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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. I'm back, but running 40 different directions!
  2. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    but you must have left.. so going to go see what's new.. later
  3. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    I am.. all tanned and feeling well!
  4. oooo I'm liking this thread because I don't have to type quickly.. my I key has gotten stuck somehow. My most fervent wish is that Mark could get a heart transplant (or that stem cell research evolves enough to grow heart muscle) and do all the things we dreamed of early on in our marriage. Second most - Arizona calls my name. I love it, love the people we already know there. The wish part come in n dream to have adjoining properties with my brother.. shared yards, but separate houses. And as long as I am building a compound, I'd love a few houses for our closest cousins and a guest house for anyone to use!
  5. I changed 9... and 16... I wll message you on... having much trouble postng this week.. and to top it off my I key is not working right... grrrrrrrrrrrr not sure about last weeks messages.. you got my donations for the contests.. i hope?
  6. hey! 'm back home and I think I have all 20 pics posted. I say think, because when I look sometimes they are there and sometimes they are not. Would you check me out, please?
  7. well considering I can't see the left third of the screen, not so bad. Did you check me yet???
  8. I haven't posted anything yet.. I leave the brackets up because it's easier for me to paste in the url.. the box for images does not work, for weeks now
  9. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    ok girls.. going to go get some breakfast.. and maybe sort out my suitcase a bit. Will see you later, and if not, know that I am thinking of you
  10. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    that will work fine, Tiph. We'll be in Dallas April 10-13, but should be no problem, Just before you go, remind me and send me pass info and stuff. I took it off mycomputer, of course. I tkills me that my computer cannot connect here. I even brought a new router with me
  11. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    I was hoping to, she's not feeling well, though.. and now no car until I go home, so I'm guessing not, but will be back JulyISh and then again September
  12. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    well.. seeing as it's already mid March (Today is the Ides Of March by the way) I would say I can't, because I am not on my own computer... Do you mean mid April?
  13. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    Hi Tanya! the visit is going wonderfully. liver about saturated, brain cells dying by the minute, having a great time!
  14. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    ooo Hi Tiph! how are you?
  15. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    stupid PS not letting me in.. noone here.. ah well.. will go sit and watch the news
  16. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    the time difference, being more pronounced 3 time zones Wester than usual, has me all in a tither!
  17. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    have i caught you all here?
  18. Frannie

    March Chat Part III

    well.. going to go make visits. Sorry, all, It's entirely too difficult to chat on someone elses computer. I just can't get my laptop to work here, even when I brought my own router. My security settings are too high, or Bro's output too low.. anyway, will be home Wednesday evening
  19. Frannie's Entries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  20. ^^^ Boogs is like Speedy Gonzalez ^^^
  21. so... I'm gathering by the red x's I see that it did not work... It's ok Boogs.. I have my laptop here and will just use the ethernet plug for my bro's modem when it's time to post. Appreciate all the help!!!
  22. ack! I don't know how to get pics here using IE!!!!
  23. Frannie's Entries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [img][/img] 8 [img][/img] 9 [img][/img] 10 [img][/img] 11 [img][/img] 12 13 14 15 [img][/img] 16 [img][/img] 17 [img][/img] 18 [img][/img] 19 20
  24. This is Misha with Misha!
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