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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Frannie

    March Chat Part 5

    Starting Part 5 of March chat... It's just not rght not having Bee kick it off for us!
  2. Frannie

    March Chat Part 5

    Ya'll know what to do..... will let the experts do the graphics.... in the meantime...enjoy this one
  3. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    logging off... sorry all.. it's happening again... ick
  4. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    Tammy. I know you are short on coins and I would like to gift you something.. sooooo.. you can tell me something TWS you want... or I can guess!
  5. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    I made a blooper and sold all my beds.. thought I held one back. Is this also applying to the red bubble chairs? points up... the headline up top says April 8 is last day
  6. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    @ Wish.. yeah, I sold them back.. am just tired of trading these days anyway and did not want to lose the value of 2500 coins @ Tammy.. no gifts, please... taps foot.. you never told me what you need/want tammy. Are you going to make me guess?
  7. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    place some flowers around the plate.... or change the carpet color.. it really does work most times, but for the fact that these guys are really teeny tny
  8. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    so... I guess we are allowed only one egg from each person per day... is that right? because if it is, I can save myself a whole lot of clicking and reloading
  9. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    Tammy? can I help you with anything? I sold off my princess beds yesterday and am a little flush
  10. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    I am feeling somewhat better... at least the pain is gone.. now it's just waves of nausea that get me.. so when I type here that I am leaving.. it's just that my head is spinning.Nothing to worry about I am sure
  11. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    hey Leo.. it's been ages and ages!
  12. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    I solve that by placing them on saucers! Hi everyone!
  13. 1 3 4 5 7 9[img]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs468.ash1/25703_1307886989756_1608001938_742512_4373335_n.jpg[img] 10 11 14 16 18 19
  14. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    well it's back to bed for me... see you all later
  15. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    waves hi and bye to dawn and a big hi and hug for Kijo
  16. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    I'm not sure where people are getting the little toys from... are they from the same eggs as the egg decorations come from? they have just made too many new things...
  17. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    walking Mark out to garage... back in a few
  18. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    how long has been there... and where is 'there'?
  19. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    anyone else loving the noticeboard as much as I am? makes things easier. for the first time in PS
  20. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    hmm i need a translation.... fraught? and good morning Gill! feeling better?
  21. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    yeah.. much better. I'm assuming you had a good weekend.. with BF there and all?
  22. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    woke up in the middle of the night yesterday, with an excruciating pain above my kidney... I am not one to complain about pain much, but this one laid me out really hard... Did not shed one tear durng either knee replacement, this had me wailing like a baby. And as soon as it started, it seemed to stop.. strange
  23. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    I'm good BG.. much better than yesterday when I did not feel well at all. How are you? (It's good to ditch once in a while!)
  24. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    Twix as in the candy bar Twix?
  25. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    sorry girls.. was doing visits.. too bad I missed Kijo.. How are you BG?
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