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About Toulouse

  • Birthday 09/17/1985
  1. Got the last bundle gifted by a dear friend Can someone please lock this topic/thread? Thanks!
  2. Thanks Jennifer - did the same for you. Am only looking for ONE PETWARD SCISSORPAWS outfit now!
  3. Received both bundles, thanks! Thanks Jennifer, she's in a lot of pain. GP will stop by later, so we'll know more then. Updated my top post too - am now only looking for 2 Petward Scissorpaws outfits
  4. Just sent over 20*5999, hope you don't mind I already sent the payment over (I don't have much time today, might have to take my Mom to the GP or even ER if not being helped immediately)
  5. Sure!!! Thanks so much!! Going to log in to FB now and accept!
  6. Hello all I'm looking for - nothing anymore, got the petward bundle gifted by a dear friend Bought from jennifer - 1x Pettlegeuse Outfit - 1x Pettlegeuse Groom Outfit
  7. It seems everyone is indeed busy :-) I'm enjoying my time off while looking for a job... Find it a bit scary though, I've always been used to going to school. Other than that, I'm doing fine. Hope all is well here!!!
  8. It is indeed very quiet - I still try to drop by from time to time, but a lot of people I've known here on the forum left and I'm the only one from that gang sticking around so it seems... Either way, news to share: I had the best birthday present ever (birthday was 2 days ago): I finally graduated and got my masters degree! Couldn't be more happier! Hope everyone's okay.
  9. Have been really busy during the summer to be honest, barely had no time to drop by. Hugs to all!
  10. Toulouse

    New Feeding!

    I really like this feature too, the cats are just too cute when they get a fish and it makes it go a bit quicker too!
  11. I still need four: poodle, mini penguin, persian x-ray and mini blacklight scruffy dog. Hoping to find them soon
  12. Exactly the one I'd pick as well Kokonee (I am a bunny lover hehe) So far no luck, still need to find: poodle, mini penguin, persian x-ray cat, mini panda, mini blacklight scruffy dog. I did find several mini pandas but people need to accept your request...
  13. Toulouse

    Funny photos

    Thanks for sharing!
  14. I also wish I could help, but no qualified pets - and the hunt is really hard on me here. I'll probably not manage to get it finished :-(
  15. I was just wondering about the same Tromo Sad about them disappearing, because we have a bit of a history there but can be understood
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