I still use both, mostly apple for everything, but a windows computer if I need to type a lot and if I have to scan something. But I prefer using my apple, it's less complicated
Good thinking about the scavenger hunt ; ) And I hope you feel better soon Frannie! Piglet, ff does that too when I'm using it on the computer, but I usually play PS on my apple, so nothing to complain about ff crashing then (because it hardly ever does)
I'm using Safari at the moment, but am thinking of using FireFox again (that's the only browser that lets me send free gifts) Do you want any free gifts? I love both of the eggs actually
Oh I'm glad your computer is working again!!! I'm fine, just having an annoying cold, but if that's all, I'm not complaining! And sooo very glad I have a quiet week (no class this afternoon, tomorrow or Thursday morning, but will have to go to the clinic then for my wisdom teeth)
Piglet - I'm going to be right back, I just bought my first electrical toothbrush (always brushed manually, but considering a few reasons, plus the advice from the dentist I finally bought one) so going to install it : D
I like the NtD games (especially if there's something... fiendish about it : D) And I like quizzes too actually!! (always a fun way of learning new things!)
G, I wish you good luck with everything will be in and out, going to redecorate Snorks' room. Too bad the cat's on my bed... I should chase him away, so I can have a lie down with laptop next to me
Aha, I thought you left already for your chores (another cold symptom I'm afraid, thinking is a real advantage) Seems you're also having a rough time over there - I'm so sorry