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Posts posted by Paige<3

  1. Hello Lisa Smile

    Glad to see you- Ive been thinking of you all while I've been gone and it's such a relief to you Smile

    oh yes I saw it 2 days after it came out and umm have watched it about 15 times now Smile it's fantastic and the proposal scene was beautiful

    I'll try and come here regulary to pop in and see what's happening but it's difficult because I can't quote anyone on my phone because it won't let me scroll down inside the text box if that makes any sense

    hope to chat with you soon- take care xxx

  2. Hello psfc,

    as some of you know I moved a couple of months ago. After I had moved i did not have my computer back then so I had to make do with sharing a laptop between my family. I moved again a bit after that to my permanent home and I immediately set up my desktop computer. I think a while ago I posted a discussion here about this but in more detail. During our move we had to switch from cable to wireless which my computer is not compatible with without an extra Device.

    Anyway long story short the only access I have to Internet is my phone.

    I have been occupying myself with focusing on my schoolwork (which seems to have affected my grades successfully) and reading the twilight saga (which I have read all the books over 30 times now).

    I haven't been on pet society of course so I don't know what's changed or what not so I am not certain that I will continue with pet society when I get my Internet working because I would probably be desperatly trying to catch up with it all and all I've missed.

    I hope to get to say hello to some of you individually before I have to go because I will have to get off my phone soon.

    I miss you all and hopefully will get back into this forum if ever when my Internet is fixed.


  3. okay maybe im jinxing myself by saying this but here goes.. i received my internet netgear wireless usb that gives my computer wi-fi so i can connect upto the wireless router on the other side of the house!!! Smile even though the internet is back i cannot access pet society and even loading pages takes ages because of the faulty connection because of the distance although i had no problem accessing the wireless router on my phone but obviously not much i can do on that except chat. I will keep things slow for maybe 1-2 days who knows probably tomorrow it just wont work for me again as i sat on the phone to telstra for an hour trying to get the wireless usb to work! hehe anyway thats probably all my ranting done...cant wait to get back into pet society which will probably not be until ages since all its coming up now is NetworkErrorPart2 above the mayors head Sad

    Hello btw Smile

  4. Lazar wrote:
    Paige<3 wrote:
    lazar!!!! Aww have missed u too!! Thankyou and yes I hope to get my internet back soon, u don't need to do that laz I'd be happy with trading for them later on Smile
    hope to chat with u too and yes we can definetly chat about charmed though , all my charmed DVDs are actually still somewhere in my 50 unpacked boxes of mine grr! Sad talk to u soon

    well I have to go now so will see you soon you charrrmed addict Smile

  5. Lazar wrote:
    Aww Page, our beloved Charmed addict We've all missed you. I hope all your internet problems are solved and that one day both of us come to the chatroom and discuss anything about "Charmed". Laughing

    Rocky will be leaving a few past weeks TWS's at your place, so do not worry . Hope everything will be fixed... Hugs and kisses

    lazar!!!! Aww have missed u too!! Thankyou and yes I hope to get my internet back soon, u don't need to do that laz I'd be happy with trading for them later on Smile
    hope to chat with u too and yes we can definetly chat about charmed though , all my charmed DVDs are actually still somewhere in my 50 unpacked boxes of mine grr! Sad talk to u soon

  6. Hello twilighters I'm sorry to inform you that I will be postponing this bingo until I get my Internet back (to read more about it look at my new thread in the cafe) thankyou for your patience and for that when the bingo game commences I will add more prizes thankyou

  • Hello-I'm sorry for my sudden dissapearance a while ago-I just moved into my new house about maybe 1-2 weeks ago . Anyway my computer is having Internet problems so I can't access the wireless Internet modem which is not located in the same room ,as some of you know I was using a wireless Internet USB thingy but recently it has stopped working .right now I'm accesing the wireless Internet modem through my new iPhone but I cannot use it for long periods of time . Hopefully the new modem we just bought that is still in shipping will get here soon so I can have the Internet back on my computer. Thankyou for those who entered in the twilight bingo I created the last time I was here and I'm sorry for the delay, Im sorry but I'll have to postpone it till I get the internet back on my computer. I will also leave a message there after this.Of course I'm not able to access ps on here though and I haven't actually been on ps for about 3 weeks so I have missed all the tws grrr so hopefully when I get my internet back up I'll be able to do some trading. I will hopefully be sticking around for maybe another half hour or so, so feel free to just pop in here and say hi if u have the time , cheers.

  • chay wrote:
    hihihi...u r all addicts!!!

    i can't wait to see this film? and jacob is also looking more great here..i just noticed a lill changes in his nose, his body and his height...

    hehe Smile i cant wait either !!! Smile i hadn't noticed jake much... probably because i was too busy watching edward lol!!

  • Gaiamaiden wrote:
    well the card i wanted has been picked lol but i would still love to play, can i have Carlisle congratulations xx
    sure steph hehe i thought edward would go first congratulations! will add your name to it later i seem to be having problems with gimp right now Sad
    thanks for joining congratulations
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