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Everything posted by Moufisto

  1. Moufisto


    yeeeaahhh he's just askin for it now :l That bastard better come back alive. USA just pisses me off nowadays.
  2. *quickly glances in all directions! Hugs a shotgun close to himself.. this is war* ...hi :_: .. nice to meet you.. mr. server.. i'm sorry i.. killed you.. *puppy eyes* OuO Edit: <333 ---- and sharok: FFffff----- well at least it's being backed up by AwesomenessAezir
  3. Alright, i assume he's been demoted?
  4. Moufisto

    Dock preview

    ..I still think it looks like a massive cannon.. or a sword.. I could imagine a transformer wielding this thing XDDD
  5. Sharok if you turn SMP to peaceful (the creative world) I promise i won't destroy your computer again! Or the server! Or the world! I won't crash the world! PLEASE!! THE ENDERMEN ARE TAKING MY STRUCTURE AWAY ;_:!!!
  6. 8'D It won't suit gun mod though, fyi. It's just a place for it XP i don't know how i'd go about the theme if i were to try and fit it in with guns XD
  7. Well that's happyiness!!!! O_O Much love for the 110 <3 (Edit: Also if you lose I'ma kill you **
  8. Sweet man! Let us know how it turns out best of luck! Also if you lose you're i'ma kill you. No pressure.
  9. my place expands a 6000 block radius, 4000 wide n length city, taking up the whole of the bottom and top of the map, with 2000 around it with terrain (snowy mountains, waterfalls, icy caverns, dark mysterious froggers forrests with each area accessed by a gate from the city. 4 directions in/out, North south east west sorta style, the whole city will be a civilisation of buildings and general set up for this event. The plan is to have it within the 6000 block radius, i didn't and don't plan to take it outside that radius, so no worries frogs. One thing, it could have an impact of the rest of the server, unless we can align this mode to only this world? and guns and minecraft do mix, you just have to build the area right to fit the guns. the age of minecraft is as old / new as you make it; that's my view on it at least. ^ chances are i won't achieve this, though idc really it's just for fun!
  10. As it turns out, this was my call to make, and me and eric made it. He's an adept now, as it appears he's asked before, and we've discussed this before, I think it's time to give him a chance before he does something stupid since we've been denying him that chance for a while now.. Anyway. lets see how the s33d grows.
  11. Ok so here's a plan that i've come up with, to make things interesting around here. I'm currently doing a project on SMP, a proper sized city. This being encased in 3 layers of castle walls, and a hq in the middle. WHEN i'm done, and have worked out the surrounding areas too We will put 2 teams of people against eachovers, with the Minecraft Guns mod, we will have periodic online wars (set up with mods/spectators and all) that evolve around this city (don't worry, i'll make sure it's big enough for my cock large scale assaults) Also frogger's worth 10 pts We'll see how things turn out with the city, before this idea comes to life. But if it does, we'll have one hell of a set up for some sex fun.
  12. ' <333 np man we'd rather hear you care and say something than not care at all and go inactive X'[
  13. Touch of fear's my favorite there, it's neat as for the Black'nessness, can't think of any criticism, unless you want to put something within the picture from your game? Like, a zombie or some shit in the corner facing the viewer like YO
  14. All my backup AITM maps have been uploaded to Onion. List: - Adept2 - Archives - Pixelart - Dock - Cityville - Seizure - Kev - Hellriver - Sleepymountains - Lostdiego - Dunes - Gameshow - Moucruiser - Island - ImABeliever - Pond - Lounge - Mountkevirest - Mason2 - Shardock - Mason3 - Terra - Mason4 - 3DArt - Mason5 - Anchordhead - Masonspam aaand, Lakeland, Nektulos, Pupil, Pupil2, Pupil3, Pupil4, WorldToBuild, Shroomland aaaaand i would give him 110's main map, but i think 110 would've had a more recent version to give XP
  15. Sharok don't bother resetting the map to the save file that had the work, Not sure if you were gonna, but i'll just restart the whole thing right now.
  16. *shrug* i forwarded him to doom/zelda to decide, this is not my call to make. As for time, he's been here quite a while, i wouldn't mind giving him a shot personally, as there haven't been any incidences with him if i recall right?
  17. *loads rifle* Lets hunt us some bugs. *runs off shooting the cat in the backyard i just saw*
  18. I was that adept lolz. i did my best to give you the best rank i could XDD and it was muchly appreciated
  19. Yup. I ran around this morning as a Novice. With Frogger and an adept watching in amusement XDDDD
  20. Hm, so i wasn't the only one having problems with wom/client? O.o
  21. DOEEET. Then get a top hat, and you'll be the most gentlemanly alchemist evar. *DROOLING WITH ANTICIPATION* But it wouldn't be as awesome without you! join in! We could make a Gentleman Alchemists group! And DOMINATE THE WORLD! And legalize weed while we're at it!
  22. Should i get a monocle and pipe for the hell of it too?
  23. What?! wut wut?! she meant the VLC or whatever it's called. :X Onion's not running the server off his computer, it's being run via a payed client Did you just call me a she? lmao XDD onion where are youuu I call everyone a She. Like, frogger-LOLOLOL he knows what i'm talking about.
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