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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. Falcor

    urgent project

    here's a little gift for you Ames, just switch everytime Bert says Mary to Ames, or Mookie, (it fits better )
  2. Falcor

    urgent project

    no wonder you are so lovable and kind... you know... i know we dont even know each other in RL but i saw Mary Poppins the other day and through all the movie i kept thinking i bet Ames is like that for some reason Mary Poppins remind me of you
  3. once there was a man who said - " I only know five words" - and never spoke again
  4. Falcor

    urgent project

    well then Happy mothers day to you and to all the PSFC mothers :1hugs: i dont know why but for some reason i thought you were like 14 or 15. no dont get me wrong, but all yoour good attitud and positivity made me think of you yooung girl and you are a very young mom my birthday is also in july... are you Cancer by any chance? Cancers are always in a good mood
  5. i only have that problem with the flower seed send directly to me... but i can get all the hideeni's gifts... still i havent get them all thou, still missing the shooting stars and the black hole
  6. please rember to ask to close your thread when it is completed you can do it buy clicking complete in the edit post window or by adding a please close message in the tittle or at the end of the thread if you still want more cakes and cupcakes we can leave this thread open, if not please tell us so be can close it for you thank you
  7. Falcor

    urgent project

    i didnt know you were a mom Ames actually i thought you were a very young member
  8. im really looking up for it... cant wait come on, you can do it Sarah....
  9. i second you Lisa, i get where your going and im sure all of the members agree with you. the podcast is for PSFC news. all thou we have lots of fun with the whole Tiddly and Kasi story, its better to be left here in the chat section
  10. no need to thank chiara i will now close this thread
  11. well is too late i have already sent them and if you insist in buying them the price is one smile and two hugs for each would you mind sending the payment first
  12. i cant be fast im still in rehearsal i want to gift them to Chiara......
  13. i have some spare of what you're looking for... just give me some time for me to get home and open PS
  14. i bet you never imagine Tiddly will get to be this famouse after all
  15. Falcor

    Pink Jalisco Dress

    thanks... FR sent would you mind sending first please
  16. Falcor

    urgent project

    hello everyone, i am working in a project for mothers day and i will want to know who is a mother here at PSFC. so i will really appreciate if you tell me in this post, if you are a mom thank you
  17. wow... that looks so cute... thanks for sharing ursula cant wait to get my load of GMB
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