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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Thankyou so much I love it I'll use it as my avatar tomorrow your welcome
  2. the rose is just a decoration for it , tried putting flowers in front , but it didnt quite look right...
  3. it was okay , and my plans are to go and watch tv and sleep lol
  4. 101 , guys every post you make even chatting or answering should have a number in it ....
  5. hehe mmmmmmmmmm chips and gravy , now i have them stuck in my head!! nooo i wont be able to sleep
  6. wow lucky you had cash coins and angels lol!! it would have cost you 594 000 coins!!! wow!
  7. "You need to send your answers at the end of the week to Wish Fairy or Zoonie by PM only please. (only send 1 set of answers – please do not send a different set of answers each day)" Paige - as it says, you just need to send 1 PM at the end of the week with ALL you answers, so you have to come each day to check the questions okay few , i was thinking that but was just checking
  8. can i please get pumpkin hat,pumpkin dress,maroon baret and ghost dress for 2*4999 + a pink bubble chair ( not in box anymore) ?? is that okay x ??
  9. once I see CHIPS & GRAVY....yummmm, in front of me i have to eat it all!!!!!!! and then get more of course! i wish i could eat the screen right about now!
  10. Hi Paige...yes we have a bit more of the day left over here lucky you!
  11. are we suppose to send the answers now or at the end of the week im confused lol !
  12. here you go tiddly let me know if you want any changes made to it
  13. sorry had to go and eat dinner, will post the pic in a minute
  14. cute love it!! i find it clever with the uluru blending in behind the bench
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