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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Gill , can i know what the two diff pics are for the spot the difference? theres a img link and then an img but they look the same to me , like they are completely the same one :I
  2. Hi Tanya, Thanks , yeh fixed it up and added to it and now im trying to make a avatar to match
  3. Hi Gill and hello to everyone
  4. wow! thanks gill haha didnt actually think i would get this!
  5. yes Gill , no tws seeds , it would be too hard thanks ill add this to the first post
  6. haha oops knew i forgot to put something ahh so much writing! yes this week is ALL flowers, i will plant them after the guessing deadline , once they are grown i will announce the findings and if so the winners!
  7. haha i took a wild guess at that :I
  8. hmm what flowers will grow here this week , take a guess and pm me your answers!
  9. =The object of the game is to guess what flowers/veggies (one kind each week , flowers one week ,veggies the next week , flowers the next week etc.) you will have until thursday 12:00 gmt time(sorry this gives me more time to prepare if im busy ) to guess only 1 time which flowers or veggies will grow in each dirt mound example : 1st plot (from the left) homegrown rose 2 nd plot : forget-me-not 3 rd plot : homegrown sunflower etc. ALL seed TYPES will be the same (all flowers or all veggies) to win first prize all guesses must be correct!! and will win 10 000 coins to spend in stores , or save it for later To win second prize all the seed types(when they bloom) you guessed must be correct!!! and will win 5 000 coins to spend in stores or save it for later all participants with over 2 correct position & places will win a gmb (sorry about the prizes , i had quit before last Halloween and sent all of my things out and now i only occasionally go on for the lottery and do a few visits.) but hey its free to play! the contest is only run ONCE a week , but may be closed temporarily at any point of time if needed too the picture will be posted in post 2' NO TWS/NOT IN STORE SEEDS WILL BE USED (thanks Gill for the extra notes) MOST OF ALL HAVE FUN GUESSING! = this weeks and next weeks have been cancelled, sorry i dont have much time on my hands now anymore
  10. thanks Gill, yep read the rules twice
  11. is it okay , if i make a game in the comp thread , dk never made one in c&g before wanted to see if it was alright?? its an old game used to play it over in the other forum , garden guessing game
  12. computer quality is bad sometimes , usually all the ps photos taken end up at least a bit blurry thats why i like using snipping tool , lets me take a snippet of any part of the screen , in my siggy i used that for my pet , i zoomed in , in the browser so that it was more clear
  13. hehe Zoonie VS Hideeni , who can hide better?
  14. sorry gill , sorry for the late reply, found anyway to make the pics bigger yet or they still coming out blurry?
  15. hello everybody or anybody or someone
  16. okay ill be back in about 1/2 hrs cya everyone
  17. do u think this is better? might change it later if so , so that it is wider
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