-like. My feelings in the dream were good, and I was really anticipating whatever I was dressing for, and even the interruption of trying to locate the clothing didn't upset me.
    The only change that comes to mind is that I have stepped down from the children's ministry I was heading up (a good thing!) and we are praying God direct us in where to attend church (my husband and I are both seeking him about it). The dream I had about the spoiled food in the restaurant has manifested and we really want to be able to leave this church gracefully without any hard feelings. We have a lot of friends in this church, but it just isn't a good fit for our family.
    Thanks for responding!

  20. Thanks for responding! After reading your reply it got me thinking. I believe this whole "scene" represents a mid-week church program my daughter attends with some friends. It is hosted by a church that is not of our denomination and they seem almost superficial in their beliefs. Some of the statements made by the lady in charge have stunned me at times (kind of like, are you serious?) . And the pets aka "followers" really rings a bell with how these children follow her (she is very likable and isn't a bad person).  The other little girl in the dream also attends sometimes, and the "brother" is most likely my son, who has literally quit attending this program because he would rather stay home and play with the things she dreamed he was concerned about. And one of my daughter's concerns about her friends and the other kids who attend this program is that they seem to have such a superficial relationship with God. The program is much more social than spiritual.
    Now it concerns me about what this storm refers to, but I know from the dream that she came through it safely. However, in the dream, all the kids who refused the shelter did not survive.
    Thank you so much, Mark!

  21. My daughter awoke this morning excited to tell me this amazing dream. In it she said she was with a group of young people. The only ones she recognized was her brother and a girl we used to attend church with that she was friends. They were in the jungle and had brought things to camp. The only adult was the leader and they had some pets with them. She said the wind picked up and her brother was more concerned about losing his things. By this time they realized it was a storm and the wind was strong enough to be blowing houses down. Then they saw a tornado coming through the trees, but there was no place to take shelter. Everything around them was getting destroyed. My daughter saw a huge rock, with a small space to take refuge in, almost like a small, three sided cave. She ran to it and called to the others. Some of the young people, including her brother and friend, ran to take shelter with her. But the leader yelled at her that it wasn't safe and she needed to leave it. She said they stayed put, knowing they would be safe there. But some of the kids couldn't make up their minds and kept going back and forth. Once the tornado tore off the rock and then it bounced back down and they were still safe. A girl cried out, "this is impossible! We are all going to be killed!". My daughter replied, "No, nothing is impossible with God! Let's praise Him!" So the kids all began singing praises and the onslaught began to stop. Soon the storm was over and everyone who had not taken refuge under the rock was dead, except for the leader. The leader was covered with wounds and had lost the pets. My daughter said they seemed more concerned over the missing pets than the dead young people who hadn't taken refuge under the rock. But the kids who had taken refuge were not hurt at all.
    When she awoke she told me she knew this was a spiritual dream, she wrote it down and has been meditating on it all day. Any ideas for her? Thank you!
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