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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. nope.. despise cilantro! it is the most unpleasant herb to me. I think it's a chemical thing. Brother hates it too
  2. Oooo I remember.. Jane was his wife!
  3. sings....Meet George Jetson,, His wife Judy, daughter ?, His boy Elroy. Wow I loved the Jetsons! hmm or was the daughter Judy?
  4. yeah it was, unfortunately. Though I must say, my ankle is the loveliest shade of purple!
  5. The trip was wonderful, but had a bad ending. As I was carrying stuff out to the car I fell off the back stoop of the house. Went down like a ton of bricks onto the concrete patio on both knees. Thankfully knees are fine but my left ankle and wrist are sprained. Can't believe I made a whole winter without falling and then took that spill. At least nothing broken.Went for X-rays yesterday
  6. Hi BG, glad your surgery is over. Hi Gill.. mm breakfast sounds good
  7. Fresh coffee in hand.. cruising though on my way to garage.. anyone around d still?
  8. Good morning all! It sure is good to be home and be able to check in on my Misha and come back over here. I feel I missed so much! Will check back in from time to time and maybe I can be lucky enough to catch someone
  9. sorry.just cant do this.but thinking of all of you
  10. And that is why I don't garden. Lol my keyboard changed kijo to mono. So sorry
  11. Glad you got your pills mono. And happy belated anniversary till
  12. Diff? That should have been dog. Stupid predictive texting
  13. Waiting for my host to wake up. So hard to have to lie in bed quietly not wanting yo disturb the diff
  14. Going to have to be quick. Phone is not acting correctly and it took me twenty min to get from the portal to here.and the problems were operator errors not connection lol.
  15. Hi everyone. Just checking in. Rainy here as well. Hope all are well and happy.
  16. Just stopping by to say hello. No wifi here so will not be playing. At least I can get here with my phone
  17. Gill.. I have to go find something for lunch... then lie down for a few
  18. well that's cold. No spring for you folks this year, eh?
  19. I applied for that bacs group. no response yet.. sounded like fun though
  20. yes, I saw FB chatter about that last night... folk threatening to turn heating systems back on. We've had similar weather, nice days, but really cold nights.. down to the 40's.. single digits for you?
  21. The Windy City is a misnomer... It's called that because of the windbag politicians. It's far windier here in Ohio than it is in Chicago... But it's very humid in summer almost 95% most days and cold winters. And it does the "s" word there too
  22. well I have the items called ornament moved over... on to the baubles.. and there are a ton of them My plan is to make that house all Christmas all the time
  23. as much as I love it.. I won't move back thee.. the weather is horrible
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