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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. I'm going to move us into the garage.. hold on tight.. here we go!
  2. they were both just exhausted after all that bed moving
  3. Good thing I'm not the jealous type!
  4. and as long as we're wishing.. sub folders would be so helpful
  5. speaking of bombing.. have not heard one word from a certain party
  6. have been tossing beds back and forth all week with Dawn.. trying to level up. Why oh Why do they not have a multiplier on that send function?
  7. wonderful! and did you think of me?
  8. LOL BG... glad Mom got one.. what do you mean didn;t make it"?? was it ripped? Hope you didn't mind that I cut the outside cello.. they laid flatter that way
  9. true that... and I'm back, by the way
  10. other than that.. what can you do... sorry.. i have to be gone for a min or two.. daughter leaving for work
  11. i understand where you're coming from. If she had just come up woth the name on her own, I could buy the story. But if she you in the thread, then it's a direct rip off. We can't patent our names here, but it's not right. Then again, what can be done. You just have to hope that this person is honest and doesn't besmirch the WF persona
  12. please tell.. and it won't be boring to me
  13. ooooooops almost gave up on you... things are going well... how about with you?
  14. wooo hooo another hunter joins the clan!
  15. I have to get going for a bit.. have a friend coming over to work on a project with me tomorrow and I need to have the fabric before she gets here... see you all later
  16. nope.. no internet grocery shopping here... they were talking about it back when I lived in Chicago (10 years now) but when I checked into it then, the cost was ridiculous.. and did not include meat or produce. They have tried something new here, where you can make your list and then do a pickup... but that adds a 5% surcharge and none of the stores are near me anyway
  17. OK.. I have 20 pics up... whether they are right or wrong is up to you Dearest sweetest most loving Kijo!
  18. i think it's awesome that you folks can shop on the internet for groceries
  19. i returned the black on Dawn.. we'll just wait and see what Kijo says.. sooner or later we'll get it right!
  20. hi paige... just on my way out for a smoke.. tagged you in a photo... what do you think?
  21. going for a smoke... be right back
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