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Everything posted by Bee1

  1. yes marie - thanks to you two - the list is much shorter
  2. army and marie thank you so so so so much
  3. thank you - I'm loading the game now
  4. thank you army - time will tell eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my twin how are you?
  5. awwww thank you hello army
  6. London is almost impossible - nice or not nice place - it's almost impossible to find a place that will allow pets period. we got extremely lucky that we found this place where landlord allowed us to have the dog and as a bonus - it's a nice flat too!
  7. Well we got the dog together but it's difficult to find a flat that it's pet friendly so it's easier for him to keep the dog as we already is staying in pet's friendly place. I'm still doing SW - it keeps me busy (and sane) - I had little gain last week so my total now stands on -9.5 pounds.
  8. I want to stay here if possible - that way I can still see the dog (and it's very nice area here too!) I guess it's all going to depends on what I decided and on money - sharing would be better for me but that also depends on what is awailable here - there are few 2 bed flats advetised so I'll look into it. Mr B is also helping me as he doesn't want me to end up in horrible place. I don't mind talking about it - it helps me to deal with it
  9. not much progress with accomodation - must decided if I want to live on my own or share. My next door neighbour would share with me (she is a single girl). She is looking to buy a place for herself so sharing with me would allow her to save up more how have you been?
  10. hello wish I'm still here - lurking how are you?
  11. looks like I'm here by myself
  12. yes it's quiet here - I don't normally come here at the weekend as I'm not usually around but now that I'm single I seems to have bit more time at the weekend (but also attention span of a fruit fly ) how are you?
  13. hello carolyn byeeee tanya - have fun with Kijo
  14. that's good news frannie enjoy your breakfast
  15. I know they both have advanteges and disadvantages. I think I would be better off sharing for a while - that might be better for me not only financialy but also emotionaly. I will have to make a decision very soon
  16. i've moved to UK few months before my 20th birthday - I've been here over 12 years now
  17. she is tidy vegetarian who doesn't spend much time at home - she is a music teacher and also plays lots of "gigs". Her family lives quite far away. She is about my age and also single. Ive known her since April 09 when she moved here. Living on my own - not sure I have never lived completely on my own ever but then I would have complete freedom to do things my way. I'm torn what to do.
  18. it's help with living expenses that depends on where you live and how much you earn - it's kind of benefit. Mr B was getting in when he was unemployed - he didn't get much as he was living with me and I was working. There is lots of forms to fill and it takes time and you don't know how much they give you. Lot of landlords tell you right away they don't want people on benefits but I have a full time job so I would just need "a top up" as I don't earn enough for all my expenditure if I have to pay full rent.
  19. yes and no frannie - I always think that i'm getting better and then something happend and I end up in tears. Walked the dog with Mr B earlier and were talking about moving. I have spoken to my next door neightbour (single girl) and she said that she would share a flat with me but she is still looking for a property to buy for herself so it might be temporary. I coudn't sleep last night so I was thinking if I would be better off sharing with her ( and being able to afford it without help) or if I should find studio or one bed flat on my own (and apply for rent assistance). How are you?
  20. I'm back for a bit - need a break
  21. OK I'm going to follow Tanya's exmaple and sign off too - start with shower and breakfast have a wonderfull day BG
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