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Posts posted by Paige<3

  1. glow88 wrote:
    can i have a swan plushie for a watermelon^^
    if yes, please let me know =) den i will send u

    Hi glow Smile

    sorry the swan plushie was already asked for by lucky strike

  2. Alysin_Wonderland wrote:
    I will take the candy jar decor for 1 watermelon..

    Will send F/R

    Hi Alison, seems i didnt get your f/r so i sent you one myself Smile

    ps : sorry i forgot to include a note

  3. Pedj@ 94 Dixy wrote:
    very nice of you............:DDDDD....this is great chance for people who don't have a lot of coins to find some...................=))

    thankyou Smile

    and i only need the watermelons to send to some lower level pets on my list who just started Smile

  4. Xaphan wrote:
    i'll take school locker and ornate folding screen for two water melons Smile

    f/r sent with a note =)

    sorry my rule was 1 per person just to be fair to everyone else Smile

    i will send you the ornate folding screen once i have loaded ps Smile

  5. I like this game too Smile

    i am level 33 and at the moment i have 100,843 coins Smile

    i have 8 gold chickens , 13 black chickens and 20+brown chickens and heaps of white chickens Smile

    this is a screenshot of the new Town square (farm square) im making (still not complete)

    all my items are at the bottom sides of my farm for the meantime while i redecorate

    the only trick i know of is to trap yourself in haybales to plow/plant/harvest crops faster (which pretty much everyone knows)


    thats my link for my expand storage barn raiser Smile

    would appreciate anyones help Smile

  6.  fs210.png

    is this any better??

    if u need me to make any of them a bit smaller just ask Smile

    as for the words on this i cant do anything unless u wouldnt mind the text style to be changed
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