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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    I'm a little teapot Short and stout Here is my handle Here is my spout When I get all steamed up Hear me shout "Tip me over and pour me out!"
  2. ok everybody i want to do a testimony related with this post. hopefully i read this before it happened. I was just doing the daily routine, visiting friends in PS, chatting in the PSFC Forums and making safe trades, when I ran into this thread and posted some advice about making safe friends list and hiding your email address, (earlier discussed with Tiddly Winks on FB) just about the same time I was completing a trade for 20cc with a new member. That member and I became facebook friends and starting chatting while he was making the payment and i was buying the playfish cash. After the trade was completed, we continued chatting about PS. He seemed like a nice guy, then at the end of the conversation, he posted a link for a webcam chat in oovoo.com or something like that.... I was't quite sure, i mean, i don't even know that guy to webchat with him. But anyhow i clicked on the link and sent me to a strange page with nothing on it except a sharing link. Then a smaller window popped up with a warning saying that some kind of device was trying to access to my computer, accept or cancel..... i have just read about the Little Red Ridding Hood Story and heard about a lot of hacked accounts on facebook, so obviously I cancelled the access. Then, just to keep my account safe I opened a new email on gmail (because I heard that it is one of the safest server) and changed my email address on the FB account. That's why I was asking how to receive mails form PSFC on the new email address earlier on this thread. I changed everything, email, and password, even the one on my old email address. A few hours later I went to sleep, and just got home from work. i didn't enter my computer at all since yesterday. I often keep my browser open with my FB and email account opened. And every time I reconnect to the internet I just have to refresh my browser and automatically my accounts are updated. But this time something different happened, on my email I was asked to sign in again entering my password (that was odd coz anytime before today i didn't have to that, just refreshing my browser it would work) and a new warning appeared saying that i was asked to sign in again because the same account was open on a different computer. And there is no way that could've happened with me knowing about it. I checked on my FB account and everything was like I left it, all of my PS items where there and my acc Info was right. Fortunately nothing awful happened. But it was quite strange that it occurred to me after reading this thread and clicking on that strange link. I just want to say that I'm not accusing anyone of trying to hack my account, I only included that link information because it was the only different thing i made from every each time before ( i don't know if that makes sense to you) please use this to keep you accounts safe, because there are a lot of wolves out there and it is well known that neither facebook nor playfish cares. only we can keep our accounts safe if we take the appropriate measures.
  3. i'm sorry, i meant the tortilla chip, my computer is going crazy, so i didn't see what i was typing sorry for missunderstanding, i didn't mean the ugly monkey i never even had one just the tortilla chip... hahaha ok dont worry.... i understand. if you can sendt the Tortilla chip that ill be great, if not dont worry.... but thanks... you are so kind thanks for clearing that up
  4. i just found out... i have to change my email on my profile here on PSFC to recieve them on the new address
  5. does any one know if i change my log in email adress on facebook, do i get the PSFC mails on the new email? im doing this for security measures want to change my email acc for a stronger one
  6. payment recieved and item sent... rep added thanks alot
  7. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    Tiddly u have on offer on the ugly sock monkey hurry
  8. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    wow that sure is a lot.. well at least it sound like alot to me, coz i use mexican pesos and the rate is almos 20 pesos per € we're taking about almost 1000 pesos or 77 dollars
  9. very nice specially the doll in the between the chick and the wonderland flowers... lol just kiddig
  10. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    wow.. he is great... i will have to see more of him.. thanks tiddly for the heads up
  11. thats a good idea for giving the trick a practical use....
  12. dont worry lucky good for you deciding to keeo yours... the are so cute... dont know why are they called "ugly" sock monkeys lol tiddly for starting a chat on your post hehe
  13. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    wow that is just great.. did you know that i am a big musical fan... this one is familiar... from what musical is it?
  14. hahahaha im trying to buy some too.. good luck with that... i only got one offer but didn't know what was the price.... still havent completed that deal bump for you friend
  15. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    please do... im sorryto say i've never heard of him but would love to here some more
  16. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    i cant even manage to say log and whole right,, thats is where i mix up.. i'll search for more songs from that guy.. he is great
  17. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    i tried to sing it and it sound it a litlle like this therer's a felck and the $%Sa! in the "·$%s in the "·$%S%& on the "··$%&& !"·$$%% on the % (%DD?=·$?? on the T$·"W·$%·! bottom of the seee
  18. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    do you have the video with subtitles like in a kareoke? that will be easier to sing along lol
  19. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    wow that song is sooo funny... it remind me of a spanish version of it.. let me search for it after i stop laughing of the fleck fixed of the tail of the fron in the bottom of the see
  20. is 3x4999 all right for you?... please tell me your price... i'll love to buy it if you still want to sell it hmm... i recently (today) used it in my new room... BUT! since i used it and i feel bad for posting here and getting your hopes up I have a little something for you go check your door in 2-3 minites hahahaha i think we are connected.. i just send you a surprise too tell me if you need a spare one
  21. i gave you an extra! gee thank you... you are so kind
  22. Falcor

    in a singing mood

    hahahahahaha please post the video... all i cant think of is here a hole there a hole everywhere a hole hole
  23. thanks you guys... all recieved and rep added
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