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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. Hi Marlies! Glad you've found your way to this thread!! I'm a bit blah, having a headache (because of not enough sleep), still messing around with a paper and not so good events happened here at home again. But besides that, I'm fine How's you hun?
  2. Hi guys, stopping by for a bit
  3. okay, have to go and do some study later everyone!
  4. There, I am done with the Beatrix Potter paper. Not gonna look at it anymore! Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad Gill!
  5. we'll talk about it later! now go to bed ; ) : *
  6. The party balloons lol, to make it more symmetrical. Not sure about the room yet, we'll have to take a closer look! I am not sure about the dress yet, still thinking about it
  7. Bye Paige! Hi Gill & Marie! KIJO! : D I just noticed what you were scheming lol. I am thinking I still need one item in that "special" room to make it more complete
  8. Now you've made me curious (LOL, am back, thought I was finished with the paper, but nooo)
  9. Not sure, but I think I never saw I am legend. Started to watch Transformers, but got bored after a while and Land of the lost, doesn't ring any bell I finished 'The Bucket List' yesterday. Not such a good idea to be watching that before you're going to bed... It's not scary or anything, but the subject... LOL, I explained to Mom the intercom function on the phone, she just called me to say lunch is ready So it seems I have to get going, afterwards I won't be coming online, have to study some more about probabilities... See you guys later!
  10. sure.. is it in the c&g competitions part?? Yes, it is I was going to try to put a link in my siggy, but I think I am doing something wrong, because it won't show it here (and it also disappears in the siggy code)
  11. Hi Sophie yes im doing fine thanks .. was just watching movies =] Can I ask what movies? : D
  12. I wish I could help you sweetie lol, am checking grammar over here too. Noticed they wrote a lot of spoken language, in stead of written language. But almost finished Yes Paige, if you have time, you should give the hunt a try! I've also extended the Bunny Girl quiz again, to make it easier on myself (with the exams) and for when others still wish to participate
  13. Oh yay, sounds like a lot of fun : D No it's just that BF took a glance at the paper and he noticed a lot of beauty errors. I got tired of the paper yesterday and gave up, wanted to be too quick. So I am pretty glad he looked at it and gave me some advice
  14. Lol, I hope we don't scare them off : D Am a bit preoccupied, something going on here in the house and have to correct something in that idiotic paper that's due Tuesday, so figured that's something I should do now
  15. KIJO! : D Aww Tanya that's sweet of you to ask! I have no idea about the wedding yet
  16. Oh no sweetie, don't feel bad! I was thinking about it a couple of days ago to extend it again, because of the exams, so now the quiz runs until after the wedding and just before I leave for my trip : D
  17. No I'll change the deadline so you have time enough to enter am going to extend the quiz a bit and spread the word a bit more about it, maybe if anyone wants to enter (I noticed Frannie had her spot reserved) makes it a bit easier for me too
  18. not that I know sorry, on the phone
  19. I just looked outside, it's snowing again. We're all snowed in, have to do things on foot and let the car in the garage. It is good weather for a walk though, but really not gonna go outside I'm afraid : ) hmm, now I'm wondering again to extend it a bit longer, if it would make a difference or not
  20. That is COLD! I haven't been outside yet, and not planning to go outside. Dad has to go outside because he has to feed the bunnies and he told us it's very cold. But they've reported it on the weather forecast too, that it would feel like it's -15°C because of the wind.
  21. You are very welcome Frannie Hoped to find that missing item, but gave up actually, was a bit too time consuming and exams are my first priority now
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