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Everything posted by Dr_TreeMan

  1. I am a witness to the events
  2. That salad is what i do with my enemy Tree Lords, minus the onions of course >.>
  3. Soo, im bored and hungry. Let's talk about our favorite foods! Mine= sushi, mainly spicy ahi and rice, spicy ahi and ANYTHING even butterflys
  4. Personally, i really like Chronic Future. But a word of warning to all. The only album that's any good is Lines In My Face. It also has all the most famous songs. The warning is that since then, they've become techno,disco,alternative...it sucks. ONLY listen to Lines In My Face, its some of the best stuff out there. CHRONIC FUTURE FTW
  5. Temp server URL Y U NO WORK? Same as kev too
  6. Didnt the no ".minecraft or .jsp? /play" things give it away? But my hopes did soar for a second.... XD
  7. Didn't we negotiate that the protection of the civilian known as Zelda10001 would be designated to zhuge?
  8. Whenever i try to go one beta, it says done loading withe the green bar stopped like an inch from finished. I can't get on at all and cant find thwe problem. Im on aitm, in every tree.
  9. Dude, seriously, the server being down for a little is no big deal. Also, the server is reviving as we speak. The server being down ONE day doesnt make it die. We were just on low traffic. ONE day of no server, i think you can handle. Go outside, ride your bike, get some exercise. Btw i know some ppl r gonna say stuff like NEVVVAA and such. Sorry to be defensive, but so many Q.Q posts is starting to be a lil agitating. The server will come on when it does. However, i will admit i've posted one or two when i was just joined XD
  10. Don't Worry sloth, you were probably half asleep. We now understand
  11. Dr_TreeMan


    So does this mean that grf is the prophet of doom? He must be killed...Or given a ham sandwich...WHICH HAS 11 LETTERS IN IT
  12. I won't be on for about two weeks. I'm on vacation in Oregon, the skii house has no internet. Im only able to come on to write this because i chanced upon a two bar internet source, an incredibly unstable one. So i may not be on. BTW!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the heck is the beta section gone? Different forum? BTW, Aitm is awsome, just because.
  13. Craft, you're the cut now measure later type. A loose cannon....I mean, going to .net to see if .net is down? INCREDIBLY RISKY!!!!!
  14. Because im a good person, here's a link that auto checks minecraft.net, If ur unsure if the problem is it being down or your crap connetion, check this link and it'll tell you http://www.downornot.com/minecraft.net
  15. I know XD but on todd's retirement announcment sloth put something on. I had assumed it was a change from the previous topic >.> XD
  16. When you say IP URL, do you mean my IP address? You should always be connecting with... minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=379af4ed73704b77ca92adb75ba437b4 I connect with IP cause wom wont accept URL, and ip is alot safer, unless u want me to change EDIT: NVM problem solved; Thank you Lord Onion, You're better than by McChang!
  17. So. The Tree is here. He beckons to you. You come. He begins his story. You listen in awe. Ok yeah so anyways, here's a rehash. I was getting on mc, felt like building on aitm. Well, when i got on wom, i got this cache thing. I was liek "oh well, no dif." and clicked it. It sent me to server list. Here's where it gets weird. I clicked aitm link, and says no conenction. I do this about 5 more times. On the 5th time, i click the aitm link, and it sends me to another server i got bookmarked, a lavasurvival, . I was like wtf...but ok! atleast i was on. Then it gets worse. The owner comes on in console and is like "Why the *beep* is ther server on? And im like, no clue. So he shuts it down. I click aitm bookmark (for sure) and it sends me there again! The console comes on and is liek WTF!? again.Anyways we start a game, then he resets server, and when i try to go on, doesnt work. So i wait, go for a walk, get some spicy ahi poke, then i come back. Like magic WoM WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!! but...whenever i try aitm bookmark (i checked the IP URL several times) i get a code error saying something about the port, 25565. ANYWAYS! Any ideas what the problem is? Im using latest version, 1.6.4
  18. KEVIN...SERIOUSLY?! dont worry, we arnt asian homophobic.....*back away from kevin slowly, throws zee at him*
  19. He came on, and every1 was like wtf. He SAYS he just said he'll be on occasionlly, but who knows; maybe something was lost in translation from Slothenese
  20. NOOOOOO!!!! Not just todd, but not sloth too T_T.... I knew ur grave was a bad omen todd T_T
  21. Sloth, it's worse than you think. It only took a few hours.... for herz!
  22. Two things todd: 1. Invade hasnt been on forever. 2.Life is only minecraft? How about you compare hours with him... 3. i said two but i wana put more! 4. gays in Japan? Pullin' out some insults there man >.> 5. I got nothing against you but seriously, no attacking peeps -_- 6. im posting stuff like this because 11 is beating me in overall posts, i will overtake him!
  23. Maybe Snow and hills with lakes for that "Ontop of a cloud" feeling?
  24. Sloth......wow.......XD, sry this isnt helping, a bit mean actually...
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