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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. thank you that is also a great idea, Megan you can do that. give them temp names
  2. tell me about it. i started palying like an hour ago and im all out of money... i will have to wait till one of the taxes men finishes his process editing neighbor request sent
  3. do you have any favorite characters you like? maybe you can name him after one you like ofr example i love the never eding story, so i decided to name my white shnauzer after the white dragon, Falcor, there for my pets name is also Falcor, there for my username is aslo Falcor
  4. you will have fun Clair... 5 pages of chat about this proofs it
  5. moving to Looking for section hun
  6. i thought it might increase the production on some thinkgs like stone or something else, but i already did all the upgrades, all the researchs i could do, and i stil dont have enough supplys to build something new i think i have to wait till tomorrow BTW im aout of coins buy now
  7. what are the researches for?
  8. but what happens to the soap after you close and save? it dissapears? or are you left up with more than one soap?
  9. pleas help me, new building on my profile BTW i just noticed that you can only help one players building per day, but if the player has more buildings asking for help you can help in each and one of them
  10. done hun and can you help mor ethan once the same friend? or do you have to wait till the next day? does anybody now?
  11. i think, that option is no longer available since the last new FB edition...
  12. how come it only produceses one stone, one bronze, one wood per day... i will never get to build other things ij Kingdoms of camelot it produces all that by hour, so its faster
  13. wow... thatis amazing Fash congrats
  14. you are already my neighbor Yvette im going to send everybody on my list of neighbors the black thingy you need for building the "i can remember its name coz i dont know what it means" thingy please send me those please too
  15. but only the chihuahua and the sombrero right, coz the cactus and the luchador mask arent labeled TWs
  16. thank you steph.. i've visited your empire.. its really cute... im actually enjoying the game..
  17. please go to my profile and help me biult a "i dont know what it is building" pretty please
  18. i believe they still are rocio
  19. its kinda like the kings of camelo, except you dont ave to fight with anyone.. i like that, and this is more greek... im enjoying the music
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