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  1. Kev will probably see this and give you flags. I don't know how :/
  2. Ericrb

    Computer Fried

    It should be added in minecraft.
  3. Gave 100,000 to Imperium. Gave 100,000 to Neverwinter Gave 100,000 to Caelum. Purged your protections so I could open a scavenger hunt for the server.
  4. More proof of why I'm quitting. I was serious. Nobody gets anything now. Thanks for ruining my last hurrah on top of the rest of the game for me. When the main people managing the server don't care about our happiness, why play at all? It's okay. I'll give your things to them.
  5. Just watch-out for your false-impersonation. It's kinda annoying.
  6. Ericrb

    Server Maintenance

    Son of a b*tch. Why, hello there.
  7. Reopen, but instead of clicking on "resume" click on "sign in".
  8. Banned for griefing in 11's pyramid. Spoiler:197;66;-298;chirstain;false;63;16/4/2012 1:37 196;66;-298;chirstain;false;63;16/4/2012 1:37 195;66;-298;chirstain;false;63;16/4/2012 1:37 194;66;-298;chirstain;false;63;16/4/2012 1:37 193;66;-298;chirstain;false;63;16/4/2012 1:37 174;61;-301;chirstain;false;15;16/4/2012 1:38 174;61;-301;chirstain;false;12;16/4/2012 1:38 174;60;-301;chirstain;false;15;16/4/2012 1:38 235;61;-340;chirstain;false;1;16/4/2012 1:39 235;60;-340;chirstain;false;1;16/4/2012 1:39 238;60;-322;chirstain;false;39;16/4/2012 1:3 9 238;60;-320;chirstain;false;39;16/4/2012 1:39 236;60;-311;chirstain;false;40;16/4/2012 1:39 236;60;-309;chirstain;false;40;16/4/2012 1:39 236;60;-308;chirstain;false;40;16/4/2012 1:39 237;60;-309;chirstain;false;40;16/4/2012 1:39 238;60;-309;chirstain;false;40;16/4/2012 1:39 192;65;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:39 192;64;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:39 193;64;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:39 194;64;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:39 191;65;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 190;65;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 189;65;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;65;-252;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;65;-253;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;65;-254;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;64;-254;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;64;-254;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;64;-254;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;64;-254;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;65;-255;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 188;65;-256;chirstain;true;4;16/4/2012 1:40 186;67;-257;chirstain;false;54;16/4/2012 1:41 186;67;-258;chirstain;false;54;16/4/2012 1:41 188;65;-256;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 188;65;-254;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 188;65;-255;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 188;65;-253;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 188;65;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 189;65;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 190;65;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 191;65;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:41 192;65;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:42 192;64;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:42 193;64;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:42 194;64;-252;chirstain;false;4;16/4/2012 1:42
  9. Ericrb

    New worth list

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlJzwc4jbZHAdGY0UHF1OXVaNEoyY2M2d1l2T0VPaUE#gid=0 NEW LIST:worth: stone: 2.0 grass: 1.0 dirt: 1.0 cobblestone: 1.0 wood: 1.0 sapling: 1.0 bedrock: 1000.0 water: 1.0 lava: 1.0 sand: 1.0 gravel: 1.0 goldore: 55.0 ironore: 30.0 coalore: 10.0 log: 10.0 leaves: 1.0 sponge: 80.0 glass: 2.0 lapisore: 15.0 lapisblock: 15.0 dispenser: 10.0 sandstone: 5.0 noteblock: 10.0 bedblock: 1.0 poweredrail: 50.0 detectorrail: 25.0 stickypiston: 50.0 web: 1 deadshrub: 1.0 tallgrass: 1.0 liveshrub: 1.0 deadshrub: 1.0 piston: 25.0 pistonhead: 1.0 wool: '0': 8.0 '1': 10.0 '2': 10.0 '3': 10.0 '4': 10.0 '5': 10.0 '6': 10.0 '7': 10.0 '8': 10.0 '9': 10.0 '10': 10.0 '11': 10.0 '12': 10.0 '13': 10.0 '14': 10.0 '15': 10.0 dandelion: 2.0 rose: 2.0 brownmushroom: 2.0 redmushroom: 2.0 goldblock: 450.0 ironblock: 225.0 doublestoneslab: 1.0 doublesandstoneslab: 1.0 doublewoodenslab: 1.0 doublecobblestoneslab: 1.0 doublebrickslab: 1.0 doublestonebrickslab: 1.0 stoneslab: 1.0 sandstoneslab: 1.0 woodenslab: 1.0 cobblestoneslab: 1.0 brickslab: 1.0 stonebrickslab: 1.0 brick: 40.0 tnt: 100.0 bookshelf: 20.0 mossycobblestone: 90.0 obsidian: 130.0 torch: 1.0 fire: 1.0 monsterspawner: 1.0 woodenstairs: 1.0 chest: 10.0 redstonewire: 7.0 diamondore: 300.0 diamondblock: 2250.0 workbench: 5.0 wheatcrops: 1.0 soil: 3.0 furnace: 10.0 burningfurnace: 1.0 signpost: 1.0 woodendoorblock: 1.0 ladder: 4.0 rails: 150.0 cobblestonestairs: 9.0 wallsign: 1.0 lever: 2.0 stonepressureplate: 4.0 irondoorblock: 150.0 woodenpressureplate: 2.0 redstoneore: 30.0 glowingredstoneore: 30.0 redstonetorch(off): 1.0 redstonetorch(on): 1.0 stonebutton: 4.0 snow: 1.0 ice: 1.0 snowblock: 1.0 cactus: 10.0 clay: 3.0 sugarcane: 9.0 jukebox: 250.0 fence: 2.0 pumpkin: 50.0 netherrack: 1.0 soulsand: 1.0 glowstone: 1.0 portal: 1.0 jack-o-lantern: 60.0 cakeblock: 1.0 diodeblockoff: 1.0 diodeblockon: 1.0 lockedchest: 1.0 trapdoor: 1.0 monstereggs: 1.0 stonebrick: 2.0 mossystonebrick: 1.0 crackedstonebrick: 1.0 redmushroomcap: 1.0 brownmushroomcap: 1.0 ironbars: 1.0 glasspane: 1.0 melonblock: 1.0 pumpkinstem: 1.0 melonstem: 1.0 vines: 1.0 fencegate: 1.0 brickstairs: 1.0 stonebrickstairs: 1.0 mycelium: 1.0 lilypad: 1.0 netherbrick: 1.0 netherbrickfence: 1.0 netherbrickstairs: 1.0 netherwart: 1.0 ironshovel: 25.0 ironpickaxe: 75.0 ironaxe: 75.0 flintandsteel: 1.0 apple: 10.0 bow: 75.0 arrow: 10.0 coal: 5.0 charcoal: 5.0 diamond: 250.0 ironingot: 25.0 goldingot: 50.0 ironsword: 50.0 woodensword: 4.0 woodenshovel: 3.0 woodenpickaxe: 4.0 woodenaxe: 4.0 stonesword: 8.0 stoneshovel: 6.0 stonepickaxe: 8.0 stoneaxe: 8.0 diamondsword: 500.0 diamondshovel: 250.0 diamondpickaxe: 750.0 diamondaxe: 750.0 stick: 1.0 bowl: 6.0 mushroomsoup: 30.0 goldsword: 100.0 goldshovel: 150.0 goldpickaxe: 150.0 goldaxe: 150.0 string: 5.0 feather: 3.0 sulphur: 10.0 woodenhoe: 4.0 stonehoe: 8.0 ironhoe: 50.0 diamondhoe: 500.0 goldhoe: 50.0 wheatseeds: 5.0 wheat: 9.0 bread: 20.0 leatherhelmet: 25.0 leatherchestplate: 40.0 leatherleggings: 35.0 leatherboots: 20.0 chainmailhelmet: 40.0 chainmailchestplate: 40.0 chainmailleggings: 50.0 chainmailboots: 30.0 ironhelmet: 125.0 ironchestplate: 200.0 ironleggings: 175.0 ironboots: 100.0 diamondhelmet: 1250.0 diamondchestplate: 2000.0 diamondleggings: 1750.0 diamondboots: 1000.0 goldhelmet: 250.0 goldchestplate: 400.0 goldleggings: 350.0 goldboots: 200.0 flint: 1.0 rawporkchop: 1.0 cookedporkchop: 5.0 painting: 15.0 goldenapple: 15.0 sign: 5.0 woodendoor: 5.0 bucket: 75.0 waterbucket: 75.0 lavabucket: 75.0 minecart: 125.0 saddle: 100.0 irondoor: 150.0 redstone: 1.0 snowball: 1.0 boat: 5.0 leather: 10.0 milkbucket: 15.0 claybrick: 10.0 clayballs: 8.0 sugarcane: 9.0 paper: 9.0 book: 27.0 slimeball: 50.0 storageminecart: 125.0 poweredminecart: 125.0 egg: 1.0 compass: 100.0 fishingrod: 25.0 clock: 200.0 glowstonedust: 10.0 rawfish: 5.0 cookedfish: 10.0 inksack: '0': 10.0 '10': 3.0 bone: 10.0 sugar: 5.0 cake: 100.0 bed: 25.0 diode: 10.0 cookie: 1.0 map: 100.0 shears: 50.0 melon: 1.0 pumpkinseeds: 10.0 melonseeds: 5.0 rawbeef: 1.0 steak: 1.0 rawchicken: 1.0 cookedchicken: 1.0 rottenflesh: 1.0 enderpearl: 10.0 blazerod: 10.0 ghasttear: 1.0 goldnugget: 1.0 netherwartseeds: 1.0 potion: 1.0 glassbottle: 1.0 spidereye: 1.0 fermentedspidereye: 1.0 blazepowder: 1.0 magmacream: 1.0 goldmusicdisc: 1.0 greenmusicdisc: 1.0 OLD LIST: worth: stonebutton: '0': 7.0 wood: 1.0 arrow: 10.0 diamondpickaxe: 1000.0 rawfish: 5.0 minecart: 20.0 leatherchestplate: 40.0 storageminecart: 35.0 leaves: '0': 0.0 feather: 3.0 goldchestplate: 600.0 mushroomsoup: 30.0 bread: 20.0 stationarywater: '0': 1.0 workbench: 20.0 stonehoe: 40.0 brownmushroom: 2.0 wool: '0': 8.0 mossycobblestone: 90.0 diamondhoe: 600.0 woodsword: 10.0 torch: '0': 1.0 grass: 1.0 poweredminecart: 30.0 snowball: 1.0 goldenapple: 500.0 leatherleggings: 20.0 log: '0': 2.0 diamondaxe: 1000.0 slimeball: 50.0 fence: 10.0 stonespade: 40.0 claybrick: 10.0 noteblock: 40.0 ironaxe: 60.0 coalore: 15.0 clayball: 8.0 fishingrod: 25.0 ironhoe: 60.0 goldrecord: 950.0 ironpickaxe: 80.0 irondoor: 35.0 bucket: 10.0 redrose: 2.0 grilledpork: 6.0 gravel: 1.0 wooddoor: 30.0 chainmailhelmet: 40.0 ironchestplate: 300.0 diamondblock: 1500.0 diamondhelmet: 1500.0 goldhelmet: 300.0 redstonetorchon: '0': 10.0 ironspade: 40.0 furnace: '0': 10.0 ironsword: 60.0 dispenser: '0': 9.0 woodaxe: 10.0 seeds: 5.0 painting: 50.0 woodplate: '0': 10.0 redstoneore: 30.0 diamondspade: 350.0 waterbucket: 10.0 water: '0': 1.0 bedrock: 1000.0 irondoorblock: '0': 15.0 goldhoe: 200.0 sand: 1.0 goldsword: 200.0 stoneaxe: 40.0 bookshelf: 20.0 ironblock: 160.0 jackolantern: '0': 60.0 boat: 5.0 diamondchestplate: 3000.0 redstonewire: '0': 7.0 redmushroom: 2.0 string: 5.0 stoneplate: '0': 10.0 wallsign: '0': 1.0 cactus: '0': 10.0 sulphur: 19.0 rails: '0': 40.0 ironore: 18.0 leatherhelmet: 20.0 stone: 2.0 egg: 1.0 diamondore: 200.0 woodhoe: 10.0 goldleggings: 400.0 chainmailleggings: 50.0 yellowflower: 2.0 ironhelmet: 120.0 obsidian: 130.0 dirt: 1.0 leather: 10.0 leatherboots: 17.0 lever: '0': 7.0 cobblestone: 1.0 cake: 100.0 woodstairs: '0': 8.0 ironingot: 20.0 goldore: 45.0 pumpkin: '0': 50.0 bed: 25.0 watch: 100.0 ironleggings: 250.0 sign: 10.0 doublestep: '0': 3.0 woodpickaxe: 10.0 stonepickaxe: 40.0 chainmailboots: 30.0 diamondleggings: 2200.0 cookedfish: 20.0 saddle: 100.0 cobblestonestairs: '0': 22.0 tnt: 500.0 glowingredstoneore: 30.0 apple: 10.0 woodspade: 10.0 goldingot: 50.0 diode: 10.0 soil: '0': 3.0 clay: 3.0 goldblock: 400.0 stick: 1.0 paper: 30.0 brick: 40.0 stationarylava: '0': 1.0 chest: 15.0 sandstone: 5.0 goldpickaxe: 300.0 compass: 50.0 sugarcane: 10.0 diamondsword: 700.0 goldboots: 250.0 sponge: 80.0 stonesword: 40.0 coal: '0': 3.0 goldaxe: 300.0 bone: 10.0 diamond: 230.0 glass: 10.0 goldspade: 220.0 lapisblock: 500.0 lavabucket: 30.0 wheat: 9.0 ladder: '0': 10.0 sugarcaneblock: '0': 15.0 bowl: 6.0 chainmailchestplate: 40.0 sapling: '0': 2.0 diamondboots: 1500.0 lapisore: 100.0 lava: '0': 1.0 milkbucket: 15.0 redstone: 1.0 greenrecord: 1000.0 inksack: '0': 10.0 glowstonedust: 11.0 book: 35.0 bow: 75.0 ironboots: 50.0 step: '0': 3.0 sugar: 5.0
  10. Ericrb

    Town Funding

    Sent 100k. Enjoy. No need to pay back.
  11. Ericrb

    World Main

    Closing it at 12am on 16/04 Taking requests until 12am 18/04 Deleting at 12am 21/04 Hours are Eastern Standard Time Nevermind, I will use Main for my PvE intention.
  12. 1. Make a PvP server. 2. Make people war. 3. Everyone rages about getting killed. 4. Leave, go grief in classic. 5. ??? 6. Ban. Even if you take things seriously, you still know when it's too much and know what to do. Kudos.
  13. With Minecraft Blink, you have a chance of winning prices by bidding on it. Each Blink has 8 slots. Each slots costs money. Buy any amount you want to have a chance of winning. Prices are going to be items in the game, but if you don't want it, I will offer a payout depending on the item. To buy a slot, type /warp Blink, create a sign and /cprivate it. I will use a string to know who made the sign. You don't have to pay me, when the blink is finished, I will use my OP power to take your money For now it's only a test, I will only do 1 blink at the time. If a lot of people plays, I will put more. Head to /warp Blink and have fun! Winners List: ZhugeDiamond Chest$12000SpindleDiamond Legs$10500Micke200 Melons$10000Ph03b3Diamond Helm + Prot I$17500LostieDiamond Legs + Blast. Prot II$20500
  14. I have nothing against it, but try to keep it private (send pms).
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