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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. am going to tag the three of you with a photo.. might be # 20!
  2. I think you're right on 17... brb
  3. was that poster just a one week deal? Can't even find one in the shop
  4. oh man.. my injection is burning so bad this morning! How you feeling today dawn?
  5. well 4 am here.. mark's alarm is going off.. going to present him with a coffee and get back in bed all by myself
  6. he's a Project Runway winner... designer.. has a lot to do with fashion Week in NY... a captivating presence
  7. and he's fascinating, because he doesn't speak at all like he looks
  8. no not at all... very nice interview
  9. the word can't was supposed to be in at statement somewhere and somehow I don't think you mean it Kijo! am watching some character on Jimmy Fallon show.. Obviously male, because of an Adam's apple, but other than that, perplexing. he's the creator of Fierce?
  10. 't believe how quickly everyone took down their Western scenes.. Yes, Kijo, this is a hunt cry!
  11. Hi Gill... and good to see you for a few minutes at least. Great news on marisol!
  12. and these days.. you have to go through all kinds of trips to get the GOOD Nyquil.. not the one on the shelf
  13. sounds like a plan... do you havetime to sleep before your next shift. Funny thing about Nyquil.. now, I have been drinking since I was 21 earler actually LOL) and done my share of recreational "things", as well as heavy duty painkillers... nothing knocks me out like Nyquil! can barely make it to bed after taking it
  14. hey there Kijo! I might not be staying up too long but I see BG is awake also. So glad to have read that you're legs are better. Is the fever related to this whole RA thing?
  15. hands Boogie some rope... ummm want this to keep them in bed? LOLOL REALLY JUST KIDDING!!!! does anyone else have a status button in PS?
  16. BG.. have Mom take a look... anxious to get those toys off the floor
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