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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I'll remember that advice, Bogie.
  2. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Piglet, my mum has backache all the time as well.
  3. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    What happened to your nails that needed surgery/ removal? If you don't mind telling.
  4. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I didn't burn my soup!
  5. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Thank you so much for the eggs, Piglet! You're the best.
  6. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Ouch, so many surgeries Bogie You too, BG I never had any surgery... Yet...
  7. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I don't. Who still needs eggs? Could do a little search now you're on.
  8. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I'd love one of each, if it's not asking too much.
  9. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    No worries! I'm chaning my profile privacy. I need to create a group for C&G, since we're a bit closer than just random person I added for games. I messed up all my filters with the "except" option. It would make sense that "except" would not excluse all people in that list that also were on the other lists. But I probably did a rant on this before.
  10. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Glad to hear your work is done, BG. My mum is getting along well with it.
  11. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Published a picture of my mum's work-in-progress room, to which you helped. (Unfortunately some of the items you gave are not showing, can't control what part show in "scene" very well)
  12. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    (Helping my mum in the game) Published an egg just now!
  13. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Why did they never improve the gift sending menu? All other games have a tab for the game players only,.
  14. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    A panda would be nice!
  15. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    See you later, Gill. Anyone wants free gifts today? Pandas for coins?
  16. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Thanks for offering help with the hunt Once I actually get to figure them out I'll let you know. Marie, wishing all the best health for your baby!
  17. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    It sure is, but I'm also afraid once I figure out what the items are, I don't have them or can't find any neighbors who do...
  18. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi there! Nice to see you. I've also been away for the whole Winter.
  19. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    The scavenger hunt is too hard... My eyes hurt from trying to focus blurred pictures.
  20. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi everyone! I was playing the differences game and sending my entry. BG, hope you get better soon. I've heard. What a nightmare. Glad it's sorted! Wonderful! Congratulations to her, her daugther and family and all the best to the baby. I don't think I have her on my list, I need to double check.
  21. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Posts per day : 1.03 Yay! I can play! I'm going to see what that hunt is about...
  22. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi Frannie, Piglet and Wish! Didn't have a very productive day today. I've just been worrying about problems I've been delaying to solve.
  23. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi there I missed everyone going. Got distracted watching a video.
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