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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Hello tanya hmm seems like i haven't spoken to you in ages
  2. Sure tweetxxx okay, how much will that be? would 6*999 be okay? or is it too much for 3*999 each?? xxx if its too high maybe 1*4999? thanks tweet , if you dont agree just offer
  3. Hello , if your looking for one its best to make a thread in the looking for section of the trading forum thankyou x
  4. sorry for the late reply been busy im okay thanks , bit hot over here , and now im sunburnt!
  5. thanks Meredith xxx if Hannah doesn't reply , ill let you know , but ill definitely pay you for it
  6. Hello hannah , sorry for the late reply , would u be interested in selling at the price i suggested?? let me know thanks xxx
  7. thanks fash nice to see you again lol xxx
  8. hehe sorry i dont know what the prices are these days could you make an offer?
  9. Hello Monina umm not sure ... could you make an offer?? i havent seen it sold in a while but it was from last years valentines so i dont know lol
  10. items received and sent adding rep
  11. sure ill add you sorry i only have one , i didnt really like the baby stuff
  12. sorry everyone , im gonna have to leave for a bit , the page is doing that thing where all the pics and links look like little squares with pages with shapes on them inside , if that makes sense lol ill be back soon ill try a bit later BYE
  13. Hello Armell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello Paige how are you ??
  14. Hello Armell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Bye Kijo xxx i might still be here when you get back lol
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