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Posts posted by DemonicD3

  1. We were not waiting on factions to update, that's not why it wasn't installed when it was updated. Those servers you visit run primarily factions only, AITM wants to run two worlds one with Towny and one with Factions. As such is requires the multiverse plugin to run the two worlds. We were waiting on that being updated, not sure when or if that is updated yet. I assume being that erics back at school and everything he'll get to it when he can get to it.

  2. ZacI265 wrote:
    Sheppard250 wrote:
    For Admin controls you have to be expert+ so if you are an expert+ you have to get me your e-mail address in order to become admin on the aitm facebook page

    This is for the people who has an facebook account and willing to join aitm facebook

    i think that is dumb coz expert's get everything =(

    For a reason, Experts have been grinded for a long while to get where they are at. They wouldn't have gotten that rank if they were not already trusted individuals who showed promise as moderators. As such they make the obvious choice.

  3. As frogger said, destroying non-placed blocks is hard to count as grief, this is exactly why I had to towny zone the entire stronghold in 1.2.5. People were constantly trying to break in and as such had to destroy some of the stronghold to do so. I couldn't count this as grief as I diddn't build the stronghold, I only claimed it. I repaired the damage and waited untill we could afford to zone the entire stronghold to the point it was impossible to break in. This was however when the rules stated players were allowed to break into other homes for kills as long as they minimized the damage such as a 1x2 breach or the removal of a single fence.

    I do believe those rules were removed from too many complaints, as a mod I will not ban over a 2x1 area grief but if it keeps happening I will punish over it. If it's the players first offense, I will let them go with a warning. If it's the players 2nd offense, I will kick with a severe warning. If it's the players 3rd offense I'll demote so they can't interact with the envirement or use commands for a week or simply jail. 4th offense I'll simply ban and consider them a lost cause for not listening to the extensive effort to warn them not to do it. I am not fond of giving players these many warning, I mostly just ban off the spot for lots of things however I honestly can't just straight ban a player because he made a small breach thats easily repairable. If it's extensive griefing then sure I'll ban on the spot. If the players just showing signs of wanting to get into the house without remorse for what damage they did to it and not signs for just wanting to destroy your entire property. Then I can only punish and warn the player unless they don't listen to those warnings.

    I think lazor took the proper coarse of action for dealing with this, this topic was not made to call on mods to ban the player. He made it to handle this with in-game action. Hes dealing with the players involved in his own way and as such I'll help lazor in his war.

  4. CryHavoc21 wrote:
    Is something only considered "camping" if you can do twice? I would think not. It's still murder, even in you only kill one person.

    Why do you keep argueing about every bit of detail I say on this topic? If you wish to change how AITM defines camping, go ahead and give your reasons why you wish it changed. Maybe Eric will think it's a good idea, I know rules have changed in the past. However as it stands, camping only applies to where a player can be repeat killed. The rule was added to protect players from being repeat killed in there own homes or to protect new players just coming in the server so they don't have players camping the borders of the city ready to gank them.

  5. CryHavoc21 wrote:
    Well, that system for combat-logging is in place, right? Therefore, Dal must have waited until he was untagged from combat to log out. Under a strict interperation of the rules, he didn't do anything wrong. (keyword: STRICT).

    Plus, if you have diamond armor, you should be fine long enough to get away from the lava. Plus, not to tell you how to play minecraft, but you should have a bucket of water on your hotbar in case you fall in lava.

    As for spawncamping, I didn't think that applied to such places as logout points and /homes. If it does, i think that counts as spawncamping, as Dal will "spawn in" to death.

    Game was updated but not all plugins were, not sure what eric has managed to add so far but I know anti-PVP logging so far isn't one of them. Spawn killing only applies to camping spawn city and sethome points. I don't believe it applies to logout places as it cannot be camped. Each players logout place is different and unless you were in viewing distance of the player when he logged out there is no way of knowing where to camp.

    It's hard to find and camp logouts and even if you can manage it it's not something you can camp twice. The only places where a player can know where another player can spawn in is spawn city and sethome points as well as player homes. Those are something that can be continued to be camped and are protected against.

  6. This doesn't deserve attention, I don't know why Xarai is banned. However I am not suprised, ever since I first saw him he has had trouble with mods. Infact in SMP when he first came on our SMP server he was caught with xrays and was dealt with however was given a second chance. Xarai the xrayer, has a ring to it doesn't it? Whatever he was banned for doesn't matter, if he felt he was wrongly banned or that mods were abusing namely kevin mentioned in his comments. He should have taken that up on the forums or tried talking to other mods. Instead he decides to trash talk the server, its mods and playerbase. Whatever his reasons are for being banned, with that kind of attitude I'm glad hes gone. Anybody that follows him to his server or w/e they are doing, your far welcome to join him. This server and community was fine before Xarai got here and it's going to remain fine while hes gone.

  7. Fire, what laz did is not against any rules. Not to say you should just go around lavaing where people will spawn in. If laz put lava where dall had a sethome or in dalls house, thats spawn killing. According to dalls story he PVP logged. Which means he disconnected during a fight. We had a system in place that auto killed people trying to PVP log, this was to promote fair fights so no person could just log off when he or she was starting to lose the fight. Laz put down lava where dall pvp logged, as such is not spawn killing.

  8. I always thought I just diddn't see a point in "tweeting" every single thing I did every single day. "Hey guys, I just bought a bottle of water. Thumbs up!". "My Girlfriend just gave me a blowjob, happy face!". I just thought that was completely stupid but now I know my real reason for disliking it. I better go kill a couple dozen people. See yea.

  9. Sheppard250 wrote:
    tgrosson wrote:
    I'm the same as kis. Actually I don't like friending the people I DO know. Maybe I shouldn't interact socially.

    then how to you make friends then??

    He doesn't, hes a loner. He doesn't like to interact socially.

  10. My god... what have I started! but yea we do have a teamspeak server. Purpose of which is VOIP communication. The use for you is free, the use for Aezir is either paid for or free. Not sure with teamspeak servers, some people like to run there own stuff these days. Either way he put up some effort into putting up, the least you can do if you have a mic is use it.

  11. This don't involve me, I don't go on the classic server anymore. I do come with a solution though, Mouf why don't you just go play on the SMP server? People on there want you back and if you had to play SMP, why not our SMP server? I have not seen you on there since I took a break from MineCraft when the SMP server was just being made.

  12. chirstain wrote:
    So there's no question as to whether or not we would prevent it if we could. After all, it's practically the same thing as the Xray mod. I tried one myself on AITM (to test if it would work) and it worked pretty well, not as well as the mod, but enough to where it would definitely give players an unfair advantage.
    My question is, is there a way to prevent people from using xray texture packs, or no?

    The current anti-xray which puts random fakes ores everywhere, I assume that works with texture packs as well. No reason it shouldn't. While that does not stop xrayers as they can just move from different resources to resources and maybe they will get lucky it does slow them down. Addition to this there are various mod plugins that allow you detect xrayers through various ways. Not saying what plugin AITM uses so any xrayers that check this topic can't use those details to try to work around that plugin but there are lots of ways of detecting xrayers and dealing with them.

  13. tgrosson wrote:
    so what exactly is wrong with x-ray besides being able to find anything valuable really easily?

    Where to begin, well as you mentioned it gave players a unfair advantage over others by being able to find resources instantly. Meaning they could have stacks of diamonds in just mere minutes. Besides that, it allows them to find players that are behind hills, underground and find any of there hidden underground bases instantly, giving them the ability to kill them or loot there stuff in non-LWC servers. Other xrays come with various other cheap tools that gave them countless advantages over other players which are more known as hacks. Some which give them PVP advantages like being able to hit them from farther distances, having knockback without even having the enchant, etc.

    Other then that no, I don't see anything wrong with it.

  14. I was bored and created one, for both Classic and SMP players. Purpose of which is to connect the AITM community via steam so they can interact with each other on other games or gain interest on both servers through public visits through steam. I thought it would be handy, if not oh well only took a couple minutes to setup so not much of a waste. Don't ask for admin on it, only given to experts on classic or GM's on SMP.


    Admins for the group can post and edit announcements. They can create group events for Classic, SMP or any common non-minecraft game that players mutually play, kick out players (obviously not without a reason), manage the steam group chatroom by making it public/private or kicking players from the chatroom. They can also delete comments from the group main page should any comments need removal (racism, etc).
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