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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    well... going to head back for a short nap. See you all later
  2. Frannie's triathalon entries Scavenger hunt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Spot the Difference PM sent to Kijo on Friday @ 6:45 PM edst Themed room Misha loves to watch movies and has dressed up as some of her favorite stars Marilyn Monroe Dale Evans Carmen Miranda Judy Garland
  3. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    i saw you send me back to Ohio... and I spend 95% of my time trying to get out of this godforsaken place! LOL
  4. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    update on gifts.. looks like you CAN sell those new items.. or recycle.. just can't regift
  5. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    Kitty and Zubok waiting for their corned beef dinner!
  6. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    I have a PS question. I used to have to approve each photo I took in PS.. and I liked that. When I was away, some setting changed (by me of course) and now my pics show up automatically. Anyone know how to change it back?
  7. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    hey Kijo! hugs.... long time no see
  8. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    truth be told, I haven't looked at it yet. Been so busy since getting home, but today time should allow. and I may even get to take the lappy outside on the deck today!
  9. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    going to work on the triathalon a bit today.. at least that's my plan
  10. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    Am good, thanks, had a wonderful time, even though being away last week means that I am missing my guilds quilt retreat this weekend. It was worth it, though
  11. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    hey! t's boogiewoogie.. the scavenger hunt queen!
  12. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    be back again, in a few. Pours Gill a coffee to chase the migraine away. See... I haven't poured you one in over a week, maybe that;'s why they are plaquing you
  13. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    gift info in a nutshell... they send very much like the stickers... there are 6 to choose from and it is the senders discretion. As of yesterday, they can not be recycled, sold back or re gifted.. so this can really fill the chest. Maybe that was a glitch? Not sure how many you can send a day, but there is some limt
  14. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    all I can figure is that Playfish is making money for each click back to FB... and that must be why they made everything close out the FB app each time and why you must click each item sep.
  15. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    the gifts are cute.. but can not be recycled, sold or regifted
  16. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    BG.. i can always use the blue robin plushie!
  17. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    who needs which gifts from the new gift feature? Getting ready to send them and you may as well get what you need
  18. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    no not too complicated.. they have the pacemaker in a pocket of sorts..(You can actually see the outline of it on his chest) they open him,and change the batteries, check the leads a little bit and then close him up.. about 45 min on the table and no chest cracking involved, thank goodness. He'll only be away from the office a week but back at work from home by 3 days
  19. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    Hi Bee.. good to see you! @ Tanya.. he's having his pacemaker.defibrillator battery changed out. Normally these last 5-7 years, but his is turned up so high, that he goes in about every 3 years or so
  20. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    Hi BG.. the trip was wonderful. I am tanned now and very relaxed. Ready for the weekend, then Mark's surgery next Thursday.,and then off to Dallas on the 10th of April
  21. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    sorry to hear about the migraine again so soon Gill... How's everyone else doing. Please forgive me if my i's don't ht the screen. Problem with the key and I really have to jump on the key
  22. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    yeah. they do.. wish I had a RL one right now!
  23. Frannie

    March Chat Part 4

    strolls in, wearing her red,whte and green... offers up a tray of zeppoli's. Happy St.Joseph's Day
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