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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. i miss JD , everytime he pops around on c&g which is not that often im not there!! but i know hes busy
  2. Paige<3

    close please :)

    sorry Lea could u please delete this thread thanks
  3. You're very welcome! Aww poor thing, she has my sympathy too then! Me too! For me, it's quite bearable, sometimes it's hard to swallow, but now at this moment, I don't feel much pain, so it comes and it goes I guess.
  4. i tried to take part in the hunt , but its hard for me i dont have many neighbours, at least not ones that would have very old stuff or very new stuff :negative: i have no idea whats with my typing ahh!
  5. good thanks , bit tired but oh well hru?
  6. Paige<3

    close please :)

  7. Paige<3

    close please :)

  8. Paige<3

    close please :)

  9. Paige<3

    close please :)

  10. Paige<3

    close please :)

  11. thanks Gill, maybe when i get bored ill take you up on that offer lol but im fine for now haha maybe next week
  12. Hello Armell sorry i missed u ooh sorry guys gotta restart computer making funny noises! Hello Paige , no worries . i haven't got you on my friend list , may i add you ? im so sorry everyone , my computer sounded like it was literally going to explode!! i tried restarting but it still made the same noise! so i just went and watched some charmed and now its 5:55 am here! still no sleep! Sure Armell add me anytime
  13. Hello Armell sorry i missed u ooh sorry guys gotta restart computer making funny noises!
  14. I hardly like to say on a family-style message board, but it involves his fur fabric kitten bed, and is an activity more usually associated with dogs and legs Paige, if you fancy a change with room one borrow from the gift registry, you should add Kitty C&G stores to your friends? Or do as you've been doing, and buy the week's stuff and then donate it on a week later? I'm wincing at your lack of sleep, am a bit sleep deprived myself this week, but nothing like you! I gotcha.....I know from our dogs (eeeewwwww LOL) - he soudns a right character ole Socks oh okay oh news! : my old cat her name is Puss , well when we moved we took her and our other cat meowth aswell and well Puss just wouldnt stay , she kept running off for days to our old house /neighbourhood and i was really worried about her anyway one of my mothers friends told us she found her near our house and we took her back to our new home, anyway she wouldnt stay just kept going back! , so the owner of our old house ended up keeping Puss instead , i THOUGHT it was for the best! unfortunatly i found out couple of days ago that the owner of our old house and Puss had called the pound to set a trap for her! because he didnt want her anymore anyway the pound called my parents because Puss still had her old collar on with our information , and if she doesnt have a home by tomorrow we have to pay $120 and we can take her back for another try the only thing thats good about this , is that i might be able to have her home again!! i miss her so much , she was my best cat ever, she even gave birth to 6 kittens on my bed! haha very messy! anyway we're angry at the owner for setting a trap for their own cat (well one they said they we're owning) and is now costing us money! really disappointed at some people these days... Paige - I agree, that's a very bizarre thing to do. Maybe you will get her back though - probably the best thing. Sometimes people are quite, quite rubbish aren't they ? ! very bizarre! i really hope i get her back , hoping she doesnt find a home by tomorrow even if thats being a bit selfish of me! but she still knows me i used to go for a walk with my dog over their just to see how she was doing , she would always come up to me and i'd always take the time to give her a pat yes some people are rubbish or atleast act like it !! thats why i like this place so much everyones kind
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