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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. well once your cold/virus is gone, you might get some pain relief from it
  2. and what brought up that thought is I was coounting the days till 'm sitting in my Bro's spa and looking up at the dessert sky
  3. no steroids don't make ya lose your voice or cause fever. I had a thought yesterday.... does either of the hotels have a spa?
  4. i know but that bracelet is making me nuts.... IF it's even a bracelet LOL
  5. peeps her head in.. you here Kijo? Can you believe I am awake already? and it's only freakin 1:25
  6. rats!.. and back to searching
  7. ok I'm gone.. see you all later
  8. yes it's twenty to 3 here in the eastern time zone (which we are both in)
  9. bye Wish... Bye Dawn... and Bye BG... going to go wash my face so I look beautiful when Mark gets home in about 20 minutes
  10. woo hooooooooo Leveled up!!!! and still have to go through one more before an extra room appears. But we are further than we were!
  11. and actually I got a V-8 which is a vegetable juice - tomato based.. has a few more carbs than just tomato juice
  12. ok will brb sugar dropping like a bomb.. let me go get a TJ!
  13. looks like one or two more passes Dawn and we'll get it. you have time?
  14. i have so much to learn about Europe.. just going to have to make a trip sometime
  15. how does one bike their way to Belgium from England?
  16. 30 is a positive heat wave compared to what we have had... and it's sunny. They build em tough in chicago, cold does not bother me... grey skies, on the other hand make me want to slit my wrists
  17. My big ol hairy dog was trained before I got her. She was trained as a companion dog to visit nursing homes, etc. She is completely hand signal trained and I have kept her close to the task on it. Unfortunately she failed her final exam because she is too passive (as if that's a bad thing!) and is not allowed to wear the vest. But she's a good ol girl anyway.
  18. ooo 15% extra is nice! not too cold today. Don't even have the heater on.. It's up to 30 today. went fabric shopping without a coat.I'm in training for next week!
  19. oo sorry to have upset your tummy.. tried to keep it level
  20. oo the English woman from It's The Dog or Me is on Martha Stewart.. I'll pretend I'm hearing you
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