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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. You took all your valuable time to make that for me? Paige,THANK YOU!!!!!!! hehe its no problem xxx , was just fiddling around in paint
  2. Paige<3

    Pics needed

    will post some in a min
  3. Hi francine ohh i see , i looked at that in the shops , but didnt seem the right shape? i think its the closest lol since those other 2 silver bracelets were wrong hehe thanks adding it
  4. this is my spiritual or more virtual remedy for you a dream catcher , it should catch all the bad ones , i hope xx
  5. well i think its close, im hoping its right lol! hehe(screams out KIJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) no answer , well i tried to get her here
  6. wow you are so lucky!!!!!!! and wow had no idea you played violin!
  7. hmm i was thinking that at first lol but i thought it was too white? well we'll see lol
  8. yep thats me whining 100000000000000x s to kijo
  9. Paige<3

    Hidenii Costumes

    i love it !!! thanks again xxx
  10. okay , ahh its doing my head in , typed in purple and pink andcouldnt find any of the items looking like that wouldnt have a clue who it is
  11. that is true ive actually went onto the hunt page a few times just to see the items , figured alot of them out but wasnt actually playing , but now when i play i cant work them out as easily!
  12. hehe okay , hope the ?mystery she? posts soon haha also stuck on the bonus item thing, i have seen it before i know i have!!!!!!!!! can i ask one question regarding that? is it a tree ornament?
  13. hehe hello there Carebear Nicky
  14. only person i found with # 17 was dawn , but it was incorrect?
  15. hehe you should you and your game are totally awesome if i do say so myself!
  16. thanks kijo xxx hehe purples my fav colour lol hehe runs to the hunt to check
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