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Posts posted by Paige<3

  1. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Paige<3 wrote:
    Wish Fairy wrote:
    Paige - that seems weird, maybe it is your dog, but ....to much coffee?? LOL

    BTW - are you starting over in PS ? Are there some things I can send you if you are ?

    haha i dont drink coffee Ashamed

    not exactly , i go on every day to earn money and maybe decorate my first room but i wouldnt say im starting over lol if you get what i mean
    haha i started making my first room to put cakes and my spare things then got addicted and started buying stuff!!
    i was so ashamed of myself lol as i try to not spend money on myself only others Sad and yet i did!

    lol, no its okay , i dont need anything , thanks Smile

    Awww...ok, but really, let me know if there are some thingsthat you'd just like to have (even if you have someone to gift them to - s'ok with me Smile )

    hehe, im fine for now but i know who to find if i do

  2. Zoonie wrote:
    I tried the screen shot option Paige:(

    Am just a bit distracted by Socks atm!

    oh okay Smile

    oh news! :

    my old cat her name is Puss , well when we moved we took her and our other cat meowth aswell and well Puss just wouldnt stay , she kept running off for days to our old house /neighbourhood and i was really worried about her anyway one of my mothers friends told us she found her near our house and we took her back to our new home, anyway she wouldnt stay just kept going back! , so the owner of our old house ended up keeping Puss instead , i THOUGHT it was for the best!

    unfortunatly i found out couple of days ago that the owner of our old house and Puss had called the pound to set a trap for her! because he didnt want her anymore

    anyway the pound called my parents because Puss still had her old collar on with our information , and if she doesnt have a home by tomorrow we have to pay $120 and we can take her back for another try

    the only thing thats good about this , is that i might be able to have her home again!! i miss her so much , she was my best cat ever, she even gave birth to 6 kittens on my bed! haha very messy!

    anyway we're angry at the owner for setting a trap for their own cat (well one they said they we're owning) and is now costing us money!

    really disappointed at some people these days...

  3. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Paige - that seems weird, maybe it is your dog, but ....to much coffee?? LOL

    BTW - are you starting over in PS ? Are there some things I can send you if you are ?

    haha i dont drink coffee Ashamed

    not exactly , i go on every day to earn money and maybe decorate my first room but i wouldnt say im starting over lol if you get what i mean
    haha i started making my first room to put cakes and my spare things then got addicted and started buying stuff!!
    i was so ashamed of myself lol as i try to not spend money on myself only others Sad and yet i did!

    lol, no its okay , i dont need anything , thanks Smile

  4. Zoonie wrote:
    Paige<3 wrote:
    haha okay, its really hard for me to see lol Smile

    I tried to make them bigger (see the thread) since the camera function has been playing up I can't seem to get the pics a good size Sad

    yeh i know, i tried to make them bigger aswell but they went really blurry
    seems fb photos are really dodgy :|

    i would suggest using printscreen (screenshot) instead but you wouldn't be able to take a picture of the whole room only the part thats showing on the screen

  5. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Paige<3 wrote:
    Wish Fairy wrote:
    Hey Paige andGill (Chup still here ?)

    How've you too been.

    Gosh Gill - I just caught frannie yesterday and had to leave the keys to the bar for you LOL.

    Sorry, I also forgot to send anything to registry this week - still short of wigs ?

    I have a couple of spare snow white items too if you want...?

    Hi again Sharon congratulations
    sorry was busy making something congratulationscongratulations

    i've been fine thanks , staying up 24/7 seriously, now i have to therapeutic medication to help me sleep, its like my body just wants to stay awake :O haha its 1:36am here :|

    how are you??

    I'm good thanks, been busy with year end accounts and tax returns and corporation tax etc, but all done now.
    Wow - 24/7.....OMG you must be exhausted ! Is the medication working ? What has brought that on (or, I could mind my own business LOL)

    thats good. Smile

    actually, surprisingly im not that exhausted,

    no the medication is'nt working at all , i still lay down and maybe close my eyes for a few minutes but i never end up sleeping

    i have no idea what brought it on , its just i dont feel tired so i cant sleep
    or maybe it could be my dog who barks her head off all morning/day & night
    but i dont really think its that

  6. Zoonie wrote:
    Wish Fairy wrote:
    Sorry was distracted...had a weird think just happen. I just got a PM at the other forum it's from some guy saying "I sent my 2x999 where's my dwarf 6!. Now I do have dwarf 6 in multiples but have not offered them anywhere and also me n this guy are not even FB friends, so he couldn't have sent me anything. He hasn't even sent me an FR....I am quite wary of this now as the next scam is to pretend you've been scammed !!

    Gill - will wait til end of week and let me know what you're short. I can get a whole set for sure, but if we don't need it I'll keep the coins til we do.

    Will wait Wish, no point just stock piling more than we can possibly need.
    Although I intend sending Squirrel some items (she was here last night, didn't realise they'd had an earthquake! - seep from about page 28 I think it was)

    What a strange PM, did you do anything about it, or just ignore it?

    (I was distracted looking at Paige's Spot the Difference - you did a good job Paige, but there are 4 more, I think - really little ones)

    haha okay, its really hard for me to see lol Smile

  7. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Hey Paige andGill (Chup still here ?)

    How've you too been.

    Gosh Gill - I just caught frannie yesterday and had to leave the keys to the bar for you LOL.

    Sorry, I also forgot to send anything to registry this week - still short of wigs ?

    I have a couple of spare snow white items too if you want...?

    Hi again Sharon congratulations
    sorry was busy making something congratulationscongratulations

    i've been fine thanks , staying up 24/7 seriously, now i have to therapeutic medication to help me sleep, its like my body just wants to stay awake :O haha its 1:36am here :|

    how are you??

  8. Zoonie wrote:
    Hello sweetness - just replied to your post on the G/R, we're ok this week really, thanks ... apart from wigs, only have one at the moment.

    Hello Gill, sorry for the late reply Sad

    okay, ill send u over 2 wigs tomorrow, and any spare stuff from this week i have no need for Smile

  9. 1. omg i think i just ate superman... err he made me do it!

    2. :.wake up polar bear! i got a job for you...okay fine ill make you wake up!

    3. gross these humans are disgusting!, i mean how diiirtttyy is this water!

    4. okay, hat check!,cape check!,sword check!, INSANITY CHECK!

    5. cat : get off of me you stupid bird thats my good shoulder!
    bird : im trying to annoy you leave me alone!

    6. squirrel : leave my acorns alone man!
    pigeon : no way!, their mine!
    right : never seen you work a day in your life!
    pigeon ; well!,err,ahh,mm,umm im stronger then you!

    7. i command you to win this game here!

    look your not gonna make a prison break,these walls are made of BRICK
    do u know what brick is?
    yeh thats what it is!
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