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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. woooooow I can't believe it I won... this makes me so happy thank you Gaia so much
  2. that is very interesting actually.... and its kind of funny, coz a few days ago i was wondering what was the history of PS if it had one, thinking maybe like a founder of the village or probably playfish facts... i confess i didnt know all that. i just joing in nov last year adn had no idea about all the cloning... thanks for sharing this... that makes me take second thoughts about my keeping 4999's.... but know a different question comes to my mind.... what are we gonna use to trade after april 8... are their gonna be new 15,000 (4999) items... ?? i think we wont be able to know until the week before that no the past of PS is a bit clearer for me... what know concerns me is the future :girl_cray2:
  3. i dont know... but probably.... maybe Lea or Mr. Mayor can tell you.. why dont you PM them
  4. I tottaly agree with you! I hate when playfish puts something in CC that isn't for donations. so true...
  5. and it cost 7 cc's... that isnt right... that price should be regular coin
  6. oh well that is a good thought... good for you i'll be sure to buy from you
  7. that is good news.. but how are you gonna do that? i mean what do you gain?
  8. i dont like that all the shamrock (emerald) is TWS they are so expensive this time, and os many of them... its gonna be a hard week.... BTW 800 coins for a seed that is just insane.... so lets all work very very hard this week and hope we get everything before it leaves
  9. i think it would be good to save some to sell later on on trades... they might get really expensive on trades, like the red jukes of the pink lip couch, not as much as the fox plushie perhaps, but they will be rare i suppose
  10. hope you had a wonderful time hun
  11. i do the same too lol... right now i used all the oak tree items.... perhaps ill by the tree in a while... just for the pleasure or completing my colection... but not really thrilled about it
  12. it happens to me everytime that i love them when i see them in the spoilers section, but when they are released they are so many and cant decorate who i wiould like... does that happens to anybody else? BTW what is the new cash tree all about? im so curious too
  13. why is all they TWS items? everything changes..... lol bTW the new CC items al lovely.. i dont know why they have to be CC's
  14. cograts to Bogus!!! and thank you so much Pricess for the party Tread.. Falcor and me had a great time
  15. thank you mylady... you've been wonderful with me this paste few days
  16. hope you like it it is suppose to be when the wizard its about to give the brain, to the scarecrow, the heart to the tin man and the corage award to the cowardly lion
  17. ok dont worry hun... i dont have enough 999`s.. i think i will have to pass on thins one im so sorry but thanks fro taking the time to respondo see you soon
  18. you are so right... and that person seemed like a very nice guy, so i dont want to distrust, we made a very a nice safe trade before... i guess we just have to have more careful and never click on any unknown i hope this never happens to you. thanks for the advice and stay alert for any new viruses, set your private settings and take good security measures
  19. thankyou for the info mylady... it sounds quite dangerous... we have to be more careful every day. responding to your question... i have suspicions of who'd might have been, but i'm not sure and dont want to mistakenly accuse anybody. but it could've been a PSFC member i recently added that gave me link with a strange page on it and when i clicked it a pop up window showed asking for permition to acces my pc. obviously i canceled it, but later on i was asked to log back into my hotmail account... and that was when i knew something was going wrong. so i immediately begun to make changes on my FB settings, password and emails acc's, ran virus and spyware scans that Lisa kindly recommended on a thread and found a couple of them. note: it wasnt the first time i clicked on strange links so i can't know for sure who was it
  20. Good for you myladyyawo. only we can take care of oursleves coz FB and hotmail doesnt give a **** for this kind of stuff. i have one question what does location tracking on status updates means? is that something we must be aware off?
  21. Fortunately i didn't loose my FB acc coz i changed the email to access just in time... so my FB and PS is safe thank God. the only thing i lost was my hotmail address thanks for caring
  22. thank you bunnyfuzzyness... i'll be sure to be more careful now
  23. that is the same that i think... PS is only a game.. its nice to like it and be addicted to it but there are some limits... hack acc's to steel virtual stuff its just insane all i can say to you is to take good security measures and like Lucky Strike said make a different FB acc to store items just in case... I really hope this never happens to you
  24. wow thanks, that is really good advice.. honestly i hadn't thought about that.. but now i will do as you say.. thank you for your nice words... furtunately i didn`t have any important info on that address.. just personal emails and a large contact list..im working on sending everyone I can remeber a notification so they know that if they recieve any email from that acc they'll know it isnt me. thank good i changed my FB access acc in time thankyou so much lucky you can imagine how i feel
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