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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. harry potter lol brown hair or blonde hair? lol
  2. It means on average a person swallows 3 spiders a year - apparently we usually swallow spiders whilst sleeping ewwwww what??? no way!!! yes way but good news is that they are usually tiny spiders
  3. It means on average a person swallows 3 spiders a year - apparently we usually swallow spiders whilst sleeping
  4. Ok, so che questa parte del forum è stato un po 'vuoto e che si traduce con membri italiani pochissimi tornare a questo forum. Mi scuso per questo e mi prenderà qualche suggerimento su come migliorare questo angolo. Si prega messaggio privato a me o postare i tuoi suggerimenti qui, mi piacerebbe veramente apprezzare, Grazie! Paige.
  5. No this forum has been around since 2008(im pretty sure). Sometimes it's really busy, I guess everyone is busy in real life this weekend. oh i see i'd like to stick around then! i quit the other forums...just i have hols n im really bored...n i happened across psfc on google. peaceful here! yes, stick around this forum grows on you, all the members feel like part of your family after time , yes this is a great forum, you will meet so many friends and its a really safe and friendly forum! ive experience that once itz true u make some really good friends n meet wonderful ppl!! i hope i get to have some of that, again thank u for ur warm welcome!! xxxxx your welcome x
  6. umm Justin Timberlake I guess... Twilight books or Twilight movies?
  7. No this forum has been around since 2008(im pretty sure). Sometimes it's really busy, I guess everyone is busy in real life this weekend. oh i see i'd like to stick around then! i quit the other forums...just i have hols n im really bored...n i happened across psfc on google. peaceful here! yes, stick around this forum grows on you, all the members feel like part of your family after time , yes this is a great forum, you will meet so many friends and its a really safe and friendly forum!
  8. Thankyou ShadowGirl715 for the summer sofa (item received, thanks!) I offer the person below me a... Egyptian oasis (item sent )
  9. so was I i actually had no idea...correct me if its wrong, it is possible that they might be. I wonder, if sharks are really immune to all known diseases, cant scientists find the immunity in the shark and transfer it to humans? Sharks are blessed with a very simple immune system, which allows them to fight infection and disease far better than humans. The immune system of sharks is being researched and studies to determine why it is that sharks appear to be immune to most diseases. It is not true that they are immune to all, but they do have an amazing immune that fights it off in a manner that surpasses the human ability to ward off infection and disease. The major difference between the immune system of a shark and a human is that sharks have two accessory immunological structures that humans do not possess. They are the epigonal organ and the Leydig's organ. The epigonal organ is located beneath the kidneys, and the Leydig's organ in within the esophagus. These organs are only found in sharks, making these sea creatures even more unique. Studies have concluded that the epigonal organ is where T-cells are differentiated, playing a huge role in the immune system of the shark. found this searching on google wow! thanks for the info thats really interesting!
  10. I meant if its like in their blood, that it might be possible one day to mix that blood with human blood?
  11. No this forum has been around since 2008(im pretty sure). Sometimes it's really busy, I guess everyone is busy in real life this weekend.
  12. oh thanks so much i didnt notice it in the list of the treasures could you also tell me from where do we get the teddy bears? I'm clueless about the teddy, sorry hold up ill try to find it okay found it they are from the Build-a-Plushie Mystery Eggs - and you also find decorations for the teddies in the eggs aswell, etc.
  13. oh thanks so much i didnt notice it in the list of the treasures could you also tell me from where do we get the teddy bears? I'm clueless about the teddy, sorry hold up ill try to find it
  14. so was I i actually had no idea...correct me if its wrong, it is possible that they might be. I wonder, if sharks are really immune to all known diseases, cant scientists find the immunity in the shark and transfer it to humans?
  15. that hat is from the deep ocean digging site, its called "water drop hat"
  16. I will buy it for you when it comes out
  17. Naaaah, I prefer chicken more. hahaha when I read that fact I felt sick o.o yes, I would prefer chicken too! Or pork on a stick. I think we swallow spiders that are really small, probably when we are asleep. And you should add another fact as the first one: It is impossible to kiss your elbow. And as the last one: 78% of people who read the 1st fact tried to do it. hehe okay, thanks
  18. Naaaah, I prefer chicken more. hahaha when I read that fact I felt sick o.o yes, I would prefer chicken too!
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