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Posts posted by Moufisto

  1. Spindle_shanks wrote:
    I got an awesome plan for some time-lapses...

    I need people (preferably adept or higher), to do builds that take 20 mins at most to build.
    These people need to build it for me as I film them doing it, and I can then make it into a time-lapse.

    What do you guys think?

    Since i have my client back i've got the builder's itch.
    I'm in.
    Time + place?

    Also don't use GM's home,
    I've got an updated version of it on another server.

  2. Ericrb wrote:
    Moufisto wrote:
    On the brighter side of eric's sulking and my maps ownership denied,
    I have the WoM Client back!

    But i don't want my new works to be taken by a server for themselves..
    hmmmmm :/ what should i do..

    I removed that rule.

    You still sulked like a bitch.
    And you trolled me earlier on it, like it was official.

  3. DemonicD3 wrote:
    I don't get it, since when did we have that policy? That doesn't exactly encourage people to build in AITM. That your property will become AITM's property to do with as pleases.

    ..Figures it's probably a repercussion from the Applecraft incident.

  4. alecmacher wrote:
    mouf. I wouldnt be surprised if they told me that. when you type /rules it tells you that all buildings are a property of AITM.

    a harsh reality indeed, i wish i pulled my builds out before they decided there was a 'fuck you you're just a builder it's ours now' rule

  5. alecmacher wrote:

    I thank you for reading many people just read it and leave it there. But you did different you wrote 2 paragraphs which are very coherent. I understand what you say and now all my tiredness of minecraft has vanished and good spirits has sprout again. I understand what you say I just need time and dedication.

    Thank You

    @Moufisto You may have forogotten because you were not hurt very much on what Tyler did. But some were affected like zhuge which was his building all the way.

    -Alec Macher

    Pretty much.
    I was just told by Z yesterday that my maps are no longer mine.
    Can't say I'm impressed, or sympathetic to him since that.

  6. DemonicD3 wrote:
    Micke1990 wrote:
    DemonicD3 wrote:
    Hes mad because Eric caught him on his fakation.


    You guys don't read the forums much do you? Layton posted up he was going on vacation to Tokyo. Eric posted up info that proved that was false. Layton raged, griefed up on MineCraft and posted up this topic before leaving and getting demoted/banned. Cool Story Demonic.

    rofl owned -.-

  7. hrm.
    128x128x128 each was what wom did.
    Either we do 1024 x 1024 x 128,
    which is the equiv of 512 512 512 size, iii thiinkk, or we do 128 x 128 x 128 for each person, just label the maps for the competion, like so

    that sort of a thing, just put a letter or number before it to notify us that it's a competition map, and assemble it properly size wise and permissions wise,
    to expert+ with whitelisted user(s).

  8. Name: Moufisto
    Associated with: AITM.
    Town/City: MouHQ, far far away.
    Occupation: Warlord, Assigned to contracted killings, sabotaging deals, mod assassinations and drug smuggling.

    Competitors: Everyone. Except those who pay me not to kill them and those wise enough to hide themselves properly.
    This is, if PvP is turned on. If not, I guess i'll just do my own thang far far away.

    Note: Since it now doesn't matter if i go on beta or classic, i'll still be crippled and useless, i may as well make some fun out of it.
    All this will be legit, of course.

  9. I just say "yeahahh i'll toss it around with the others and see what we'll come to" if it's artisan -> adept or adept-> expert
    and then sex. I mean, post it up.

    As for lower ranks, they USSEDD to have to show us their builds and if we thought they'd done a pretty good job they'd go up..
    this system slowly dropped off due to slackness.. so builds haven't been as good after that XD
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