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Posts posted by Paige<3

  1. TanyaRC wrote:
    oh, btw ..... I am fishing for comments/criticism .....

    how do you like mindy and Kim's new siggy's ....

    BE HONEST......That is the only way that I will get better!!

    i <3 them!!

    they are so cute!! i love the hearts around their pets Smile

  2. inu-kijo wrote:
    Night armell, and Hello Paige dear, are you gonna join the hunt this week (pressure!!!!)

    I know I am just having a rough day with it today, but I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day, and eventually I can find a solution to heal this up. : D

    Hello Smile

    i was thinking about it .. i came up with some of the items i figured them out but just cant find them in anyones home on my list Sad

  3. TanyaRC wrote:
    yes. Paige ,... the woven one with the vine ...Didn't you like it??

    Night Armell!! Sweet dreams!!

    Kigo... It sounds like a misdiagnosis .... especially if you have never had any problems with them ...

    ohh yeh that one .. well it was okay but i just put the id in for a while till i make improvements .. im trying to learn how to get and add new brushes for gimp and then i want to know how to make diagonal scanlines that dont go fuzzy to add to it :I

  4. inu-kijo wrote:
    For this particular problem, yes. I have NEVER had knee problems before. But then again, going to an ER or free clinic.... its like the DR's don't care about you, so i wonder if I was just misdiagnosed? Cause I explicit told him I never did anything to it for me to injure it.

    sometime last year I had some bad shoulder problems, but those were easily fixed, and long gone, except for the occasional pang from sleeping strangely.

    Hello Kijo

    im sorry bout your knees Sad

  5. TanyaRC wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:
    TanyaRC wrote:
    Hi Paige!!

    Hi Tanya Smile how are you?

    I am good ....What happened to your purple siggy?? I thought it was cute....

    thats good Smile
    .. purple siggy?? the one with the like the weaved border with the vine??

  6. xPink.Pixel.Princessx wrote:
    you where already forgiven hehe

    thankyou Smile

    i know you are a nice person ... i should sometimes not say what i wasnt going to say in the first place i just got sidetracked and posted what i saw and not had thought about properly , im sorry again

  7. lea75 wrote:
    you dont have to justify yourself hun.
    We have supported you all the way through this competition because we believe in you and in your work. I agree with xPink.Pixel.Princessx that in some of those entries didnt deserve to be in winning positions. That is my opinion, which is what this thread is, peoples opinions.

    What happened in TOF should not really be discussed in an open thread like this and I'm sorry chocolate but you shouldnt really of mentioned it. If xPink.Pixel.Princessx wanted to discuss what had happened then that is her decision, I dont feel you or anyone else should really talk about what has happened to someone else.

    Please can we keep this thread friendly

    I am sorry Lea , i didnt really mean to light a fire that was suppose to be burned .... i am truly sorry to both of you

  8. xPink.Pixel.Princessx wrote:

    Like i have said in other threads...and probably this one..I havent checked...Some of them are nice...But most! of them are really horrible....I mean...Why would your choose a room...they has been thrown together and then print screened...over a piece of artwork that has been made from scratch...

    Take 3rd place for instance...What is with the house...I would put that way at the bottom of the winners list....and number 20 somewhere at the top.

    This thread is NOT based on my cross stitch because i decided to delete it from my entries....Iv got it here with me on the wall...I took it down because there were to many people doubting it and flaming my thread because and was finding every way possible to try and prove it was not real......I didnt want to rip it apart because it took me hours to do...

    And why bring the multipul account thing into it...Everyone knows about that on here...Ill just refresh your memory...My family had accounts on there...Obviously witht he same IP...and also it wasnt because of that i got banned from there....I decided to have my own say and tell them some home truths...I suppose they then tried went throught everything to get me banned from the forum legitamatly...Thats why they banned me with a reason of: Unknown

    Its probably me getting the wrong end of the stick(As usual) but if feels like to me that you are trying to put me down...trying to make me look like a bad person...Hense why you bought the cross stitch into it and the account on PF...
    I dont know...Sorry if i have got it wrong...but everyone knows im not a bad person...
    Anyways...Discussion over because im not getting into a rut over something as silly as this

    im really sorry for mentioning it i really wasnt trying to bring you down Sad i really think you shouldnt of gotten all that grief and i will edit my post Sad

    im not a fan of that forum at all and i am truly sorry and 100x more Sad

  9. Frannie wrote:
    well.. i need to go find the TV remote for the bedroom TV.. This could be a long process.. so many quilts and blankets to search through...and then, I'm gonna be standing there.. right in front of that bed.. and it's gonna pull me down and want me to stay a bit.... so will see you later

    sorry i thought i had said hello frannie Sad

    and now i have to say cya later to u Sad

  10. armellproctor wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:
    Zoonie wrote:
    It's very unusual Paige, half winter look and half summer tan congratulations
    I like her outfit but it's making me shiver a bit - I have a fleece on Sad

    haha was trying to get the affect of a doll without adding stitch lines hehe

    hello paige how are you today?

    Hi Armell said hello before u must of missed it Smile

    yeh im good thanks Smile

  11. Wish Fairy wrote:
    @ Paige - I like it actually (not sure about the dress though ;-)

    @ Armell - Hello my lovely - how's your headache (and what is the little squid fishbowl in your wishlist please :-))

    @ Frannie - good to see you Frannie. Been working ?

    yeh i know might make it no clothed haha Smile

  12. Zoonie wrote:
    It's very unusual Paige, half winter look and half summer tan congratulations
    I like her outfit but it's making me shiver a bit - I have a fleece on Sad

    haha was trying to get the affect of a doll without adding stitch lines hehe

  13. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Zoonie wrote:
    If it's virtual for me, it can be anything whether you have it in, or not Laughing

    LOL = well, I'm not going to drive it down to you so I guess you can have any virtual drink you want
    Laughing (Gosh that's quite annoying that the smillies you insert in multi-quote always end up at the bottom isn't it !!)
    chocolate<3 wrote:
    Zoonie wrote:
    Back -- disappointingly only marginally less scary looking!
    I really must get a haircut, but in this weather, it's not fit to go out and about unless you really have to.

    My friend Jenny lives in Perth Smile and so does Chris, Big B's mum - although I haven't heard from her in a while.

    Had to take some more headache tablets, and still feel sick, yuck. IMOM's come home and the first thing he starts talking about is dinner tonight *sigh*

    Hope they enjoy it here Smile

    My friends love WA - they emigrated to NZ from UK but found it WAY to expensive and cold so they headed for Perth. I think it's a great place to visit, but I don't think there's enough to draw us out there permanently. Mind you, we've had a few offers between me and OH to go to US, Asia etc, but either it's been the wrong time or it hasn't really come off for one reason or another. I think that it'd need to be something really special for us to move anywhere now LOL

    haha yeh in someways its a good place but to me just seeing snow or learning a new language would be amazing!!

    my dream place would be england or italy , i've always been interested in italy partly because im 1/4 of it haha Smile

  14. Zoonie wrote:
    chocolate<3 wrote:

    Hope they enjoy it here Smile

    She's been there about 23 years or so and her second son was born there. Sadly her marriage broke up later, but she later married again (to an Aussie)

    OMG what a mess this girl's made of dinner - and Mr Zoonie was absolutely spot on about 'Michael' (27 years older than her)

    thats sad Sad

    but i hope shes good now Smile
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