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Posts posted by Paige<3

  1. armellproctor wrote:
    Hello Peige , how are you today oooppps tonight lol

    Gill that sounds yummy

    Piglet see you soon xox

    Hi Armell Smile

    im fine thanks bit tired its actually 3:52 am here havent slept at all and probably wont :sarcastic:

  2. Zoonie wrote:
    Gaaah I feel like that icon Paige, and my day's more than half over!
    Just got some laundry and chores to do and am working my way up to going outside with waste food for the birds and the foxes.

    haha ! (not to doing work)

    only thing left for me to do is feed the cat and dogs!

  3. Zoonie wrote:
    's ok Paige there aren't so many posts per page here, and they roll over automatically - I don't think there's an option to display more per page either.

    The other thing is that the thread reopens every hundred pages to save bandwith, so we're going through quite a few new threads congratulations

    How are you doing?

    great thanks Smile how r u??

  4. TanyaRC wrote:
    Yaaaaa..... Kijo!! is this gonna mess up your hunt schedule??

    Paige, depending on which version you have ...

    look at the top right and it is under tools, or top left under file ..

    thanks tanya i was looking under tools the whole time thats why i couldnt find it , it was under file

    i keep forgetting to go back offline when i refresh and connect , i just wasted 1000 coins lol

  5. Zoonie wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:
    TanyaRC wrote:
    Hi Paige!!

    Hi Tanya! =] sorry for the late reply trying to find where the work offline button is in i.e cant find it ahh!

    Paige, so sorry I didn't see you, good morning

    inu-kijo wrote:
    Morning Gill, are you guys still snowed in???

    I am - but I don't need to go out lol!
    IMOM went off dressed for the arctic and wearing wellington boots, which he was grateful for - he had trouble even getting out of our gate as it's a country style one and was frozen shut. Anyway the train seemed to be ok, the station was deserted and the ground lethal, in the centre of London, even London Bridge has some snow still!
    His office is freezing apparently, but at least they didn't sell his desk congratulations
    (in fear of never seeing him again!)

    Hi gill sorry missed you the pages keep changing every minute for me when i refresh :O

  6. inu-kijo wrote:
    I'm good Paige.

    Yes Zoonie, It is a very good theme for that sort of game!!! : D

    Tanya, I am supposed to talk to Corinna tomorrow night, and she is gonna show me how to set up a room for you (never had to use my passports, so not sure what to do or whatnot) so tomorrow night I can tell you more information about what is going on. : D
    But, as far as I know, we are still on!!

    Thats good Smile

  7. TanyaRC wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:
    TanyaRC wrote:
    Hi Paige!!

    Hi Tanya! =] sorry for the late reply trying to find where the work offline button is in i.e cant find it ahh!

    So you are trying to find it?? Are you using internet explorer??
    Zoonie wrote:
    So do I Tanya - seriously you wouldn't believe the chaos we have in the UK, whether the weather's overly hot, or cold! It happens every time.

    @Kijo, must admit that the gingerbread theme is a good one to use for spot the difference

    This part of the country goes crazy with cold, but they handle the heat very well .....

    EEEkkkk ..... I forgot about the gingerbread ...... I must go check it out ....I was busy playing with siggy stuff ...

    yes i am still trying . yep im using internet explorer which i dont usually use because google chrome is faster for me! Smile

  8. Toulouse wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:
    hehe well first watched transformers 3.. then watched land of the lost .. wow what a messed up movie!<< and then just watched i am legend poor dog Sad

    Not sure, but I think I never saw I am legend.
    Started to watch Transformers, but got bored after a while
    and Land of the lost, doesn't ring any bell

    I finished 'The Bucket List' yesterday. Not such a good idea to be watching that before you're going to bed... It's not scary or anything, but the subject...

    LOL, I explained to Mom the intercom function on the phone, she just called me to say lunch is ready Laughing
    So it seems I have to get going, afterwards I won't be coming online, have to study some more about probabilities...

    See you guys later!

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