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Everything posted by Toddlo1972

  1. He said he wanted to start as a novice. The question now is if we promote or not. I'll go for promote but he'll need to build all over again... It's not his choice to make. Very true on that. I'll leave my... "life" or "reputation" at the mercy of you. And I won't vote, 'cuz I ain't like that. (anymore.....) This was a while back. Think it's safe to say everyone's had the chance to take a look and vote. So you're back, and set to guest. (grats? :S wb anyway) Well.... I should be around more.... -.-* (anger at self) So, I will be on soon...
  2. He said he wanted to start as a novice. The question now is if we promote or not. I'll go for promote but he'll need to build all over again... It's not his choice to make. Very true on that. I'll leave my... "life" or "reputation" at the mercy of you. And I won't vote, 'cuz I ain't like that. (anymore.....)
  3. He said he wanted to start as a novice. The question now is if we promote or not. I'll go for promote but he'll need to build all over again... It's not his choice to make. Very true on that. I'll leave my... "life" or "reputation" at the mercy of Onion. And I won't vote, 'cuz I ain't like that. (anymore.....)
  4. I'm sorry that I didn't take the offer to explain.... I was pissed... and I didn't really explain myself when I posted this thing... seems like all jumbled... but those of you must have known what was wrong. Anyways, sorry I didn't get back to you guys sooner. Stuff happened, Thanksgiving, and a lot more. Totally forgot about things. I will get back on (if I am unbanned, and if Zelda, Moufisto, and everyone else will except my apologies) at the end of the month. Doesn't mean I can't talk :]. I have missed everyone so much, and by the looks of your guys' comments, (which I really don't understand some, being if you want me back or not) you may/may not have missed me too. I am sincerely happy that those of you who will take me back in. I'm sorry to those who I hurt. I hope you will like me again. Untill then, peace. Todd
  5. Hey.... guys. If you do care to remember, Todd here, or Ethan. I have had my time away.... How long was it? 3 months? But anyways, let me explain. It was true, I was power hungry. When I said I hated Experts, I was lying. I was jealous of them, for having a higher rank then me, and all that jazz. When you banned me, I was.... hurt for a while. I couldn't believe that I had lost my "friends" after so long. You had ALL the right to ban me, for I was a complete asshole. If you would give me a second chance, I would thank you. But, if you do, I would start me as a novice again, just so I know who I am. If you don't, I understand. "You don't know me anymore (basically) and how can you trust me. Well, find it in your hearts. Just.... think about it? Thanks, Ethan.
  6. Toddlo1972

    Bad Movies

    Keep sulking. I shall
  7. Toddlo1972

    Bad Movies

    The Mist Just.... don't watch it... *shudders* Also, for those who see my comments and go "OMGWTFBBQ!?", I can comment on the Forum if I want, but I'm never going on classic.
  8. Or not.... Oh well... Nothing lost, nothing gained, eh?? But seriously, I don't want to come back people. I think my time is done. Creative has lost it's touch on me, and so have some of the people in it. I think this is my final goodbye, for sure. I'll end it with a bang. Yeah, so bye.
  9. Fine. Set up a time for us to talk. I dont want people to see it on the forum. Wherever you want.
  10. Why in the hell would I talk to you?
  11. actually, I <--- told him he could come back, as I <--- set the ban Well no Derp, see my reply?
  12. Why.... WHY.......... WHY DID YOU LET HIM COME BACK MOUFISTO!?!!?!!?!??!?!?
  13. Forget this one, I left it.
  14. EXPLOSION! But I think we need a new one...
  15. Toddlo1972


    Meow. Let's Start an All in the Terr Server! (See what I did thar? All in the Mined? All in the Terr?.... Anyone? T-T)
  16. Realized that, was going to record and show it, but Fraps won't record my sound at all... And hopefully Notchie fixes it either tomorrow or Thursday. :3
  17. I love hearing the sound of rain, don't you? Your laying on your bed, listening to the steady sound of it beating a tattoo into the roof.... But that's impossible, as I can't HEAR the rain in Minecraft... I would love to just sit in a chair (crouch) next to my fire, with my faithful dog Rupert is sitting on his bed made of wool, listening to the rain... That is, unless you can hear the rain... Any idea why I can't mates? Mods I have: Too Many Items SSP Commands I wonder if it's a bug between the two mods.... Any help? (Not from Eric, as he says he thinks the rain sound is annoying)
  18. I think we should have a new section on the forum: Minecraft Beta. I know we post throughout the threads, but I think we should have a DESIGNATED area for all things BETA. Onion?... Any thoughts...?
  19. This is a little on the subject "3D", as I will use it for Minecraft (Hence 3D). Are there any good paint programs out there that add noise to the colors? Would help if I can find one...
  20. Toddlo1972


    Darnit..... I wish Red and Blue made it like how Notch sells MC, off the site. I have a very small hard drive, so 7 gigs take a lot from me...
  21. Toddlo1972


    I can't figure this out.... If you buy it off the Steam store, do you have to have Steam on your PC in order to play Terraria? Or do you not need Steam? Also, I REALLY want this game... but I need to know my question first....
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