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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. haha you make me feel like a cockroach next to giants noooooo. no harm intended.. Just a sign of maturity to want to savor a novel rather than race through hehe i know xx cya later xx
  2. wahoooo yay more time with lazar !! xx btw Gaia , luv ur avatar
  3. aww sorry polina , i actually have pending orders , people who have not replied back to me i have limited cc and i can only by more in a few days if they cancel there offers , i would let you know
  4. im gonna need to check how many ccs i have after , if i have to buy more i would have to wait 2 days it's okay if you dont have enough, i'll withdraw my offer since the 4999's will revert back to 2999's in two days time >. no probs , ps :i would like to collect the 4999 items anyway (princess beds and bubble chairs) so im not really worried that they will be priced down
  5. haha you make me feel like a cockroach next to giants
  6. i must say that i can now balance out sort of a book and a movie ( i used to think that the movies were better , less reading , takes hardly any time compared to reading it) but now i feel that the books explain so many details , of what they are thinking especially compared to the movie!
  7. Bye boogs....have a good day :-) Hello Nicky Hey Paige! OMG Frannie that's awful ! I can't believe in this day and age it still happens ?! Blurgh....not nice. I am harbouring something here too, but it's not coming out quite yet. I'm hoping it will just go away if I'm determined enough LOL Hi Sharon!! congrats on the triathlon!
  8. Hi Paige, I'm here too, have been very busy with Easter, cooking, cleaning up and furniture moving. How are you? Hello Gill hehe hope you've having fun im good thanks have been busy too but mine is been reading ( i used to not like reading so much before but im hooked now on a crazy addiction of mine)
  9. Hello Kijo and bye sorry i actually thought no one would be here! >. thankyou x
  10. Hello C&G!!!!! hopefully everyone hasnt run off the past couple times i have stopped by no one was here
  11. yay , hoping it will be a good book !! thanks Bee for the info
  12. im gonna need to check how many ccs i have after , if i have to buy more i would have to wait 2 days
  13. yes im very interested how many cc's are you looking for?? hehe thankyou xx
  14. hello sorry looking for a bit more if its with 4999s sorry
  15. hehe how many cc would you like for ugly sock monkey and one cute pink light fitting? six? or is that too many thats okay if that offer still stands let me know
  16. wahooooooooooooooo congrats Dawn , very well deserved
  17. hehe how many cc would you like for ugly sock monkey and one cute pink light fitting?
  18. thankyou lazar and no problem mangoberri will go look at your shop
  19. Hi Lazar , i actually have all of them above , can i know how many cc you are looking for?
  20. yes but i would also trade them for 3333s/4999s/999s ect aswell
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