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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. and that should make your life easier! True! : D
  2. Morning you two how's things in here (won't stay long)
  3. OMG I just saw the second smiley, that's hilarious!
  4. Lol, just for when I'm not around, but you are : D *hug* I've been trying to put a link in my siggy, but didn't work. Just asking : D But sweetie, I don't like to be the partypooper, but I'm gonna head to bed. It's pretty awkward I still feel wide awake after such a short night and I'll be getting up early tomorrow. Just trying to be zen at the moment and to relax, but my mind still feels to occupied with school stuff, so am going to concentrate on relaxing See you tomorrow : *
  5. Hey sweetie, can I ask you a favor? Could you remind others here on the thread about the BG quiz if I'm not around? I completely understand if you say no!
  6. It does make a lot of sense and now I understand why you were wondering if people could save up points and whatnot. Think that it depends on how much coins you're going to let others spend Lol, you want me to send some of the food back? : D
  7. Naah, she doesn't have to be jealous You still have time until the end of the month lol think it's more fair to have a system like that! Ooh, graphic! Am already curious to see them! (watching a quiz on tv in the meanwhile, if I'm a bit slow responding, trying to listen in Dutch and writing/thinking in English, another challenge lol)
  8. Not sure if you know, I've told it to Zoonie a while ago but (I think it's kinda cute though) the pronunciation of 'zoon' is actually the pronunciation of 'kiss' in Dutch (which is "zoen", there's one different letter in it, but it sounds the same) and now every time I see "Zoonie", it reminds me of kisses : D
  9. Lol, I was going to compare it to our system on the fair, when you shoot at balloons or chalk (or whatever), but I get it! That makes sense!
  10. That makes me stutter if I try that (even with Ruby lol, I'm not quick enough, it sounds like wuby in the end) : D
  11. I think it's only fair to do something like that! But if you save the point for the next month, what kind of balance is that going to give with the prizes? I mean, you can let them choose 2 items, or something much "expensive" (hoping I'm explaining myself right) (sorry have been giggling the entire evening, seems it's not over yet)
  12. Now Im stuck with 'Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby' in my head Trying to change it into Zoonie Zoonie Zoonie Zoonie ROFL
  13. I need to get tired again lol, it's 10pm over here, and remember, I've been up EARLY this morning : D My goooosh, I just tried expert mode, just practiced... got 60% rofl The idea seems neat, but I wonder, what happens if you're not able to play for let's say 2 or 3 weeks in a month?
  14. ROFL! That's way too cute!!! (sorry trying out all the expert modes, just played the same song and got 84%, my eyes hurt from following the notes) How's you hun?
  15. Well,I still have to find a couple of items, some were a bit hard (sorry, was just playing Ruby on Guitar Hero for nintendo DS)
  16. okay, episodes are done, so I'm back : D
  17. I'm in lurk-mode, am watching 'The Big Bang Theory' (nothing scientific lol)
  18. I can't get you anything else (I'll just get you some wine then ) Hmm, naah, hysterical isn't the right description I think. It's when you start laughing and just keep going without in the end even knowing why you were laughing. Feels sooo good and very welcome at the moment!
  19. Well , I haven't bought any eggs yet actually, so I haven't gotten anything out of the eggs yet (PS is acting up, so I gave up) [quote="armellproctor"] A giggle fest it is!! The later it gets, the more stupid our jokes : D
  20. lol, seems dwarf number 5 is hard to find I haven't gotten one yet
  21. no worries hun , it's good to have a laugh It's all pretty lame but it's really funny. How do you call it when you can't stop laughing? We have a name for that, but no idea how to translate it
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