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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. that black purse. the one that is so NOT proportionate.. glad you had it though!
  2. by the way Wish.. was just visiting you and found one of the scavenger items.. wooo hoooo
  3. They make an actual skating motion.. visit me and you'll see... I think they make you go as quickly as the winged shoes... I did all my visits in them and it didn't seem to take too long
  4. I just love these ice skates they made for the pets.. It's the one thing I can say I truly have enjoyed..
  5. be back in a few... Welcome again Toulouse
  6. Not a CPA... but am a certified tax return preparer. Our busiest time is from 15 Jan until about the third week in February.. Then gets busy again the first two weeks in April. I try not to work those weeks in April, but it winds up costing me my commission for the whole season to do that. the good news is I don't do it for the money, so I really don't care
  7. One mroe week and work starts for me.. am already anxious about it. Certification test link arrived in the mail this moreing. so will have to take that some time this week
  8. I'm feeling much much better...thanks for asking! How about yourself?
  9. have a question about this space.. what are Paw Pounds.. How do you get more of them.. What do they do for you? OK.. more than 1 question... but all on the same topic
  10. hey there Chupra.. right back atcha! Are you back to work now from the Holidays?
  11. For what it's worth. I'm getting more used to this space.. or it's just that I am feeling so much better than I was
  12. Hey Wish HAPPY NEW YEAR... Hi again Gill!
  13. WEEK: 1/04/10-1/11/10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  14. anyway, speaking of special powers.... my orange cat just told me it's time for us to go back to bed for a bit. Have not done that for 2 weeks and really missed it.
  15. Hello Toulouse.... is school back in session today?
  16. ohhhhhh... never heard of that thanks thing
  17. omg.. i just can't reach that satisfactory nicotine level... be right back.. btw addiction is a terrible thing and I truly have an addictive nature
  18. Kijo... you just got sent a bunch of stuff to use for prizes some week in the Scavenger hunt
  19. Gill.. you may be many things.... dumb is not one of them!
  20. A little of both.. but my food storage area is taking a long time to load... and when I keep them in the chest it just aggravates me LOL I just like playing the game!!!!!!
  21. welcome back Kijo! What's for breakkie today?
  22. back again. Thought of you during dinner last night Bee.. Made cornbread to with the chili I made.. I will think of you from now on when I eat cornbread LOL
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