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Posts posted by Paige<3

  1. Zoonie wrote:
    Back -- disappointingly only marginally less scary looking!
    I really must get a haircut, but in this weather, it's not fit to go out and about unless you really have to.

    My friend Jenny lives in Perth Smile and so does Chris, Big B's mum - although I haven't heard from her in a while.

    Had to take some more headache tablets, and still feel sick, yuck. IMOM's come home and the first thing he starts talking about is dinner tonight *sigh*

    Hope they enjoy it here Smile

  2. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Sorry - got distracted by multiple phone calls.

    Paige - I was just out in Perth in November. I heard it's been a hot one for you in WA !!

    Gill I do love that photo !!

    By the way - I just heard I have 12 months worth of new business !! YAY with a major chain as well - woo hoo

    yep it always is Sad

  3. Zoonie wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:

    i wish it snowed here , never seen snow before well except on pics and on tv :

    I've got to admit it's really pretty and can be quite magical - if only it didn't cause so much inconvenience.

    This is my new laptop desktop pic

    and the snow is still there.

    chocolate<3 wrote:
    thats good Smile

    ill tell you when i invent a cleaning robot , ill send u one through mail

    hurry, hurry! lol

    that picture is beautiful :)indeed magical :sighs::;

    ill try and hurry drew up my plans for it ill glue 2 forks to a foam ball , attach wheels and put a mini robot inside!!! GENIUS!! haha

  4. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Zoonie wrote:
    No worries Paige, I'm the same, infact I just have to nip and vacuum the hall as the machine's just stood there all day doing nothing Ashamed

    No sign of any thaw Wish, but I have my new wellies now
    http://www.aigleboots.co.uk/acatalog/Aigle_Parcours_Vario_Boot.html they're brilliant, really comfortable due to the last they make them on, and very good under foot, although I reckon the depth of snow kept me stable on my feet anyway congratulations

    Back in a moment.

    Wellies are so good if you get the right ones. I have a great pair for Xmas and they are really high grip which has been brilliant in this weather - especially in the thaw as it's lethal onthe pavements around here. It does seem like you have the worst of the weather down south Gill.
    I do wish it woudl snow more - I;ve really quite enjoyed it Smile

    chocolate<3 wrote:
    Wish Fairy wrote:
    All good here thanks, just looking out of the window and wondering if it will snow again today - it's so white out !

    i wish it snowed here , never seen snow before well except on pics and on tv :

    LOL Paige - whereabouts in Oz are you ? (sorry if I asked this before

    Western Australia im about 1.5 hrs from perth Smile

  5. Zoonie wrote:
    No worries Paige, I'm the same, infact I just have to nip and vacuum the hall as the machine's just stood there all day doing nothing Ashamed

    No sign of any thaw Wish, but I have my new wellies now
    http://www.aigleboots.co.uk/acatalog/Aigle_Parcours_Vario_Boot.html they're brilliant, really comfortable due to the last they make them on, and very good under foot, although I reckon the depth of snow kept me stable on my feet anyway congratulations

    Back in a moment.

    thats good Smile

    ill tell you when i invent a cleaning robot , ill send u one through mail

  6. carolyn64 wrote:
    hi paige and gill. i am still here but as i said doing bits and bobs at the same time and then come and check for messages. just peeled the apples for a crumble. Things not bad here thanks gill tho got both boys off - daniel has an upset tum and Harry is on his steroids and chemo combo that makes him too tired for school x

    Hello Smile

  7. Zoonie wrote:
    Hiya Paige, am sat here looking at the dark skies and the wind blowing, brrr..will be back in two shakes, going to put the kettle on for some tea.

    How's things with you?

    Hi Gill sorry for the really late reply i wondered off doing something

    im gud thanks Smile

  8. carolyn64 wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:
    anyone here????????

    i am here but as no one else was i am doing other things too and occasionally even some housework

    thank god i was driving myself crazy talking to myself haha!

    hehe okay congratulations
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